Archived Where can I find workload estimates for Plano and Pricing?

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Our hours are forecasted the same way as others have said. Basically if there is 5,000 tickets, we will be getting about 55 hours that week. My STL only gives us an hour a day to do all of the labels.. which is a little low considering sometimes market alone takes an hour for two people.. especially if everything is a WAS/NOW.. I will have to mention this 15% a day for labels seeing as that seems extremely fair and doable in that time frame.. we keep going over about 30 minutes a day each because we are scheduled so tight and its just frustrating that at the end of the week they are mad that we went over about 5 hours 🙁
My STL has also been at our store way too many years, we need some fresh blood!

Be careful what you wish for. The replacement could be much worse.

I think at this point anything fresh would be fun. I put in for a new tl position that opened in our store. Ive been doing plano for the past 6 years and i need something new.

It is always good to have a change of pace! Hope you get the position.
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