What’s the procedure when you’re going to be terminated as in your last day of work when they call you to the office to let you go?

Aug 23, 2014
How does this process go? Like you go in normal to your shift and then they call you to the office? (HR, ETL or STL office) and then what happens do they give you paperwork to sign or something?
I would think each situation is different. More involved if AP is involved. There are times they wait until DTL or HRBP is in the building.

if you’ve done something wrong you will find out - then you can tell us.
a final- better not do again whatever it was you did.
Supposedly not helping guests & not pushing fast enough
The op is on a final. I have seen folks let go at the end of their shift.
Supposedly not helping guests & not pushing fast enough
Did I miss something - how do you KNOW this ?
No, I did not. @CoquiAzul
Did I miss something - how do you KNOW this ?
After so many coachings and PDDs , and one CCA plus the fact that I feel like they’re treating me like trash , and also with hours cut. I’m reducing even more my availability M-F for sure at some point will quit. I don’t like this place anymore. I’m getting more hours at my vendor merchandiser job.
Stay calm, keep on coming to work when scheduled. Your review will tell you on how you are doing.

Sorry I’m a little bit paranoid. I just don’t feel emotionally stable at work, a lot of anxiety goes through thinking what they’re going PDD next about (usually very little unimportant things). I regret calling the hotline when I did because ever since that it’s when they’ve retaliating finding excuses to coach me.
Sorry I’m a little bit paranoid. I just don’t feel emotionally stable at work, a lot of anxiety goes through thinking what they’re going PDD next about (usually very little unimportant things). I regret calling the hotline when I did because ever since that it’s when they’ve retaliating finding excuses to coach me.
Hotline is bad thing. Spot maybe watching you. Give them no chance to take you down. You can win, keep on trying.
Hotline is bad thing. Spot maybe watching you. Give them no chance to take you down. You can win, keep on trying.
The thing is that when I reported the hotline, there was a huge investigation in my store. People from corporate contacted me and then eventually they came to the store and they found a lot of stuff as evidence that I was right. They found inconsistencies in schedules, favoritisms and a lot more. The STL and ETL had fix all those problems because corporate was really pissed at them (both still work there), it was a bad situation for them as I exposed them.

Months later after this my hell started. I don’t know how to defend myself anymore.
From what I‘ve read:
1. Your leadership wants you to do things their way
2. You don’t like that way
3. instead of trying/improving you ran away on an LOA
4. You are now back hoping things are different - without changing anything

Keep in mind: Some leadership coach to have a paper trail to fire tm’s. However, some leaders coach for improvement to retain tm’s.
The final result is the same - After the coaching it is up to the tm to improve or be performance out.
Rather than be paranoid use that energy to do as told. You do know that you are causing the anxiety by not dealing with the root issue, right ?

since you called the hotline there may be ever more pressure for leadership to show that they TRIED to help you IMPROVE (with a paper trail of coaching designed to HELP YOU understand expectations) before YOU FORCED them to let you go for NOT improving !

Do you get that it is up to YOU how this plays out ? Play nice, be happy, follow the rules, deliver what is expected.
So...? What happens in that meeting?
First thing I Get the termination papers and you cash out . Once the tm comes in I stop him/her from clocking in ( normally I ask the hr to get them out of the system and that way they can’t even block in)take them to the interview room and explain to them that they are being fired either because of their attendance or performance. I give them their cash and open the door to let them out .
The thing is that when I reported the hotline, there was a huge investigation in my store. People from corporate contacted me and then eventually they came to the store and they found a lot of stuff as evidence that I was right. They found inconsistencies in schedules, favoritisms and a lot more. The STL and ETL had fix all those problems because corporate was really pissed at them (both still work there), it was a bad situation for them as I exposed them.

Months later after this my hell started. I don’t know how to defend myself anymore.
They found nothing that’s why they are still there

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