Who recently quit at your store?

Another SETL--second in two months--quit without another job to go to. Our best Fulfillment TM. Both VMs, and if the Style ETL doesn't get a handle on the new Style TL who doesn't know how to lead, I predict massive turnover in Style. A boatload of TMs are off to college, and many opted not to take the educational leave route. We have a GSTM we need to lose before she drives more people out the door, yet she's somehow Teflon because she's known our ETL since the dawn of time. Oops, wrong thread.
A boatload of TMs are off to college, and many opted not to take the educational leave route.

There really isn't a need to anymore in the age of rising wages. As long as they are marked rehireable, Target will take them back, particularly in Q4. When they return they'll be making the same $13/hr that they're making now if not more (depending when the new wage increase kicks in).

If the didn't take LOA they're probably hoping that they don't need to come back and have a different gig lined up for next summer.
They talk to me. I know that's why they aren't coming back.

I get where they're coming from. I've worked at Target 3 different times and I don't think that there will be a 4th.

I initially thought I'd do 4th Q only, like I did one year, but the more I read here and the more I talk to former TMs.....um, probably not.
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I get where they're coming from. I've worked at Target 3 different times and I don't think that their will be a 4th.

I initially thought I'd do 4th Q only like I did one year, but the more I read here and the more I talk to former TMs.....um, probably not.
I'm desperately trying to get out before Q4. If I fail, there won't be another Q4. I've had to make that promise to myself. And the thing is, I actually enjoy guests (for the most part) and I love helping to train/develop the team. I adore most of my fellow TMs, period. There's so much to still love, and this process is killing it bit by bit.
I quit in April and every time I go into the store I see less and less of the people who worked there before. I'm a merchandising vendor at WM and I've seen some former tgt people there working... And some shopping who told me they quit or retired.

Meanwhile I'm about to put in an app for a tl position (fulfillment) at another store. It could be nice on the resume because this merchandising job is awful. It's a paycut too but I thought the quarter wouldn't be a big deal since they told me it was full-time 🤦🏾‍♀️
I quit in April and every time I go into the store I see less and less of the people who worked there before. I'm a merchandising vendor at WM and I've seen some former tgt people there working... And some shopping who told me they quit or retired.

Same. I came in like 4-5 years ago and about 80% of the people who were there have left by now. There's been a couple retirements, but most just leaving for other jobs that actually give hours that they actually want. Next weeks's schedule, I saw that a coworker I'm decent friends with (but haven't seen in a month) isn't even on the schedule, like the name is gone entirely.

Old folks out, new hot people in. Seriously, I don't think I've seen one average or ugly looking floor TM hired lately. (I am an ugly fat floor TM if you were getting upset)
I have an in person interview next week with a company I REALLY want to work for. As soon as I get that "yes", I'm giving my two weeks.


I got the job and gave my 2 weeks! My last day is my 10 year anniversary!! I'm super excited and can't wait for this new adventure out of retail and out of red and khaki! No more tms asking for days off when the schedule is already written or has been up for weeks, no more aggravating guests, no more Workday recruiting, no more writing a 6 truck schedule on a 3200 week with a shit ton of price changes, revisions, and presentation workloads, best of all, NO MORE SEASONAL! 🙏🏾🙏🏾

But at the same time I'm greatful for everything I've learned during my 7 yrs guest service desk and 3 years HR tm! I'm almost a free elf! 🧦

I got the job and gave my 2 weeks! My last day is my 10 year anniversary!! I'm super excited and can't wait for this new adventure out of retail and out of red and khaki! No more tms asking for days off when the schedule is already written or has been up for weeks, no more aggravating guests, no more Workday recruiting, no more writing a 6 truck schedule on a 3200 week with a shit ton of price changes, revisions, and presentation workloads, best of all, NO MORE SEASONAL! 🙏🏾🙏🏾

But at the same time I'm greatful for everything I've learned during my 7 yrs guest service desk and 3 years HR tm! I'm almost a free elf! 🧦
Congrats and good luck!

I got the job and gave my 2 weeks! My last day is my 10 year anniversary!! I'm super excited and can't wait for this new adventure out of retail and out of red and khaki! No more tms asking for days off when the schedule is already written or has been up for weeks, no more aggravating guests, no more Workday recruiting, no more writing a 6 truck schedule on a 3200 week with a shit ton of price changes, revisions, and presentation workloads, best of all, NO MORE SEASONAL! 🙏🏾🙏🏾

But at the same time I'm greatful for everything I've learned during my 7 yrs guest service desk and 3 years HR tm! I'm almost a free elf! 🧦
Congratulations and good luck!

I can so relate to this. At my previous job, I was an hourly manager for a department I hated (moved there by a new Store Manager who moved everyone around, given no choice in the matter). I stuck it out for three years and finally just couldn't do it anymore, so I stepped down. Stayed with the company, but I was no longer in that awful department and I felt so freaking free. I wrote out on a piece of paper all the things I would never have to deal with anymore, and I kept it in my nightstand drawer for years - it might still be floating around somewhere, lol. Eventually moved backed up to manager of a department I loved and all was great, but I will never forget how awesome getting out felt and I've never regretted the decision.

Very happy to just be a regular old TM now.

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