What has Target taught you?

I learned there actually are a few real and honest adults if I look hard enough. And that if I just do me and do a great job, I'll be golden. No one cares about cursing and clumsiness.

But most of all, I learned having a short commute and job that I love, which gets me in shape, makes up for not making six figures.
Target is quality over quantity. They care more about the image of the store, the isles, the shelves, the proper alignment of peghooks before finding a spot for overstock goods that sells. This is why Walmart is #1 cuz they put pallets of anything in the middle of the racetrack.
Target is quality over quantity. They care more about the image of the store, the isles, the shelves, the proper alignment of peghooks before finding a spot for overstock goods that sells. This is why Walmart is #1 cuz they put pallets of anything in the middle of the racetrack.
And they look like ass and they are not a pleasant shopping experience. Target is not that much more expensive than Walmart, and with our discount and Redcard we are even cheaper than Walmart on most things.
If I were to be honest:
  1. Learned how to manage time
  2. Dealing with pressure
  3. Thinking on my feet
  4. How to be a leader, or a better leader than my previous one
  1. Don't trust your Executive management, they barely know what they're doing
    1. That's why they have the Team Lead 😉
  2. Don't share your outside life with anybody at work, it will come back to bite you. Everyone protects themselves.
  3. The famous term of "Figure it out", a common phrase constantly heard by our DSD, SD, Operations Director, PMBP and just about any other position where you come to work in dress shoes and a tie.
Target has it's pros and cons, but it's gone downhill so badly with Modernization. I understand it varies from store to store, but everything feels so divided now. I used to be able to clock in and feel listened to, now it's just "Clock in and get X, Y and Z done, and if you don't, you better have a reason"
This is why Walmart is #1 cuz they put pallets of anything in the middle of the racetrack.
Never really dealt with Walmart before the pandemic (we don’t have one nearby),and I never expected to be singing their praises, but credit where credit is due, their online orders (and petsmart/Chewy‘s) kept food coming into my house while I was sheltering in place at the start of all this and Spot was out of practically everything I needed to order online or wouldn’t ship it here. Sad to say, and maybe it was only in my area, but if I had waited for Target.com to have necessities in stock, or available to ship to my zip code we would have all starved...🙁
If I were to be honest:
  1. Learned how to manage time
  2. Dealing with pressure
  3. Thinking on my feet
  4. How to be a leader, or a better leader than my previous one
  1. Don't trust your Executive management, they barely know what they're doing
    1. That's why they have the Team Lead 😉
  2. Don't share your outside life with anybody at work, it will come back to bite you. Everyone protects themselves.
  3. The famous term of "Figure it out", a common phrase constantly heard by our DSD, SD, Operations Director, PMBP and just about any other position where you come to work in dress shoes and a tie.
Target has it's pros and cons, but it's gone downhill so badly with Modernization. I understand it varies from store to store, but everything feels so divided now. I used to be able to clock in and feel listened to, now it's just "Clock in and get X, Y and Z done, and if you don't, you better have a reason"
And they look like ass and they are not a pleasant shopping experience. Target is not that much more expensive than Walmart, and with our discount and Redcard we are even cheaper than Walmart on most things.
Nearly everything I look for at both stores, Walmart is far cheaper. Fat women's clothes, cell phone accessories, sporting goods items, furniture, computer accessories, luggage, it's far cheaper.
Nearly everything I look for at both stores, Walmart is far cheaper. Fat women's clothes, cell phone accessories, sporting goods items, furniture, computer accessories, luggage, it's far cheaper.
Depends on what you're buying. For things like food, toiletries and household cleaners, we are very competitive, and much cheaper than the grocery stores and drugstores. For home decor, Target's brands are much nicer IMO.

Last time I bought clothes from Walmart I broke out in hives, I'm assuming from the dye in the red T shirts I bought for work. Hard pass there, lol.
When I started at Target I bought a small student's desk on sale. Regular price was like $20 more. Last year I upgraded with a desk bought from Walmart (yeah, that sounds horrid), an L shape with a hutch. The desk is almost as tall asn I am, I literally could curl up on the working surface with my pillow and blanket and not hang over, and the only reason my printer and laptop aren't on it is because both cats insist the L portion is theirs and they wont touch while napping. Regular price, and it was the exact same price as the regular price for the student desk.
1. a lot of people never grow up. i started at 18 and am still younger than most coworkers and my goodness, these grown people are still causing high school drama.

2. treating people with kindness goes a long way. i’m a big believer in never asking someone to do something i wouldn’t do (looking at my current management). it made my GSA shifts go a lot better. yes, i couldn’t write up and a few took advantage, but damn, i got people to work for me while many others couldn’t. just saying hi and thanks goes a LONG way.

3. you can do your best and people will still be unsatisfied. even if you do better than everyone else, someone will try to find a way to perfect it or critique you. unfortunately, people will take advantage of your hard work and continue to put more and more on you. some people will never be happy and it says more about them than you.
And they look like ass and they are not a pleasant shopping experience. Target is not that much more expensive than Walmart, and with our discount and Redcard we are even cheaper than Walmart on most things.

I despise shopping at Walmart. It makes me ill. Gray paint, wrong temperature, cash registers are louder, music I hate, crowded aisles, no zoning done, ug!
I spent many years working at Walmart. I can't stand to go in there. It doesn't matter which store. It is always a mess and the employees are often in a bad mood, if you can find an employee. There prices are cheap on somethings. The discount the necessities that bring a person in to the store, but other things are competitive. They also require vendors/suppliers to make a certain amount of product, in a certain time frame, and expect a certain markup. To meet walmart's demands, it's quality that is sacrificed. They also have worked very hard to squash their competition. Lots of small retailers went under when walmart came to town, because walmart would send people into the local pet store so that they could make sure walmart was selling their fish tank cheaper. Walmart is successful because they are ruthless and do not care about anyone besides the Waltons.

I've never felt stressed out shopping at Target. Well, no, I was always stressed about the bill LOL. But there are sooooo many things we do better than walmart.
Here the employees are a mixed bunch. There have been a few that have unleashed my inner Karen, but there's also been the super helpful employees - like the woman using a cane, I asked her to find someone to help me lift my future 92 pound desk into my cart and instead she rested her cane on my cart and helped me herself.

Problem with going elsewhere are the prices. The prices on the occasional to buy items are a lot less. I don't go into Walmart often because I only go when it's something that rarely needs replacing.
So I was thinking about this the other day. What have I learned or have become better at since working at Target? This is different from my other job but I’ve definitely been able to take skills I’ve learned from Target to that job.

One small example is when I first started at Target I wasn’t great at small talk with strangers. It was always awkward and weird and I’d say something stupid. This is one thing Target has taught me when dealing with guests.

The other thing is de-escalating a situation. When a guest is angry about something, I’ve learned how to diffuse the situation so, unless the guest is a real asshole, they leave in a better mood.

So my people skills have improved which has helped in other areas of my life.

What has Target taught you?
Don’t trust any of your coworkers unless you can based off actions and how they speak to you, Don’t expect management to help you for anything.

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