Archived When were YOU rude?

How long does it take for you to fart in front of a significant other?

  • Immediately

    Votes: 25 21.2%
  • Never

    Votes: 13 11.0%
  • 6 months or less

    Votes: 28 23.7%
  • 1 year

    Votes: 4 3.4%
  • 2 years or more

    Votes: 2 1.7%
  • Not until you live together

    Votes: 7 5.9%
  • Not until it happens by accident

    Votes: 39 33.1%

  • Total voters
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That's fucking shitty. I'm sorry you had to deal with that, Redzee. In the end, you win. You're not so miserable that you go around picking fights.
Thanks everyone. Adversity can be a good teacher. I'm pretty mild mannered but I have my moments. The tm who rescued me (and her probably) had argued w me earlier and was the last person I expected to assist. Most of our guests are nice people and when they're not I can quick frost them but that gal (a high school teacher I learned) was something else. Oh and I finished the pull...😛 And kudos to that tm I got him a Starbucks, de caff for me.
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There's another lady, a regular about my age who has politely asked about my job. I told her I hadn't always stocked and won't always stock. It's a good fit right now given the other things I do. When it isn't I'll move on no harm no foul.
I was working a GSA shift durning dorm move in weekend (which is worse than black friday at my store) and I was helping a guest at one lane and moved them over to an empty one to solve their issue so that the guests in line behind them could be checked out. As soon as they walked away a lady tried to come over to said lane. I politely told her that the lane wasn't open and that I had just been helping the previous guests with a problem. She huffed and puffed and shouted that my light had been on "just a second ago" when I had never turned it on in the first place.

I, without even thinking, blurted out "no it wasn't, don't lie" in a bit too snotty of a tone. Thank goodness she didn't complain. I really don't feel bad at all.
I've scratched my nose with my middle finger more than once...
I wear glasses...

So yesterday I had this cun-er, I mean guest- in the electronics section while I was going through my PIT count. I was counting earbuds, so I wasn't paying attention, when I hear the exasperated sigh of one who thinks she's been waiting too long. I glance behind me, see a Mobile guy texting, and think he'll help, so I comtinue. Next thing I know, someone taps me on the shoulder. I was kneeling, so I stand up and turn around.
This blonde bitc-lady- quite literally slams a dvd onto the clip board I'm holding, and walks over to one of the registers.
*Note: there is a Mobile guy standing right there, eyebrow raised looking at her.*
The lady then gets a call on her phone, and starts bitch ing to the caller, so I know she's not deaf. Since she never, not once, said a word to me, I shrug, shuffle the DVD under the clip board, and walk over to infants to count formula. Halfway there, I hear "What the fuck! Dumbshit, come ring me out!"
I turn around, "Oh, so you can talk to other people. I'm sorry, I though you handed this to me to put it away."
The Mobile guy then does a very poor attempt of covering up his laugh by coughing, and excuses himself to go into the backroom.
"Excuse me? Didn't your mother teach you to respect ladies? Now, you come ring me up right now."
"If I saw a lady right now, I'd respect her. Besides, I can't operate the registers, I don't know if you read, but my shirt says Security, not cashier. I'll be sure to let the next cashier I see know you need help, though."
I did end up getting a talking to by the LOD, about 15 minutes later, but he did laugh when I told him what happened, and he said he likely would have done the same.
Working at Guest Service, we were busy so I had backup while I fixed the damn Kodak printers. Overhear this guy getting angry that we supposedly robbed him of a few cents because of some buy two get one deal for 12 pack sodas. One of the backups goes off with him, only to come back a few minutes later and he's got this smug face on. He starts calling my coworker a dumb slut and that he's going to tell the manager about how "rudely" she treated him. I know her, she's not the type of person to do that. I come out from behind the kodak area and tell her to stop. I take the receipt and hand it back to the guy, tell him to get the fuck out and get his stuff changed at a different store. He threatens to call the manager over, in which I promptly lie my ass off and say I am the manager. The GSA happened to be nearby, she backed me up and the dude left fuming. GSA promptly pulled us both aside to figure out what happened and then to scold me to never pull that again since more than likely had an actual LOD been nearby that would have been a whole can of worms. My coworker was given a free thirty to calm down as she was in tears at that point, while I went back to fixing the Kodak stuff since it slowed again.

I personally don't care if I'm attacked and berated, it's when you start attacking and berating my coworkers that I get a really short fuse.
Alright so, it was about 1 year back.....possibly a Tuesday. We had just changed our reseller policy. This wasn't company wide yet, but we had decided to completely stop selling to them. So when I noticed a known reseller (who was also a known dickhead) walk through the blue side doors, I was already bracing myself. Guns a blazin, I bolted to the electronics department, intercepted the guest and demanded, politely, "can I help you find something?"

Thick Arab accent a blazin, he replies with something like, "Buudddy! Hows it going?! Haha! Ok I need 2 ipad. Each kind please. And oh! Wii U. Do you have Wii U. I need Wii U guy."

This is when I say, "sure! We have all that. But we won't be able to do the tax exempt anymore I'm sorry."

"What? What is this since when. Since when do you do this man where is ****? He is good manager he will give me deal."

"Oh he's not in today but this our store policy. We don't accept tax exempt anymore and he's going to say the same thing. I'm sorry."

He starts to mutter something like, "you know what fuck you guy. Fuck you. You always give me this shit."


"This stupid shit man. You lie. Fucking liar."

So I politely said, "FUCK OFF. You're really calling me a liar?"

"Yea you fucking li-"

"No. Fuck off. I'll get our lod over here and we can just get you out the door for good."

He starts to back off and slowly creep toward either the doors, or guest service (both right by the blue side entrance), while saying a few more things. I follow him over and we bump right into our LOD. I guess it was sort of a hand off. I walked away. She stayed with him. And he is currently banned from the amazing shopping experience offered at our Target store 😀

Edit: @redeye58 @thatcashierdude @sajaegi @TallAPGuy
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I'd like to point everyone's attention to the poll. I guess most farts in new relationships happen when you're politely laughing at one of their jokes. "Oh, heheeheee PRRRFFFFFTTTT!"
@BlueSide That's awesome. I normally keep my cool, but the night prior I had been up all night helping relatives and a few friends evacuate from the Valley Fire, and two of my friends, one of whom is on the fire line, lost their apartment when 1/2 the town burned down, so I was on a very short fuse.
@BlueSide That's awesome. I normally keep my cool, but the night prior I had been up all night helping relatives and a few friends evacuate from the Valley Fire, and two of my friends, one of whom is on the fire line, lost their apartment when 1/2 the town burned down, so I was on a very short fuse.

Sorry to hear that.
We've had a good chunk of Alaska burn this year and I know people who lost homes.
I'm impressed you stayed so cool.
Not too rude but my time to shine.
Guest: do you know where...oh never mind you're only security you wouldn't know where anything is.
Me: you know I uh still do work here and I used to work the floor so I've got a good idea where things are.
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