Archived What have you broken at Spot?

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Multiple yogurt cups, a doorway, almost broke an entire box of lightbulbs but I caught it somehow, couponers, a few TMs and a MyDevice but in my defense the MyDevice was on it's way out.
My TL a few years ago took out some of the metal shelving in bulk steel with the stacker dumping a pepsi pallet.. I heard there were some issues with the steel shelves not being locked in properly so some may not have been her fault. But the clean up took hours, at least I didn't have to deal with guests that day. Or during one remodel the crew took out a sprinkler pipe in bath.. I sat on a focal end cap with a pda and printer and two 50 gallon trash cans defecting towels that day.. I would empty one as I defected stuff and toss it in the other for it to go in the trash..
I mean just yesterday, I was pulling a half pallet of milk back to go on my meal and somehow caught the edge of one of those cardboard vendor bread displays, and pushed crates with milk gallons off the opposite corner. Broke 4 or 5 milk gallons and 2 TLs and the cart attendant helped me clean it up.

I've also broken: lightbulbs, yogurt cups, bottle of hot sauce (which completely missed me miraculously,) glass jam jar, broke a dressing bottle and smelled like a salad for the rest of my shift, bottle of detergent, a candle. I blew a fuse when I ran over an extension cord, that was plugged in, with a wave... Can't think of anything else.
A cheap $1 item from bullseyes playground. I am clumpsy, I am surprised I haven't broken more stuff lol.
My balls.

I've broken my balls at Spot!
I've broken some fastbacks before. Sometimes they've been stuck on the same peghooks for what seems like years and they're impossible to get off, even the proper way.
Oh geez, is this the thread for me. Well lets see.

First thing i ever broke was a christmas ornament, and i actually threw it away cause i wasnt sure what to do.

Multiple neuros while zoning a bent shelf dang caps shatter.
A set of glass jars from one spot.
A bag arm off one of the lanes(bag got tangled)
A ramekin set
A guests' resuable bag (seam ripped)
Multiple bra hangers
Plastic dress straps

Oh and my toe, but that was the guests fault .
I want to say my head due to a very unfortunate concussion but that's a whole other story...
There have been a few times where I've thrown a heavy object into the carts for C and D, only to hear the shatter of glass because I didn't know there was a picture frame in the cart.
Countless cheaply made seasonal items
I.........actually haven't broken anything.

I drop things. A lot. If you hear a loud ass THUD somewhere in the store followed by Mobile laughing (since she's always with me) I probably dropped something again. Nothing has ever broke :'3
When I was Hardlines, lots of seasonal garbage, some box cutters, one walkie, and the case for a myDevice. The walkie and myDevice happened at the same time. Slipped on something and boom.

As a TPS, seven spiderwraps (specifically breaking the dials that you turn to tighten them. I've snapped some of them from getting them tight. My motto is if you can't play bass on it, it's not tight enough), two camera brackets, and one pair of handcuffs.
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As a TPS, seven spiderwraps (specifically breaking the dials that you turn to tighten them. I've snapped some of them from getting them tight. My motto is if you can't play bass on it, it's not right enough), two camera brackets, and one pair of handcuffs.
Who'd you have in the office? Luke Cage?

I've broke countless spiderwraps before but it's usually because the cord rips out.
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