Archived What is Target's weather policy?

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If there is a national weather alert on the news saying don't drive unless it's an emergency, and your scheduled for work at the time it's the worst, and you call out because (you don't drive) and have a ride that takes you to work but since it was dangerous and slippery on the roads, I didn't want to risk my life and the person that takes me to work.

what is the weather policy?

it was the only time i ever called out today.
I'm over 90 days.

Never late for work once, always extra early and work hard .

Can I get in trouble?
You're not going to get in trouble if you called in. We had a blizzard a couple of weeks ago and we had over 50 call ins for the day.
Yeah, I wouldn't worry too much, everyone is allowed a call in from time to time, and the weather is the easiest one for everyone to understand with no real explanation needed.
If it's not safe do not drive but do not expect Target to ever ever close during wintery months. I heard ( correct me if I am wrong here) since Target is stationed in Minn they will never close because they figure they can handle it so can you......The downside of having HQ in Minn they deal with snow all the time:wacko:
we had a girl call in due to a hurricane a few yrs back.she couldnt leave the house because her street was under four feet of water. but due to a act of laziness on the etls part it was never logged. she was put on corrective action and walked out a week later. messege that sent to the rest of us, walk if you have to but you better have your butt here if your scheduled. well spot, message received.
we had a girl call in due to a hurricane a few yrs back.she couldnt leave the house because her street was under four feet of water. but due to a act of laziness on the etls part it was never logged. she was put on corrective action and walked out a week later. messege that sent to the rest of us, walk if you have to but you better have your butt here if your scheduled. well spot, message received.

Store crisis hotline - weather closures, etc
800-888-0333 - enter your store or dc# for status.
Also, call your store too.

If you call that number Hardlines Master posted, you'll get a answering machine where you can leave a message. As long as you state your name, the reasoning behind why you can't get to work (Road Covered in Ice, Your car was destroyed by the storm, Bridge Down, etc) you shouldn't be coached for not showing up to work.

I'd call Integrity Hotline.. if you were coached because you couldn't get to work.
we had a girl call in due to a hurricane a few yrs back.she couldnt leave the house because her street was under four feet of water. but due to a act of laziness on the etls part it was never logged. she was put on corrective action and walked out a week later. messege that sent to the rest of us, walk if you have to but you better have your butt here if your scheduled. well spot, message received.

Store crisis hotline - weather closures, etc
800-888-0333 - enter your store or dc# for status.
Also, call your store too.

If you call that number Hardlines Master posted, you'll get a answering machine where you can leave a message. As long as you state your name, the reasoning behind why you can't get to work (Road Covered in Ice, Your car was destroyed by the storm, Bridge Down, etc) you shouldn't be coached for not showing up to work.

I'd call Integrity Hotline.. if you were coached because you couldn't get to work.
Not at my store. Tm's are told at huddles, posted numbers, to check in.
If there is a penny to be made stores will be open and you better be there. Who cares if you get in an accident or worse. You can always be replaced. Unemployment is high right now. That pretty much sums up the inclement weather policy and pretty much the overall feel of management toward "the team".
I've never called out due to weather (I have great snow tires) but have sometimes called in late, and the only thing they ever say is, "please be careful, and we'll see you when you get here." You'll be fine.
I have had an ETL try to convince me to allow someone to come from the store to pick me up because I didn't want to drive in the ice after the mountains of slush re-froze into lakes of ice. I'm the kind of person where if I can't trust myself to drive in said conditions, I sure as hell won't trust someone else to! Not to mention, they make you clock out to leave the store to fetch another TM.
When I picked up my gstl in snowy weather, 4 miles from the store, I didn't punch out. The Lod asked me to do. The cool thing was, we were on our way back to the store & found a Starbucks tm stuck in the snow. We had pushed the tm's car free. We had Starbucks & front end covered that am. The coffee was really good to have on a cold day.
I almost didn't make it in today. The roads were icy and the bus I was taking lost control and ran over a fire hydrant. Luckily it stopped close enough for me to walk the rest of the way, but I slipped a few times while walking. I believe there's about 10 callouts as of now.

Stay safe in the Northeast everyone!
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I just called out, I live in an area where there's enough incline hills to go around. Is just as bad walking even when I live 10 mins away. Take it easy out there.
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My store has closed early a few times due to icy/snowy weather. ( we are in an area of the country that may get a two or three bouts of winter weather per year , nothing like you guys do up North) If you feel unsafe driving and or being driven to work, then call out . Just remember that if you do call out. Spot isn't going to look out for you so you need to look out for yourself. IF they get an attitude when you call out OR if you make it in and you over hear the leaders bad mouthing those thatdo call in. Call the hotline. We are not saving lives at Spot or putting out fires. We are selling toilet paper you risking your life to get there...just isn't called for .
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I would've called out, but it literally started raining when I got on the bus. Within a few minutes, it started sliding. It ended up blocking a busy street.

It just goes to show how quickly mother nature can throw stuff at you.
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