Archived When GSAs promote

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it depends on where a TL position is open. When i became a TL i was put on the bench until a position was opened up. I was a gsa before a TL so when another TL retired they shuffled TL's around and I became a GSTL. This has been the norm in my store. But another gsa got a TL position and was on the bench and moved stores because they had an opening.
GSTLs can be re-assigned to other stores if the District is in need of re-organization.
When GSAs promote to GSTL, do they generally stay at their current store?

To answer your question, yes probably most of the time GSAs who promote will do so within their own store... HOWEVER, just because someone is a GSA doesn't mean they should be a GSTL.... it is actually frowned upon to promote someone within the same team (any front end team member to GSTL, any flow team member to Flow TL)... If the STL was focused on best practice and team culture and a GSA passed interviews, they would try and place them in any area other than GE...
To answer your question, yes probably most of the time GSAs who promote will do so within their own store... HOWEVER, just because someone is a GSA doesn't mean they should be a GSTL.... it is actually frowned upon to promote someone within the same team (any front end team member to GSTL, any flow team member to Flow TL)... If the STL was focused on best practice and team culture and a GSA passed interviews, they would try and place them in any area other than GE...

I spoke with GSA today, who said they weren't sure if they were going for it, and that if they did, they would be changing stores. If this GSA doesn't move up, then it's going to be hard for me to take their place as GSA.... Grr.

(I was officially asked if I was interested this week).
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