Archived What have you broken at Spot?

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About two months after we got our SCOs, I was closing them up and rapidly shoved the outside key into the keyhole, the carabiner swung onto the handle as I turned it and the key got stuck in the lock and bent at a ninety degree angle. That's probably my favorite but it didn't break.

I also had a habit of spinning tissue boxes and rectangles when I started cashiering. That changed when I spun a box of light bulbs.
Hitting the sprinkler with the crown is an honest mistake. But I love his reaction:

Oh shit, lemme get a ladder!
No, wait, lemme get a bigger ladder!
*climbs up*
Hmm yeah there's definitely water coming out.
Maybe I can bend it back into place and it totally won't keep leaking or get worse

All he needed to do was call the PMT...
My favorite thing about both videos is NO ONE does anything. Id be like LOD your gonna want to come back here.....
My favorite thing about both videos is NO ONE does anything. Id be like LOD your gonna want to come back here.....
There's a reason why these are on YouTube. Brain farts happen, but these guys made it worse by not immediately getting the LOD and fessing up. Sprinkler guy was definitely told not to come back...
There's a reason why these are on YouTube. Brain farts happen, but these guys made it worse by not immediately getting the LOD and fessing up. Sprinkler guy was definitely told not to come back...

Comments on youtube said crown guy blamed Spot for having the sprinklers low but negligence on his part for not watching what he was doing. Obviously fired.
One time the food ave/starbucks TL broke an entire pallet of wine that was supposed to be in the front of the store. It was a huuuge mess to clean up and we still all kind of make fun of her for it haha
When we were remodeling for pfresh years ago, we had temporary coolers. I was stocking the milk and the shelf collapsed which then caused the one below it to collapse. I had dozens of gallons of milk start sliding forward so I tried using my body to block them. Some hit the floor and broke splashing up all over me and some I did manage to save. I was standing in a lake of milk.

I called the LOD over on the walkie and when she got there and saw the mess and my woebegone expression, she burst out laughing which got me laughing too. After we mopped it all up, my tennis shoes squished for the rest of the shift.

Unfortunately it happened again a couple weeks later even though I was really careful. Thankfully only 1 gallon broke this time. Hated those damn temporary coolers.
Light bulbs
An overhead light under a bridge in receiving (not sure why there was a light there)
Bra hangers

Lamps, mugs, mirrors, (full) hanger bins, bottles/cans of various vendor beverages...plenty of stuff in my years.
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