Archived Who pulls stuff?

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Jul 28, 2012
I have been doing the revisions at my store for 5 years. I tie it, put in the pull, set it, push the product, and take any backstock to the stockroom. Well, used to.

About 2 years ago, a new ETL-LOG said I should be pulling my own batches. He said it was added into the time it takes to do the revision. He also said we had been doing it wrong this whole time. Okay. SO, now I do all the above plus the pull.

Now, a newer ETL-LOG said I should also be doing the backstock. He hasn't said it yet, but I have heard rumors.

What does your store do? What exactly is best practices for this?

I worked in the backroom for 3 years prior to taking the revision job.
bp does not include clearance remerchandising or backstock. it does include the pulls. it's listed under the training guide for plano. that's for plano in general, it does not specifically state revisions, but should be the same. etls tend to make up their own rules. it will depend on what his/her weakness team is.

we do it all at my store. shoes has sucked especially bad with 9000 boxes of clearance to be repushed. no room at the inn.
My store, backroom day side pulls unless it becomes to much for them then I go back or send someone else back there to pull. But half the time the plano team has to re-merch the clearance since the sales floor can't, are the first ones called for backup, cover all the electronics breaks for the morning shift. So the backroom is doing some of my job, and then I'm doing some of the salesfloor job, so it evens out for me. Backroom loses in this situation, and I'm sure whenever the next ETL LOG comes in, it'll change, so I'll have to change the other things I do.
My PTL drops the batches the day before and the backroom team at my store pulls the batches. Plano backstocks their product and pushed out the clearance from their aisles onto endcaps or other PTM aisles.
To ISM Master, even revisions? I have 70 non-new release revisions this week. So, the PTL plans the workload for all that too? I plan my own week not the PTL. I do it day by day and by world. Domestics, pets, etc.
We have a person who sets revisions for the week. They plan out their workload each day and set the revisions. If they finish early they help out setting planos. The backroom pulls their revision batches and the revision person backstocks or pushes the clearance they demerch.
would be nice if plano would ever help me out 🙁 after 8am we run 1 backroom person all day(2 different shifts) plano puts in all the POGs, sometimes 20+ on heavy sets BR has to pull them all, then backstock everything that comes back from the set. Plano doesnt even sort it, they usually roll a tub to whatever is being reset dump everything in and the BR guy spends 1 hour sorting a mess of BS
I would have my TL speak to the POGTL and have their team neatly put backstock on a tub in repacks or whatever works easiest for you to backstock. No way should items be dumped on a tub for you to sort before backstocking.

For us backroom day pulled POG batches and backstocked whatever came back. I don't know if that has changed in the last year. I would check their backstock tubs for other locations. They were the ones with more PDA's then they needed and were notorious for not pusing to the home and others locs when they killed endcaps. I caught their TL doing it too and she pawned it off on one of his team. I made them repush a tub if I found other locs.
If we have a chance to do it during the day, the backroom in my store will pull the POGS without being asked.....If we are asked, we generally will get them as soon as we can....if we can't get to them, odds are they will get pulled by the overnight team......In almost a year in the backroom, I've only seen one TL back there pulling their own product.....
Its funny...Im a PA and ill pull my own stuff for dry endcaps almost always if I am changing it around because of a light endcap. Today I put around 10 boxes of oreos out in savor spot since the spot was pretty empty. The other day I pulled all of my TGIF product for the frozen front endcap. Did everything but tie the endcap since it was tied allready. We had a lot of clearance there and we were waiting for it to sell down some before setting it.
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I pull my stuff for end caps, most of the time. On vendor stuff, just ask them to get more product, by offering some shelf space.
My Plano team pulls our stuff……remerch clearance we take off…and everything else but backstock...occasionally. backroom will help us pull if they are caught up
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