Who recently quit at your store?

My store has lost most of the experienced TLs. ETL-She Who Must Be Obeyed has lost four out of four and has a newbie victim to “train” before Q4, which should be interesting since you generally have to have some clue about how to do something before you can teach it to somebody else. Too bad a total lack of knowledge can’t stop someone from micromanaging ... 🙄
Treat your people like shit and your store will look like shit, with one exception, one very nice person still remains at the Captains former store resting atop the planet Neptune. Everyone started flying the coop last year like a flock of pigeons chasing after bags of scattered corn. I suspect there are great stores with great managers, mine wasn't one of them.
Has the turnover quickened since your store adopted modernization? Just curious. ETLs have been dropping like flies around my neck of the woods.

I'd love to see the company wide stats on leadership turnover over the past 10 years vs. 2019. I'm sure it would be enlightening information.
This store has always been bad with turnover but we've lost 4 total E/TLs in the past month alone. I think a lot are jumping ship now before the holiday madness kicks in.
This store has always been bad with turnover but we've lost 4 total E/TLs in the past month alone. I think a lot are jumping ship now before the holiday madness kicks in.
If anyone is planning on leaving, now is the time. Most retailers are hiring now, but good luck finding a job in January. Or getting hours at Spot, either.
One of our style TL's quit recently, she was here for about 4 or 5 months and then got homesick and moved back up North very suddenly and without two weeks notice. Shame, she was one of the nicer TL's and actually cared. She was just having a hard time adjusting, I think.

We also lost one of our men's style TM's who thankfully has about another week before he's out, and then our fitting room attendant/floater in style also left. We're down to less than 15 people in style and we are a high volume super Target in the suburbs of a major city. It's been rough.
Welp, shite's finally starting to hit the fan here, just found out two long-time leaders are getting the ax. Our closing TL also quit without notice.
My last holdout, old school ETL is now gone. Every ETL from 18 months ago is now replaced (a few positions have turned over twice).

These people in leadership have no idea about the magnitude of the bomb about to drop in 4Q. They are either new to Spot or came from lower volume stores and don't understand how tough my store will be. Pray for me.
I've worked retail for over three decades and was leadership for about a third of that. I have experience in off-price and department store formats, and was with a company that was the number one retailer in the country for years and let me tell you, Target is not entry-level retail. This is serious business, not playtime - I think more people need to understand that, for their own benefit.
Ugh, my guess is because the talent pool is limited. Retail is notoriously high in turnover rate. I will say that, at least in my store the people are more pleasant to deal with, and that includes leadership. We had some real asswipes at my old company, and many of them were long-time managers.

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