Archived Wage increases to $15 hour!!

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$11.47 after 7 years as A/A ... so I’ll make the same as new TM !!!
FML ....

That's so shitty. There's plenty of jobs around here for $17 an hour like warehouse jobs, yearly raises, easily capped after a few years. I love working at Target but if I require more financial security, I'm gonna have to switch. I don't have to pay any rent or anything as of right now, but I assume sometime in the next year or so I will be moving out, and then I'll have to switch over to a new job that offers full time + over time, weekends off, holiday pay or time off. My dad manages pricing and manufacturing in a really great meat company that I'd love to work for and see if I can't work up the ranks there.

EDIT: It'd be a bad idea to try to manage anything there because father/son conflict of interest. At least it'd be bad to manage at his level... but he makes $100,000 a year there so I'd never be anywhere in his league. He may make 6-digits, but almost half of his checks go towards having no healthcare and previous unpayed bills, credit card debt, car loan debt, house debt(we had to foreclose a house because we moved, no one bought our old house, we stopped paying it and fucked us), college loans/student loan debt etc. He pays a shit ton off in loans along side $1,600 in current mortgage, plus all utilities, groceries etc(we're a family of five with a dog)
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They can "expect" all they want, but the reality is not every market TM is capable of doing the order correctly, let alone keeping the p-fresh area fresh and full.

Also, they don't take initiative in doing research or even salesplanners. In my store, only me, the other FA and TL do salesplanners, even though every market TM should be doing it too.
target writes the paygrades based on their perfect world, not reality. The jobs that should go away in e2e that were specialty are all now bottom tier. My guess is to dissuade stores from hiring them instead of training the correct tm to do their full jobs. Sometime soon e2e will reach a critical point
So I will start to see the same pay in the next two weeks. I’ve been here 4 years and 9 months and only making 12.01. That will be no raise for me just kinda sucks only making 51 cents more than a starting Food Assistant after so many years of hard work.
Our HRTL says sometimes in October, so I expect to see it on the next pay-period.
2020 $15hr is just a promise?
They went to the trouble of putting out a press release about it and at some point in the next few months they are going to need to tell the shareholders how much it's expected to cost. The bad PR from backing down would be insane.

It's all but guaranteed to go forward unless the shareholders revolt and push Cornell out.
Well it couldn't come about at a better time. Going into 4th qtr with people standing in line begging to work at Spot. 🙄 Then we announce an increase to $11 min hourly wage that most of us will never benefit from. This was well thought out plan by Minneapolis.

Well if E2E did not run enough Team Members off, this surely will.
So I will start to see the same pay in the next two weeks. I’ve been here 4 years and 9 months and only making 12.01. That will be no raise for me just kinda sucks only making 51 cents more than a starting Food Assistant after so many years of hard work.

Don't feel bad....I've been with Spot for a lot longer and I still don't make $11.00.
Evidently I'm just an OK worker....otherwise I'd be getting more than I do. Kind of sucks to enjoy what you do and not get paid very well.
Don't feel bad....I've been with Spot for a lot longer and I still don't make $11.00.
Evidently I'm just an OK worker....otherwise I'd be getting more than I do. Kind of sucks to enjoy what you do and not get paid very well.
You enjoy working at Target? Why
I'm one of those who neither likes nor dislikes it at Target. Merely tolerates.
Happy to hear my baristas will be getting bumped to $12.25. 🙂
You enjoy working at Target? Why

I don't just enjoy my job, I love what I do. As a cashier I get to see lots of people every single day. The vast majority of my guests are nice and friendly. I love the interaction I have with these people and in the few moments that I have with my guests I can make some kind of a difference. I try to make them smile or leave my line with a little better feeling than when they came to check out.
I love having guests tell me that they enjoy coming to my line because I am always smiling and that I am friendly.
I like knowing that some of my guests come to my line because they like me and enjoy having me check them out. Also, over the years, I have come to know some guests just a bit more than the average guest.
I like talking to the people and I love feeling good about going to work every day.

I work on the sales floor and sometimes I help unload and zone on truck days....these days are nice, but I love to cashier.

I know, many people don't like their jobs and many people hate to go to work every single day. I am blessed because I enjoy going to do my job and I enjoy the people that I work with.

I can't say that I like or enjoy everything, but most of the time I do enjoy it.

There are things about Target and some of the TMs and leadership that I don't like....but I am happy there more times than I am unhappy.

My philosophy of work has two parts to it.......1) love what you do and 2) get paid well for what you do. Some people (my sister is one of them) love what they do and get paid well. Most people don't get both. So to get one of these things right is important to me. I know that I don't get paid well (this is an understatement) but I do love what I do.

I would be happy with what I got paid if I could get maybe $2.00 more an hour and get close to 40 hours of work every week. It wouldn't take a lot to make me love both things, but I really doubt that the pay part will ever happen.

I've been in work situations that have been very toxic to time my depression was so bad that I was hospitalized for trying to kill myself. After that experience (and after getting my depression under control) I vowed to myself that I would never allow my work place to be so toxic again. My health is most, while I don't get paid well, the enjoyment of what I do is more than enough to keep me happy.

I will also say that there have been times at Target when I was looking for other options because my environment has been toxic, but the situations have resolved themselves and I remain at Target. I do stop to think about how important the money aspect of life will be and I hope and pray that when I no longer have my parents with me that I will be able to afford the house that we now live in.....I'm not sure about the affordability of the house, so I have to decide what my priorities will be. I am unsure about being able to pay the bills when I am alone and this is one thing that I struggle with on a regular basis. If I go elsewhere to get paid better, will I like what I do? I'm wondering if the being paid well will make the difference if I don't like what I do. As you can see, I struggle with Target.

I may sound a bit "pollyanna-ish" but loving what I do is very important to me.

I didn't intend to write so much, but I think that it is important for people to understand the "why" part of working at Target.
I love this! I am in a similar position. I came from working in corporate marketing career that was so stressful and toxic that I also became very ill. Started as seasonal just to work through the holidays and I love my job. Sometimes I feel like its not okay to "just" work at Target but the idea of going back to the 9-5 grind causes me excessive anxiety!
I wish more people really enjoyed their jobs - I have a least one cashier shift every two weeks or so and I don't know how you do it!! I think the cashier position is the most difficult job in the entire hat is off to you dear..
Question - do we just get bumped to 11 or do we take any raises we got with us?...(say you are making 10.16 do you now make 11.16?)
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