Archived What is Target's weather policy?

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My store actually closed at 3pm. As of this post, it is snowing very heavily with winds; near whiteout conditions
Maybe I don't understand because I live in Texas which doesn't get a lot of snow, but I don't understand your store leaders getting angry about you not coming in today. Target is not worth endangering your life over. I would think that stores aren't going to be busy anyway, so yay payroll saved!
Yeah, the snow isn't supposed to stop until around 12am-1am. I'm debating on calling my store now and letting them know I won't be coming in for my 6am shift tomorrow. My commute is about half an hour. Only 5 of those minutes am I on the train. Hell no to all that walking in the snow. They know I don't drive too.

EDIT: No answer at my store. I think they closed early 😱
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2 feet of snow and my car is buried in a drift 4 feet high. Already called off today because of a horrid cold(plus the terrible snow- I was scheduled 1-9 and I don't feel even remotely safe driving while sick and with the snow). I'm scheduled tomorrow and I've already decided not to call off. Here's hoping they send me home since I'm still sick as all hell. I just really don't like the idea of calling off twice in a row. Argh. I've never even driven in the snow before. This seems like a bad idea but we'll see.
My Dad's truck has so much snow on it that it looks like there are two stacked on top of each other. And it's still coming down.
Am I crazy for being jealous of all the snow you guys up north are getting?
I hope y'all down in the Megalopolis are doing ok.

The amount of snow on the ground is hilarious.

Not far from me last year we got 6-7 feet in 2 days. That Hummer would have been a foot under, and be useless.

I have family outside of Buffalo that dealt with that when they had that huge storm in 2014. My great uncle helped his neighbors shovel snow off their roofs so they wouldn't collapse. I remember seeing pictures on Facebook that people took from downtown when the storm was approaching; it was like a wall of snow.

Snowstorms can be fun, but they get old when you have to put up with them multiple times a year.

I like snow, but driving in it is a pain in the ass. And driving in a white-out late at night is scary as shit.
driving in a white-out late at night is scary as shit

Nope. I'd just pull over and wait for visibility to improve. Not a chance in hell am I driving in a white out, risking both my life and the lives of other drivers. Especially not on a highway, screw that noise.
When I worked for Target in MN (7yrs), I called out once due to weather. But it depends on your area. a foot of snow and we would have a 90% turnout, but elsewhere it could be only 10% showing up. It depends on your area. MN has a lot more plows and equipment then lets say Tennessee. The time I called in, the HR ETL told everyone, that the day wouldn't be held against you for performance since it was that bad.
Nope. I'd just pull over and wait for visibility to improve. Not a chance in hell am I driving in a white out, risking both my life and the lives of other drivers. Especially not on a highway, screw that noise.
Not always that easy, because other people will be driving, can lose control and potentially hit you regardless since they can't see you in the white out.
The storm is supposed to hit us Tues and Wed. Just glad I have off Wed but am a little nervous to be working till close since its probably going to be crap out when I'm off.
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