Archived What do you like/dislike about your ETLs?

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Nov 24, 2014
As a former TM who worked their way up to ETL what do you like and dislike about your ETLs? How close are you to your ETL's? Do they even go to the floor and help with pulls or are they in the office all day? Let's here it!
ohohoho, do you have several hours?

My biggest issue with my ETLs is their lack of physical work ethic. They will be there for 10 hours, but probably do 2 hours of of work throughout the day. I don't expect my STL to push reshop for four hours or super zone entire departments, but it's a morale killer when they just sit at TSC all day (or wander around in groups).
I'm an ETL in training and I'm always on the floor with the team. I can't say the same for my ETL and some Sr. TL peers besides Logistics and the STL. They wonder how I can get the team to perform better than they can.
My stl & etl's are always on floors, helping guests, setting sales planners, pushing cafs, to help generate sales for the store. Our sales are down & hours were cut again to save payroll.
The 2 things that stand out. 1) setting timelines for jobs they have never done. Ex. A Pog that the adjacency says will take 10 hours ... Say baby food. One which I have done many times. And usually takes near that time. Etl says, I need it done in 5 hours. Um ... No, I can't meet that goal.

2) in general, just not listening. I am the pog/signing tm. My etl-log asks me on my way out Friday, who from pog is here tomorrow? I say, I don't know. You'll have to look on the schedule. Without missing a beat, he starts naming people to me. Is Anna here tomorrow? Excuse me, didn't I just say I didn't know?
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2.) Is just a dumbass question. Why the hell would someone with myTime access ask someone w/o myTime access who's going to be in on a given day. It's just totally irrational.
To start with , I have had etl ask me before, who works in the backroom tomorrow? or they will go back there around noon and say hey whos coming in to do cafs....I usually reply, I am not sure and keep going. I also had a etl/ log who told us it was our responsibility to check the schedule for the next day to make sure there was backroom coverage.

The etls in in my building ( including stl) I am not sure where to even start. I will say that we have one etl, that should be an stl. In matter of fact truth be told he is the "go to" person for the stl. However, the etl (like so many) has unrealistic expectations and a major attitude problem. The other etls ( minus one srtl) seem to be clueless . The stl, don't get me started on him. How in the world he convinced someone to give him a store is far beyond me. He is petty, childish and seems to think he is Gods gift to the retail world.
My ETLS are all very active on the floor helping guests, helping TMs, jumping on the front lanes, and even filling in as cart attendant. What I don't like is that they seem to dread every minute of it and probably think that if we just pulled our weight more, then they wouldn't have so much to do. I just want to be like: "Hey, don't get mad at the TMs because you're overworked and underpaid. We're all in the same boat here. Get mad at corporate for refusing to let you hire enough people required to do the job."

As for how close I am with them, I made a whole thread about that. But to summarize, I keep it professional and just say hello. I don't extend beyond small talk. There are a few TMs (not many) who really seem to think the ETLs are their friends. At my store, that's just naive, as the ETLs are only truly friends with each other.
I have this one ETL who only talks to a select few TMs...and the rest of us are nothing to this person. Doesn't even talk to us. I just hate favoritism. Your an ETL..your suppose to lead all of us not just the ones you like!!
Oh...and I forgot...hardly ever see this ETL. Doesn't help with nothing!!!
General consensus is just be on the floor, listen, and be involved. Not going to lie though... I will always have a grid on me, of course, and I will ask TM's if they know who else is coming in(same day only, not tomorrow or next week). I do this to make sure that know who will be working with them in the same workcenter for game planning purposes. As a former TM I do know the feeling of appreciating when a leader hops in next to me. That is why I will hop into cafs, or help backstock with the BR, go to softlines and fold tables with the team, superzone the cd browser with my elec tm, etc.... I mean I can't do this everyday, but more often than probably usual for an ETL, just to let the TM's and their workcenters know that I am aware of the work they do for me and the store.
An ETL could never hop in and help for all I care. I just want them to think on a level and scope that sets the team up for success. That is their first job and needs to be completed. If that takes 50 hours of their work week to do (finding talented team members, writing great schedules, implementing great routines, constructing great plans), and they don't have time to push reshop then I am fine with it. The impact they can have on that level is greater than squeezing 20 hours of zone, reshop, and pulls into their week.
I wish the ETL's/STL knew how to do the jobs of the TM's they are managing. Having a boss who has absolutely no idea how to do your job is pretty ridiculous when they come to you with "suggestions" or god forbid I actually have a question about something and they don't know and don't offer to find out. I get that they can't know everything, but lately, most of them know pretty much nothing.

I also have much more respect for a boss who is willing to jump in and work elbow to elbow with TM's.
What about STLs? I have only worked under two STLs and they were opposites. What do you like/don't like?

For me, I like when they are real, down to earth and realistic. I also like the STLs that can keep their ETLs in line...

How about everyone else???
So, about 6 months ago we got a new STL because apparently our old one wasn't working properly. After that, almost all of our ETLs left and went to Macys, together. The new STL isn't too great of a guy, but he's a good worker. He is always on the floor, I often see him pushing in home or zoning checklanes. All of the ETLs are nice, but some more social than others.
What about STLs? I have only worked under two STLs and they were opposites. What do you like/don't like?

For me, I like when they are real, down to earth and realistic. I also like the STLs that can keep their ETLs in line...

How about everyone else???

I have had a few STL's. All of them had very different visions and paths on how to get there and one was better than the others but all had great personalities. All have been a pleasure to work for and I would work for them again. They also hopped in and got things done and connected with the team that way. There is also a mutual understanding though that an STL may need to be off stage, for calls and what not.

@Rock Lobster in my personal opinion an ETL should be able to communicate their plans/visions and inform their TL(s) of their own ETL routines. There are several chances to accomplish this to make sure progress is being made. WTV's, goal plans, pcci, monthly leadership statuses. There should be great follow-up at each level, STL-ETL, ETL-TL, TL-TM. As an ETL I love knowing all aspects of my work centers to be able to help problem solve for my TM's/TL's as nec. Again I have only been an ETL for a one role and for me this is what has made me successful to this point. To each their own.
At my store, that's just naive, as the ETLs are only truly friends with each other.
At my store, only male ETLs were friends. The women were Bs and talked shit about each other all the time.

Well they all appear to be friends at my store, but I wouldn't be surprised if some the female ETLs secretly hated each other. I can think of two ETLs in particular that are known to be very two faced. They look like they get along just fine... at least when people are watching.
most of the ETLs at my store are good people and know how to do their job and make the guests happy. only one lady ETL is a two faced bitch who should be fired. She is always sounding like she is PMSing.
I have this one ETL who only talks to a select few TMs...and the rest of us are nothing to this person. Doesn't even talk to us. I just hate favoritism. Your an ETL..your suppose to lead all of us not just the ones you like!!
Oh...and I forgot...hardly ever see this ETL. Doesn't help with nothing!!!
xxxxx 1000. couldn't had said it better myself
My thing is...if you are a leader ( be it tl. srtl, etl,. stl) then lead. In the old days ( w ith spot) leaders did just that . Now, they are too busy standing around gossiping about team members, bragging about cutting hours (if you want to brag about cutting hours...that's all well fine and good...but do it behind closed doors...have some tact) Because, if you are such a great leader to begin with you wouldn't need to belittle other people to make yourself look like a great leader . I also , don't like the fact that with Spot being a leader has become more of a social status within the building than an actual role/job.
OMG! You silly, little, whine crackers. Do you have ANY FREAKIN idea of the amount of stupid reports and paperwork that we are REQUIRED to submit EACH and EVERY day??!!!??? NO! You DON'T!!!!!! Just GET OVER IT!!!!!
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