Archived What do you guys do with re-shop?

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Dr Laytex

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Jun 29, 2011

We hide ours in back.
The sorted carts are getting out fairly quickly. It's getting them to that point that is the issue. All morning I kept trying to sort carts, but only got about a minute to myself in between guests, so I wasn't getting too far. So the random ETLs would keep coming up and asking why the carts were still there, couldn't I get more sorted stuff carted up, etc. it was obnoxious. We'll get it back, and are trying to not get to the point where we shove them in back (we had to do that last year). But for now it's returns, returns, returns....
Ours just sit at the checklanes until either they get worked or a certain SrTL stages them on the floor. The ones that get staged on the floor obviously don't get worked and eventually find their way back to the checklanes and repeat the cycle.
Electrics/toys and softlines can be staged on the floor at our store, but when they do it for other areas ("we'll be doing midday zone there" or "they are zoning there, so put the cart there") it gets ignored, added to, and eventually brought back to guest services to be resorted.
From the last weekend before Christmas up to eve, we set up sorting in the BR. GSTMs would run full carts from the front & leave with a least 2 sorted carts to drop off in designated areas. The TM doing the sorting in the back would call out over the walkie which areas carts were headed to. Any stray from the floor was rounded up & taken to the back as well.
Last couple of yrs it was erratic but this yr every one was on the same page & it worked. If something was out on the floor, they would walkie the sorter to ask if they had come across the item. If so, a runner was dispatched. Best. Move. Ever.

We hide ours in back.

Brilliant idea!

Ours are at the checklanes. They get worked on throughout the day. If we have enough people doing CAFs, then we send some over to do reshop. On the very rare days that the CAFs for the hour are done, and the line is empty, everybody goes to reshop until the next hour's CAFs drop.

When closing, if I want to get out on time, I'll just hide my reshop cart in the far back of the store, on the air filter aisle that nobody goes on.

I hate how guest services sorts the carts. During fourth quarter, I try not to complain too much, but the rest of the year, it's a little frustrating to have to constantly be bringing back the few toys that go in infant hardlines because they aren't in the damn toy department. Or bringing back the One Spot stuff that gets sorted everywhere else. IT HAS A LITTLE TRIANGLE ON IT. IT GOES OVER IN THE ONE SPOT.

I love it when they try to one-up me by telling me it's toys, then searching on the computer to see what box it goes in, and it shows that yes, this item does in fact go in the One Spot, like I've said. >.>
We keep ours in the back post-Christmas as well. We have 15 in our BR as of tonight, plus whatever is at Guest Service. About average for us. Too bad we can't keep reshop in the compactor. And then never see it again.
Ours seems worse this year, but flow team has been helping out a lot. Not sure how well they're actually putting them away, but I guess that's better than having them in shopping carts.
our sorted carts go to the line.

Last night at close we set up sorting in front of the service desk and 5 us of stood there and sorted 12 unsorted carts in about 5 minutes. Worked great and the truck team worked on those when they were done with truck.
I don't typically work reshop but from my observation I'd say that at our store they are pretty consistent when working it - walk through any aisle with bins and distribute the small items into any bin, put very large items on clearance endcaps or an MPG aisle, all food goes into empty spots on any bottom shelf in dry market, hanging clothes are distributed throughout the racks, but behind what is usually hanging there and folded clothes go on the desk by the operator at the fitting room. Electronics and entertainment items are stored behind the boat and unknowns or items with pink "find DPCI" tags are sent to be backstocked. If the cart is not finished before a shift is completed, it is usually pushed to the end of a cosmetics aisle and left until someone realizes that it does not belong to a shopping guest. if there are too many carts, they can always be pushed to the line, transferred to a vehicle, and have a pull clip added. (Yes, I'm joking, but it's completely based in fact.) it would go better if the carts would remain sorted rather than combined in some weird effort to make it easier to push because there are fewer vehicles.
Our store has whomever is pushing CAFs do hardlines reshop once CAFs are complete. As for softlines, they are handled by whomever is sales floor on that side for the day and they're occasionally stuffed in our closet or hidden behind fixtures toward the back and sides of the FRO. 😛 When we have steady TMs on the floor and hours are up reshop is taken care of regularly and stays low but as soon as hours are cut it becomes a juggle between zone, CAFs, and reshop... with reshop usually on the losing end till they bring someone in specifically to deal with it.
They sort it at the checklanes and there's an area for sorted carts to go. Once a cart fills up, they start calling us on the walkie "team member in blue [or whatever area] you have reshop" or "all worlds you have reshop" and the longer it takes for us to come get it, the more annoying their voice gets on the walkie. When GS is crazy, ETLs/TLs will go up there, sort it and call us down. Team member in the area puts it back, and in SL it goes into the fitting room to be sorted further.
I work backroom day and i would be so pissed if they brought the reshop to the backroom. i would end up mixing all the carts and bringing them back up to guest service to be resorted.
We have a smaller store, and we seem to be doing this a little differently? Our re-shop is sorted in guest services as guests return items. The sales floor team members (about twice per shift) bring up re-shop that they find while zoning in their area, and collect their sorted re-shop. Stocking re-shop seems to fall entirely on the sales floor team members and sorting re-shop is the domain of guest services and sales floor as they bring up their found re-shop. It seems to work pretty well for us except on an odd day here and there.
We have a smaller store, and we seem to be doing this a little differently? Our re-shop is sorted in guest services as guests return items. The sales floor team members (about twice per shift) bring up re-shop that they find while zoning in their area, and collect their sorted re-shop. Stocking re-shop seems to fall entirely on the sales floor team members and sorting re-shop is the domain of guest services and sales floor as they bring up their found re-shop. It seems to work pretty well for us except on an odd day here and there.

I'm ULV, and this is what we do as well. But with non-stop returns and half of the store not in the right place, it overwhelms even our guest service at this time of year. But it will be okay in another week or so. I'm just glad to have a day off from the craziness.
The only time my store ever uses the backroom for re-shop is Black Friday weekend. Last year, I spent several hours of a shift hand-sorting hardlines re-shop inside our storage trailer.

I hate how guest services sorts the carts. During fourth quarter, I try not to complain too much, but the rest of the year, it's a little frustrating to have to constantly be bringing back the few toys that go in infant hardlines because they aren't in the damn toy department. Or bringing back the One Spot stuff that gets sorted everywhere else. IT HAS A LITTLE TRIANGLE ON IT. IT GOES OVER IN THE ONE SPOT.

If they would use Smart Sort like they're supposed to, they wouldn't get a whole bunch of crap returned to them.

We have a smaller store, and we seem to be doing this a little differently? Our re-shop is sorted in guest services as guests return items. The sales floor team members (about twice per shift) bring up re-shop that they find while zoning in their area, and collect their sorted re-shop. Stocking re-shop seems to fall entirely on the sales floor team members and sorting re-shop is the domain of guest services and sales floor as they bring up their found re-shop. It seems to work pretty well for us except on an odd day here and there.

That's actually the way it's supposed to work. This time of year, many stores are inundated with re-shop and are thus required to strategize.
The only time my store ever uses the backroom for re-shop is Black Friday weekend. Last year, I spent several hours of a shift hand-sorting hardlines re-shop inside our storage trailer.

I hate how guest services sorts the carts. During fourth quarter, I try not to complain too much, but the rest of the year, it's a little frustrating to have to constantly be bringing back the few toys that go in infant hardlines because they aren't in the damn toy department. Or bringing back the One Spot stuff that gets sorted everywhere else. IT HAS A LITTLE TRIANGLE ON IT. IT GOES OVER IN THE ONE SPOT.

If they would use Smart Sort like they're supposed to, they wouldn't get a whole bunch of crap returned to them.

That's actually the way it's supposed to work. This time of year, many stores are inundated with re-shop and are thus required to strategize.

Yeah, I know. Then they try to get smart with me and actually USE Smart Sort to try and prove me wrong. Go figure.
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