Archived Watching everyone trying to pull/backstock their own stuff is hilarious

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BR TM’s , just like any TM’s Or any other position are not born in to the position. They are not born with a LPDA with the RF app running.
Unfortunately, I think the people at HQ think that they are. At my store we don't get the hours to properly train new TMs. I and another seasoned TM came across two new Flow TMs who had absolutely no idea how to locate items on the shelf. We quickly told and showed them how to read the smart schematic on the pick label and how to use it to locate where it goes on the shelf in the aisle. And, this was there second or third day on the job. I don't mind helping a new TM but I don't have the time to properly train them, interact with all guests to increase sales, and get all of my assigned tasks completed. If HQ cared, we would have a training program like we had in the past.
Because when they asked me I asked if there was a pay raise. They said no, so I said no.

They asked you, did they?
No. Not only can I not keep track of the infux of tms that attempt to do backroom, with things like flexes and guest pulls, I'm already spending half my shift on the floor, and another 2/3 hours pulling cafs, price change, research and the like.

Today I told my brtl that whoever backstocked pillows into BEDS didn't even locate them, he shrugged, and said okay and walked on.

If he, the other TLs, and etls don't care, why should I? I'm not even a trainer.

I mean it is irritating seeing asile I've personally fixed for inventory and the like go to shit but oh well
Just try. All if what you described you do, points to a great team member. With leadership qualities. I know its hard but you can do it. (And no, thats not what she said)
No. Not only can I not keep track of the infux of tms that attempt to do backroom, with things like flexes and guest pulls, I'm already spending half my shift on the floor, and another 2/3 hours pulling cafs, price change, research and the like.

Today I told my brtl that whoever backstocked pillows into BEDS didn't even locate them, he shrugged, and said okay and walked on.

If he, the other TLs, and etls don't care, why should I? I'm not even a trainer.

I mean it is irritating seeing asile I've personally fixed for inventory and the like go to shit but oh well
Good job. Keep up the good work. You seem to have great potential and leadership qualities.
I see both sides while some new people have a bad attitude and don't want to be told anything fine let them fail but if a new tm genuinely wants to know don't be a dick.

We have an old backroom tm. One of our softlines tms kindly asked him a question on backstocking (she's 17) he scoffed and told her to figure it out.

Jokes on you sir she's going to make more work for you later.
Good job. Keep up the good work. You seem to have great potential and leadership qualities.
I don't know if this is sarcasm but I don't want to be leader here. I just show up, do my job and leave. Nothing more, nothing less.
I don't know if this is sarcasm but I don't want to be leader here. I just show up, do my job and leave. Nothing more, nothing less.
Its not sarcasm. Its heart felt. I feel like alot of us at the spot go unrecognized. We should , from time to time recognize each other.
You actually can do something to help. BR TM’s , just like any TM’s Or any other position are not born in to the position. They are not born with a LPDA with the RF app running. BR TM’s are trained for what they do, people learn when they are trained. Give these newbies a chance. Train and teach them. Use every mistake as a “learning moment”. Help them. Do it as a favor. Do it cause its the right thing to do. please don’t ridicule them.
Thank you.

Nicely said, CTLGR8 !!! 🙂
Whenever you can please help them. Thank you.
you do realize that we are told not to help Market, right? that when we try we are told not to and to let them handle their own because they own the process??!?! you did read that, right?

why are we going to risk getting in trouble to help a team we are told not to? why are we going to help a team that continually does a crap job and every time we attempt to give them the knowledge they need to be successful they ignore it?

and that my friends is how you end up with ~1,000 boxes of Mac & Cheese in the backroom, not located. which is all okay because they had company ~700 lunchables thankfully in the right cooler. why ~700 because no one wanted to fix the multiple locations there were on the sales floor so they could get them out to the floor. Shall I continue? there is so much more.

when we stand there an tell leadership these things, show them the pictures, reports and logs of all the things Market and SoftLines are doing horribly wrong and they do nothing but tell us to mind our own business what do you think we are going to do? I tell you what we are doing we are watching the world burn and roasting marshmallows over the coals.

if the corporate drones that watch this site could be useful for a change that would be nice.

bitter you bet. tired and frustrated over a failed system yes. frustrated at seeing the hard work we all put in over the years gets ruined by random zebra carrying TM's wander the backroom thinking they know what they are doing, giving us dirty looks when we try to help.

yeah that happened is happening and will continue to happen.
expect more pay less.
I'm a little bitter that certain areas of the store are ALWAYS staffed. and get a good amount of hours. and those areas still look terrible - or their BR is a mess - or they don't answer walkies or fast service calls.

Some of us are perpetually understaffed, but hold up our areas by busting ass every day.
you do realize that we are told not to help Market, right? that when we try we are told not to and to let them handle their own because they own the process??!?! you did read that, right?

why are we going to risk getting in trouble to help a team we are told not to? why are we going to help a team that continually does a crap job and every time we attempt to give them the knowledge they need to be successful they ignore it?

and that my friends is how you end up with ~1,000 boxes of Mac & Cheese in the backroom, not located. which is all okay because they had company ~700 lunchables thankfully in the right cooler. why ~700 because no one wanted to fix the multiple locations there were on the sales floor so they could get them out to the floor. Shall I continue? there is so much more.

when we stand there an tell leadership these things, show them the pictures, reports and logs of all the things Market and SoftLines are doing horribly wrong and they do nothing but tell us to mind our own business what do you think we are going to do? I tell you what we are doing we are watching the world burn and roasting marshmallows over the coals.

if the corporate drones that watch this site could be useful for a change that would be nice.

bitter you bet. tired and frustrated over a failed system yes. frustrated at seeing the hard work we all put in over the years gets ruined by random zebra carrying TM's wander the backroom thinking they know what they are doing, giving us dirty looks when we try to help.

yeah that happened is happening and will continue to happen.
expect more pay less.
You are told not to help market? Ok dont help market, explain and teach market TMs backroom process. Then you wont have to help them like our overlords wish. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him how to fish , and he’ll eat every day. Now, I know that BR positions are going away with end to end. Its a scary prospect for BRTM’s. It’ll become harder to get hours and be relevant. I suggest you cross training into carts. I mean they’ll always need carts. Most other work centers tend to not want BRTM’s because of their weak and lazy work ethic.
You are told not to help market? Ok dont help market, explain and teach market TMs backroom process. Then you wont have to help them like our overlords wish. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him how to fish , and he’ll eat every day. Now, I know that BR positions are going away with end to end. Its a scary prospect for BRTM’s. It’ll become harder to get hours and be relevant. I suggest you cross training into carts. I mean they’ll always need carts. Most other work centers tend to not want BRTM’s because of their weak and lazy work ethic.
I'm a little bitter that certain areas of the store are ALWAYS staffed. and get a good amount of hours. and those areas still look terrible - or their BR is a mess - or they don't answer walkies or fast service calls.

Some of us are perpetually understaffed, but hold up our areas by busting ass every day.

Yeah with end to end hardlines, backroom have suffered while market and apparel team members generally don't struggle for hours. That's why I think some of our backroom tms are making softlines do their own stuff.

To see some 18 year old get 38 hours when you scrap for your 20 and they want you to pull her batches and backstock what's left over.
The backroom is a place where you need to set rules as a TM. It cant all be on the BRTL. New BRTMs need to understand these rules, become the alpha dog and dont let stupid shit happen if it bothers ya. I slowly installed myself as a pack leader in the stockroom. Sounds strange but you gotta think with your animal brain kimosabi
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Our brtl doesn't care. With everyone using my devices you can't pin point anything, there's bleach in the snack aisle, elections put switches in the sports and toys aisle

Normally I just get annoyed at mislocated product, but putting chemicals with food has, and will always, make me livid. I aggressively inform the TL when I see anything like that shit going on. Sadly, there probably isn't much else that you can do.
You are told not to help market? Ok dont help market, explain and teach market TMs backroom process. Then you wont have to help them like our overlords wish. Give a man a fish and he eats for a day, teach him how to fish , and he’ll eat every day. Now, I know that BR positions are going away with end to end. Its a scary prospect for BRTM’s. It’ll become harder to get hours and be relevant. I suggest you cross training into carts. I mean they’ll always need carts. Most other work centers tend to not want BRTM’s because of their weak and lazy work ethic.

You don't know what the fuck you're talking about
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