Who recently quit at your store?

We had an HR ETL like that who was replaced by a similarly skilled HR ETL. Between her and a couple other bad ETLs, (all of them being women) I found myself thinking a lot, "I'm not saying women can't manage. I'm saying women HERE can't manage."

Note, I am a woman.

I am too, and have had great women managers, hell the inbound TL I work with right now is a young woman(25 or under) and she is kick ass! But some of these women you can tell were either the mean girls in high school or have skated on being cute and it shows when shit has to get done cause it just doesn't get done.
So I still talk to former coworkers since I quit. She gave me an update this week that in the last three to four weeks, GM etl ditched the store, two TLs, HR EtL transferred to another state, and half of fulfillment quit. I asked her why they haven't left, she said they raised thier pay to $17 just so many more don't quit. Horrible times rn
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With this major exodus of employees I am very surprised we are still treated so poorly. You would think that to retain people the pressure and unrealistic expectations would stop…but no, it continues. How would a store survive with a skeleton crew ? Are minimum sales even possible without new pogs set and lack of merch on the shelves ? How about trying to make this a reasonable place to choose to work ? Set, consistent schedules with enough hours like a real job. Trust to get the workload finished without the do-nothing ETL breathing down your back micromanaging your every minute ? So tired of trainees newbies just to have them leave before they know enough to be efficient.
2 more Fullfillment TMs, two more inbound. HR TM, and three style. The three style were the same day! All walk outs. It's getting severe in here.. We are starting unload trucks almost two hours later than we are supposed to since what is left of inbound has to push all the vehicles left from the day before since there isn't anyone to push them after inbound leaves. It's great when vendors roll in and they can't unload from our truck just getting started.
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One of my favorite team members recently quit. She was the first person I met here and had guided me through everything. Any questions, any concerns, anytime I thought I messed up there she was! Never annoyed by my millions of questions, never judged me, always more than willing to teach me anything when others just ignored me. She was so patient and kind. I was way more comfortable going to her instead of TLs or the ETL. You could tell she was passionate about her job, honestly I'm surprised she wasn't a TL. She didn't boss people around or make them feel bad like the leads, she knew how to delegate tasks and speak to us like a real team. Everything ran so smoothly while she was here, she raised our spirits and really empowered us to make it right for the guests within reason. It already feels like something is off without her. This place always runs the good people off. And the people you think will quit or get terminated never do. They get promoted. Yikes.
And if they are actually training then they give a damn and soon you'll be losing the 16 year olds that could become something great.

Yep. I used to see the 16 year old kids work through school graduate and sometimes stay but mostly transfer stores near the college they were going to. Now they don't bother they just quit for the most part. And the ones who did stay and now are college graduates in a retail field target pushes them away.
I heard that a Reverse Logistics team member put in their two weeks. He was originally a cart attendant before he became a GSTL and then eventually moved into Reverse Logistics. He was very knowledgeable, reliable and calm and I'm sure he'll be missed by everyone in the store.

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