Archived What would it take for an ETL to be let go?

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Nov 25, 2012
I was just wondering...

For those who don't know, I am an O/N BR TM. We no longer have a ETL-LOG so our LOD is ETL-Replenishment I guess. He has been with us for almost 6 months now and is pretty much well hated by every TM, both overnight and almost every daysider that has had the unfortunate experience of working while he is around. He has gotten in trouble for his temper and aggressive attitude towards TMs a number of times already. I tried to look past his horrible first impression and the fact that his personality just plains sucks. My main concern is does he get the job done? He has been slowly improving but most of his decisions concerning the process are questionable and have kept us from successfully coming clean quite a few times. His dis-relationship with Flow and the pure hatred felt by the BR doesn't make anyone want to work harder or stay later which also works against him. I am sure there it would be more difficult then a TM being fired. Any chance we could our ETL let go for this sort of thing? Or does Target usually keep their investment and just try to make him better?
If he doesn't perform he'll be gone. It's all about the metrics. If they go red and stay usually hits the fan.
if EVERYONE hated him as much as you say, then get EVERYONE to complain to your STL, or your DTL when you see them, rally up some people who have had incidents with this ETL, they did this at my store with an ETL that they didnt like, we saw a big improvement
Crazy etls still get away with this in these times where everyone has the ability to video events discreetly on their phones.
They have a hot line for that, in your next huddle mention as a reminder and second thought the emergency and company hotlines... hopefully that will help your team express their thoughts.
Several investigations are underway now about certain events (threats of physical harm) and his general treatment of TMs. * fingers crossed* Even the TLs hate him and know that we all hate him. They have been making that painfully clear the past few nights at the huddles when they were talking about the best team survey coming up they were stressing that we are answering questions about them and not the ETL with those knowing smiles on their faces. I know it's unprofessional but we all couldn't keep from laughing. I have now seen 3 ELTs come and go within the year. I wish one of our 2 TLs could just become ETL, they really know their ****, are the hardest workers I know, and are loved by all of us. Sigh...
It sounds like there is a lot more going on then some basic performance issues that you see with most new ETLs. You asked a good question about "keeping the investment". Typically, the answer is "yes", Target wants to keep the investment. There is a lot of time and money spent training tms for a few days, so you can imagine how much more time/money is spend training and ETL for at least 6 weeks. Each district is assessed on how many new-in-role ETLs they lose. The cut off for this metric not having much affect is 10 months. Most DTLs would like to keep the NIR ETLs for at least 12 months.

All that being said, if they stink than they stink. Eventually the ETL will go away, unless they improve.
if EVERYONE hated him as much as you say, then get EVERYONE to complain to your STL, or your DTL when you see them, rally up some people who have had incidents with this ETL, they did this at my store with an ETL that they didnt like, we saw a big improvement

To performance out an ETL honestly takes a long time. Usually between 4-6 months as there's several steps in the process with usually a month in between each one so the documents can "show" you haven't been "improving" within Target standards. I know this because I was an instocks/backroom team leader and watched my ETL go through this process. He was not a bad tempered or mean person, he just wasn't liked by the DTL. I absolutely do agree with above post that if everyone on the team(s) has a problem with this particular ETL, then definitely have you all go complain. DO NOT go marching up to the HR office all at once. Go on your 15 minute break or at the end of your shift one at a time when you can. I am telling you this because I also went through this same scenario. When my ETL was fired as I said above, the next ETL I got was disliked by 90% of every team member in the store. He was not a bad guy, just EXTREME in his work. (Reason why I left Target) However, there were many complaints about him to HR from team members/TLs and there were many noticeable changes after that. So I would very much suggest for you to open up the complaint department and head to HR. Make sure everyone is professional in their complaints. "He sucks" won't go too far. Give valid reasons and recall specific instances if you can whether you witnessed it or lived it. Good luck
"There is a lot of time and money spent training tms for a few days"

I am honestly amazed that anyone actually believes this. "Time and money" training refers to people who work in skilled jobs like IT, accounting, etc.

Target training consists of "watch this TM for 30 mins (at most) and then do what they do". That is literally training at Target. It costs virtually nothing.

For ETLs, it is a different story.
"There is a lot of time and money spent training tms for a few days"

I am honestly amazed that anyone actually believes this. "Time and money" training refers to people who work in skilled jobs like IT, accounting, etc.

Target training consists of "watch this TM for 30 mins (at most) and then do what they do". That is literally training at Target. It costs virtually nothing.

For ETLs, it is a different story.

100% true. When i moved into electronics, the first day they gave me a pda and a walkie and said good luck. I didn't even have training. I didn't know where the call buttons were or how to read aisles. Man that was a stressful day for me.
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