Archived Visit tomorrow

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Glorified Towel Folder
Jun 16, 2017
I am on lunch. Still have a lot of backstock for my area, and we have to zone everything as well as possible in our area. On a good day I'd be able to have my area zoned and backstocked at the pace I'm currently at by an hour before closed... but my TL asked me to pull all of our research and EXF batches... we have like 12 total left.

Don't know how many much are in each of them and some are furniture. Told the LOD the situation and they told me to leave the research and EXF batches for tomorrow and she'll put it in the closing email.

Should I be worried about leaving those undone considering the visit tomorrow?

Sorry if I'm not using typical terminology.
I wouldn't sweat it too much. You covered your ass by communicating with your TL, not much you can do right now. Besides in my experience with visits there's a lot of sweeping things under the rug and pretending it works, not that the visitors tend to look too closely anyways.

I guess tomorrow just do your best to be productive.
Everyone freaks out during visits. As long as your store has the basics cleaned and done your store is good. They expect you to be working when they visit.
We have a visit tomorrow - 4 big wigs.

I'm off!
No. Don't be worried. You can check how big they are on the zebra. Although its best to make time for that. When it seems there is not enough time, trust me is illusory, there is time.
The head of the states labor dept is going to be visiting today.
I will be doing my best to keep my mouth shut.

Oh I would practically pee myself if I had to keep my mouth shut. As it is, the o/n TLs consistently have to work on their lunches and breaks and have even (no exaggeration) previously been asked to skip their lunch and keep working "we'll make a punch correction later". Two absolutely refused and another was all "sure! no prob boss! I'm here to make YOU look good! Can I get you a Vitamin Water? Can I polish your shoes? Here ... your hair is a little out of place ...."

Meanwhile on Dayside: *over the walkie* "This is TL-John Doe. I'm taking my 30 minutes." *walkie shuts off. TL walks to the breakroom. TL dons headphones. TL eats uninterrupted*

We had our visit from our new DTL and the sidekicks a few days ago. Nice chap - has been with Spot for ages. Made sure to say howdie to even the TMs. Their leftover food was still in the conference room / break area as of last night complete with fruit flies. Nyyyce.
Sounds like a flow TL I use to work with. I swear the man worked more hours off the clock then he did on the clock because I'm pretty sure he wasn't allowed overtime. I could have sworn he was salary even though he was hourly based on the time he stayed because he would show up before I did and was still there when I finished my 8 hours. Eventually he got burned out and left the company but it took years.
Visit before: call evrey person that you can to do the job...
Visit now: more things to do plus your workload...
Everyone becomes fake when a visit is coming. All of a sudden every Executive starts working extremely hard lol. After the visit, you're screwed because you went over payroll. Also the execs run back to their office.
Everyone becomes fake when a visit is coming. All of a sudden every Executive starts working extremely hard lol. After the visit, you're screwed because you went over payroll. Also the execs run back to their office.

Errrmerrgerrd, you work at my store!

Yeah, the visits are always pretty straightforward. They want to see a neat, tidy and efficient operation as they walk through but they're not going to micromanage. Later, they have a bite to eat as they discuss business matters. Then it's all hugs and kisses and bye-for-now! and the ETLs ripping off those horrid Spot-red blazers. Then they cut hours to make up for the tons of extra super-zoning, etc.
Sounds like a flow TL I use to work with. I swear the man worked more hours off the clock then he did on the clock because I'm pretty sure he wasn't allowed overtime. I could have sworn he was salary even though he was hourly based on the time he stayed because he would show up before I did and was still there when I finished my 8 hours. Eventually he got burned out and left the company but it took years.
My BRTL is like that. When he first got here, he would always come in 30+ minutes early (but still clock in on time) and work through his lunches. It was common knowledge and eventually the DTL found out and put a stop to it for a while. But with this E2E stuff he has been racking up hours of projected OT and then "cuts" it all by the end of the week by working an entire shift off the clock.
Anyone who works OTJ for free is a _________ .

fill in the blank
My BRTL is like that. When he first got here, he would always come in 30+ minutes early (but still clock in on time) and work through his lunches. It was common knowledge and eventually the DTL found out and put a stop to it for a while. But with this E2E stuff he has been racking up hours of projected OT and then "cuts" it all by the end of the week by working an entire shift off the clock.

Yeah no. I would be calling the state over that shit. Oh hell no.
That bothers me. Why let them think the job can be done in 40 hours when it can't.
Yep. If I'm ever asked why he gets so much more done than me, I'll be sure to mention that. But the STL knows better than to ask questions she doesn't want the answer to.

Even though he works so much, he isn't very efficient or have the ability to prioritize, so it's not like he's getting tons of work done.
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