Archived VM Struggles

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Sep 28, 2017
I’ve been struggling a lot with my position at Target. Mainly the level of respect I don’t get. The entire team treats me like I’m a garbage can. I even had a team member smack me. Like physically hit me.

My ETLs and TLs make it a point to let me know that I’m “technically” still a leader in the store. They say that I’m at the same level as our PMT. But here’s the thing, they only act like it when it’s convenient for them. When they don’t want to lead the team, they make me do it. I’m not allowed to go to leader meetings or be involved in plans, and yet I’m expected to know everything the leaders know?

Another thing that bugs me is my scheduling. The TLs in my store that aren’t LODs never work past 4. EVER. Nor do they work weekends. I work 10-6:30 every day with every other weekend off and when I questioned this, I was told I was supposed to be floor coverage and that’s why I can’t work like a 7-3:30 shift
.......the VM is supposed to be floor coverage and push pulls and zone.....I’m sorry but taking me away from my actual workload to do that seems a little bit ridiculous to me.

I don’t even know how to deal with this. I’ve talked until I’m blue in the face. I have ZERO work/life balance and I’m miserable. Oh and I have extremely bad anxiety and depression and they just like to laugh at me instead of be even the slightest bit helpful. I know I probably sound like a brat, but I’ve never been at a job where I’ve been treated so poorly.
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I’ve been struggling a lot with my position at Target. Mainly the level of respect I don’t get. The entire team treats me like I’m a garbage can. I even had a team member smack me. Like physically hit me.

My ETLs and TLs make it a point to let me know that I’m “technically” still a leader in the store. They say that I’m at the same level as our PMT. But here’s the thing, they only act like it when it’s convenient for them. When they don’t want to lead the team, they make me do it. I’m not allowed to go to leader meetings or be involved in plans, and yet I’m expected to know everything the leaders know?

Another thing that bugs me is my scheduling. The TLs in my store that aren’t LODs never work past 4. EVER. Nor do they work weekends. I work 10-6:30 every day with every other weekend off and when I questioned this, I was told I was supposed to be floor coverage and that’s why I can’t work like a 7-3:30 shift
.......the VM is supposed to be floor coverage and push pulls and zone.....I’m sorry but taking me away from my actual workload to do that seems a little bit ridiculous to me.

I don’t even know how to deal with this. I’ve talked until I’m blue in the face. I have ZERO work/life balance and I’m miserable. Oh and I have extremely bad anxiety and depression and they just like to laugh at me instead of be even the slightest bit helpful. I know I probably sound like a brat, but I’ve never been at a job where I’ve been treated so poorly.
I’m no Visual Merch, but I can understand how it feels to voice your concerns and not be heard. Funny thing is when you DON’T do something out of your normal workload, you’re viewed as insubordinate. 🙄
Our position, and the way we are "perceived" is very different at each store (ASANTS)...... I am very fortunate that my STL is a believer of the VM role.

Yes.... I am "expected" to lead the A&A Team when the A&A TL is not scheduled. I'd actually prefer it that way.... simply because I need to "share" the Team to help get our workload accomplished regularly. I feel very respected by the A&A Team... there would be no "smacking/hitting". (Please tell me you took that matter to HR immediately.)
I'm scheduled early.... to "prep" the floor for incoming deliveries; VMGs; Trend Run POGs; etc. If I think my workload needs adjusting, sometimes I come in at 4am. It is "crystal clear" that the VM is NOT coverage. That's why we are not included in the schedule payroll for A&A. We are our own workcenter (like the PMT). I do work every other weekend.... again, I lead the Team on those weekends.

It's very hard to compare the Target VM role w/ other "Visual" positions at other companies. We are still in our "infancy" at Target. Trust me, it wasn't all wine and roses when I first started..... but I developed "true" partnerships w/ all that I came in contact with. And now.... I feel very appreciated at my store; very well respected by both Leadership and Teams. There's a lot of info on Workbench describing our roles and responsibilities; maybe that will help?
Don’t get me wrong, I have NO problem helping the team. I do it often. Probably too often, as people like to dump their workload on me. The issue is that I’m not expected to visually merchandise the store, I’m expected to be a sales floor team member......which is not what I was hired for.
Our position, and the way we are "perceived" is very different at each store (ASANTS)...... I am very fortunate that my STL is a believer of the VM role.

Yes.... I am "expected" to lead the A&A Team when the A&A TL is not scheduled. I'd actually prefer it that way.... simply because I need to "share" the Team to help get our workload accomplished regularly. I feel very respected by the A&A Team... there would be no "smacking/hitting". (Please tell me you took that matter to HR immediately.)
I'm scheduled early.... to "prep" the floor for incoming deliveries; VMGs; Trend Run POGs; etc. If I think my workload needs adjusting, sometimes I come in at 4am. It is "crystal clear" that the VM is NOT coverage. That's why we are not included in the schedule payroll for A&A. We are our own workcenter (like the PMT). I do work every other weekend.... again, I lead the Team on those weekends.

It's very hard to compare the Target VM role w/ other "Visual" positions at other companies. We are still in our "infancy" at Target. Trust me, it wasn't all wine and roses when I first started..... but I developed "true" partnerships w/ all that I came in contact with. And now.... I feel very appreciated at my store; very well respected by both Leadership and Teams. There's a lot of info on Workbench describing our roles and responsibilities; maybe that will help?

I don’t think they understand how challenging it can be to merchandise and do workload during the busiest hours of the store. They wouldn’t even let me come in early to set H&H so it didn’t get done for days because I just couldn’t do it. The softlines team lead is not great and talks crap about me to the team. They change EVERYTHING I do when I’m off just to be spiteful and I spend my next shift back fixing everything. I’m so close to just walking out and never coming back.
I don’t think they understand how challenging it can be to merchandise and do workload during the busiest hours of the store. They wouldn’t even let me come in early to set H&H so it didn’t get done for days because I just couldn’t do it. The softlines team lead is not great and talks crap about me to the team. They change EVERYTHING I do when I’m off just to be spiteful and I spend my next shift back fixing everything. I’m so close to just walking out and never coming back.

It sounds like you need the support of your ETL and STL. Maybe it's as simple as developing a form documenting ALL the tasks you'd like to accomplish each week; Mon- Men's VMG and mannequins; Tues Umbro merchandising and mannequins; Wed P62, and throw pillow wall, etc, etc. Maybe ask for a quick status at the end of each day "showing" your ETL or STL what you completed. Then on Friday, email a recap to the Leadership Team. This might get you an "invite" to planning meetings; knowing that you are doing your best to keep the workload "green" by sticking to a timeline. (also... a weekly email to ALL might keep the A&A TL from changing what you've already done. Accountability. There's a LOT of other things that she SHOULD be doing w/ her time.)
A lot of your concerns are kind of typical of VMs at first..... but it does get better.
It sounds like you need the support of your ETL and STL. Maybe it's as simple as developing a form documenting ALL the tasks you'd like to accomplish each week; Mon- Men's VMG and mannequins; Tues Umbro merchandising and mannequins; Wed P62, and throw pillow wall, etc, etc. Maybe ask for a quick status at the end of each day "showing" your ETL or STL what you completed. Then on Friday, email a recap to the Leadership Team. This might get you an "invite" to planning meetings; knowing that you are doing your best to keep the workload "green" by sticking to a timeline. (also... a weekly email to ALL might keep the A&A TL from changing what you've already done. Accountability. There's a LOT of other things that she SHOULD be doing w/ her time.)
A lot of your concerns are kind of typical of VMs at first..... but it does get better.
I’ve been here for nine months and it just keeps getting worse. The former VM is now our HR and she is no help at all. They never treated her like this. Maybe I’ll write down all my concerns and have a very long meeting with my STL and ETL one more time and try to make it work. I really love what I do, just not where I do it.
I’ve been here for nine months and it just keeps getting worse. The former VM is now our HR and she is no help at all. They never treated her like this. Maybe I’ll write down all my concerns and have a very long meeting with my STL and ETL one more time and try to make it work. I really love what I do, just not where I do it.

Vm at Target is unlikely to return to what it was when you started. If you struggle with that it may be a good idea to dust off the resume and find a job that is what you are looking for.

The scheduling part you have to remember you're a team member again. I know a lot of team members who wish they could be off at 630 and not get their hours cut.

Our vmtm has a closing night weekly and a closing weekend (shrugs)
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