Archived What does it take for an ETL to get dismissed/transferred?

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Mar 8, 2013
Just asking because we have had several incidents with one of our ETLs over the past month. He's been acting unprofessional towards team members, and another ETL as well. He's been reported to integrity and there has also been a call made to our DTL about him. I just hope it's handled appropriately as opposed to being swept under the rig, which is what I feel like will end up happening...
We had an ETL like that overnight. The TMs called the hotline, they fought with him, talked to HR and management, etc. It took quite a while to get rid of him. He ended up being transferred to another store. Just keep waiting and he should be gone in time. I'd imagine if he was keeping the scores up it might be harder to get rid of him though.
We had an ETL like that overnight. The TMs called the hotline, they fought with him, talked to HR and management, etc. It took quite a while to get rid of him. He ended up being transferred to another store. Just keep waiting and he should be gone in time. I'd imagine if he was keeping the scores up it might be harder to get rid of him though.

That's the problem. He's an asshole, but he's an efficient asshole. Doesn't help that he has our STL wrapped around his finger either...
How long have you all seen an STL be in a store? Ours is going on 5 years now- we used to be a green store, now we aren't. I'm wondering how long it's going to be before they do something about the person who is the obvious problem in our store.
How long have you all seen an STL be in a store? Ours is going on 5 years now- we used to be a green store, now we aren't. I'm wondering how long it's going to be before they do something about the person who is the obvious problem in our store.
I've seen STLs stay in stores for a long time (especially if they aren't interested or seen as someone that should be promoted to district level or other positions). On the other hand, if it's someone who is "high-potential" they may be moved to other assignments every 18 months or so.
Store opened it 2007. First STL lasted 2 1/2 years. Second, 6 months. Third, 1 1/2 years. Forth, still here.
How long have you all seen an STL be in a store? Ours is going on 5 years now- we used to be a green store, now we aren't. I'm wondering how long it's going to be before they do something about the person who is the obvious problem in our store.
Ours had been with our store since before we opened in 2006 and is still there mostly. They keep sending him to other stores to help out so he hasn't been there as much lately.
My first STL left several months after I was hired in late 2010. Her replacement has been there ever since.
Without drilling down to far to make it obvious where I am, well say In my area 6 ETL logisitics have been "let go". These are not new fresh out of college ETL's these are people that have been with company for 10+ years each. A couple of them have been fired on the spot after visits from the DTL's and Operations. Once for even telling their DTL off.
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