Archived When the LOD is fun work gets done

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Aug 1, 2014
I'm a fairly new sales floor team member (2+ months now). I have a regular full time job but started working part time at Target to help my kids pay for college. I'm no newbie to the work force! I've experienced all types of management styles. We have one LOD that is very energetic and makes working at Target fun. She is very positive and is constantly praising anything good anyone does and she's not afraid to make jokes and be sort of silly to keep us smiling. I find myself working harder, offering to stay late and being a better employee in general when she is working because I actually enjoy being there. Other LODs or TLs or GSTLs (I'm not good with all the Target acronyms yet) are all business and only point out the stuff that is not being done and make the atmosphere more negative and tense. If only all people in managerial positions got it like she does!
well said rockchalk!

Kinda like
Yep. We have one ETL who isn't afraid to get his hands dirty.. Backroom running behind? He will pull batches, call out on sales floor, he will push CAFs. He will also leave people alone who know what they are doing.. He gets much more out of his people than other ETL's do.. He knows he has that respect that we will pick up the slack, where others? Lets just say we sit back and see if they sink or swim..

Even one SR TL we have, when he is LOD, he takes the same tack, and he has told me more than once, "you may not do the thing I was thinking of, but what you did still needed to get done, so carry on." And he leaves me be, or comes to me when it hits the fan..
I couldn't agree with this more. Sadly, the "fun" part of FFF is left out too often. My store has two Sr. TLs and an ETL who happen to be more outgoing and friendly than the rest. Coincidentally, they always have the most productive days as LOD. If team members enjoy coming to work, then they will perform better. I wish more team leads would realize this.
When I first started with Spot years and years ago...The etl log at that time...was awesome. She never let any member of her team ( be it back room or flow) leave for the day without saying " Thank you for your hard work today" There was once she was in a meeting when a group of us left...we made the joke wow this seems odd not to be thanked before we leave....which we knew she was in a meeting so we were just joking....She took the time to call each one of us that afternoon to tell us thank you for our hard work...and she was sorry she didn't get the chance to tell us before we left. Someone asked her, why she did that...she simply said that no one should come into work, work as hard as they can and not feel appreciated. She always made me ( I can only speak for myself ) feel like I made a difference and it was noticed. I now work with etls, tls, who are more interested in stabbing others in the back and running them over to climb that corporate ladder...I find it sad that with all the new technology that Spot invests in...the simple, free, everyday run of the mill Thank you is avoided....well you get thanked if you kiss up...and that's just not my style....
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