Why are we hiring..

Calling me names and attacking me does nothing but make you look bad. Thats not what you said at all, maybe you should learn to communicate better.

Let me spell it out for you one more time just so it's clear:
If someone who is productive is looking for hours, I'll find a spot for them.

You're a troll, plain and simple, angry at the world for no reason at all. Browse through your posts sometime, I can't imagine what it's like living in the shoes of constant negativity.
Let me spell it out for you one more time just so it's clear:

You're a troll, plain and simple, angry at the world for no reason at all. Browse through your posts sometime, I can't imagine what it's like living in the shoes of constant negativity.

The first part of your post makes it clear that you reward people who kiss up to you. you can play dumb games all you want. As a typical fake useless team lead you can't handle it when someone questions you or stands up to you.
Everything I see you post is negative or protarget. You should not be calling others a troll when it seems like you are also one.
The first part of your post makes it clear that you reward people who kiss up to you.

He didn't say anything about sucking up. He talked about having the iniative to go up to a TL and say "Hey my hours are down, I need to pickup more somehow. I am willing to learn. can you consider me if you have a need."

As a typical fake useless team lead you can't handle it when someone questions you or stands up to you.

You're so pathetic. You do this all the time to me. You cherry pick leaders or HR post then attack the original poster just because you had a bad experience with your HR/leaders.

If you hate Target leadership so much quit. Go work somewhere else. I don't say this often but you contribute nothing to this site. I clicked on your profile. Every single one is a post tearing other people down. It shows how little you think of yourself.

Stop bringing down the TBR community. Move on with your life. And for the love of God grow the fuck up.
Sorry but you are the problem with target right now. Why don't you do your job and take care of team members than come to work and work hard. There are more important things in the world than kissing up to low lives in power.

Based on your comments and reactions, you fall right into the category of team members who think they are productive and realistically are not. Let me guess, the store couldn't function without you, no-one knows your job/department better than you, you deserve guaranteed hours and higher pay because of how great you are.... Are these things constantly running through your mind?

In reality I'd be willing to bet your negative attitude and combative nature mean co-workers hate working with you, you cause a lot more issues than you ever solve and you constantly complain about how things aren't fair.
Based on your comments and reactions, you fall right into the category of team members who think they are productive and realistically are not. Let me guess, the store couldn't function without you, no-one knows your job/department better than you, you deserve guaranteed hours and higher pay because of how great you are.... Are these things constantly running through your mind?

In reality I'd be willing to bet your negative attitude and combative nature mean co-workers hate working with you, you cause a lot more issues than you ever solve and you constantly complain about how things aren't fair.

One thing I know, and I don't say this often, is that the store can function without me and that every department has its challenges.

You hit the nail on its head.
Calling me names and attacking me does nothing but make you look bad. Thats not what you said at all, maybe you should learn to communicate better.
I understood the post just fine. No communication issues.

It's not enough to just work hard if no one notices or it gets taken for granted. You need to speak up to your leaders when you are doing a great job. If you work hard, communicate your achievements, and keep a positive attitude, your TL should have no problem speaking up for you if your hours get cut.

That's how it's done at my store and that's how I understood the post. And don't try to brush me off as being so pro-target and obviously wrong, because I know that's your go-to response when someone says something you don't like.
I wish they would ask existing TMs about working in other areas before hiring. Why are we hiring a part-time SFS TM when I would love to get an extra 20 hours and have already helped out there a bunch?
Most of our front-end people aren’t getting even half the the hours they’d like. Many would be willing to switch to another area. Also, most will be leaving soon if they don’t get more hours. Retain those TMs by scheduling the flexible/good ones in another dept that’s short.

(Or just hire a new TM for one dept and lose an amazing TM you already had because you couldn’t figure out a way to match up staffing across depts...)
Don't wait for them, ask them, yourself..... It speaks volumes for yourself to do this, rather than them having too. Also it is an easy segway into how your not earning enough money to live.

That and you might get to decide where your cross-trained.

I started as a Hardlines TM, then cross-trained to PA (this position no longer exists apprently). Now I am Signing TM.

I am literally scheduled as a "Fill-in, for call in's" every other weekend. Not to mention every single day of the week apparently (I know too much).

I have even gotten calls, asking to come in, and overtime is allowed.
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This is starting to feel like a situation where things could escalate.
Don't, just don't.
I'm coughing, cranky and seriously not in the mood.

This same post, is posted every year. Just remind yourself.

Life is cyclical.

Honestly I think Target does it, because the Seasonal's who were kept on are just happy, to have a job (and apparently, decent team members). So even if their hours are cut, they are just happy they can clock in everyday. They are also usually the last the call out at this time as well, as they probably would not have been kept.

I am guessing they rehire, to make up for the veteran's who said "F*$&, this shit", in the Fourth Quarter.
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We let go some great seasonal TMs 3 weeks ago and we are all barely getting 20-30 hours but now we’re hiring? WTH? Why? Why not give the hours to us instead of new TMs people need these hours..

We're looking to hire a few more A&A TMs...... and yes, we let about 5 of the Seasonal TMs go just a few weeks ago. We kept the Seasonals that rose to the occasion and really made a difference. As to "why" we are hiring more: In our case, we have a few days of the week with insufficient TM availability.... so we need to open our doors to new TMs that can fill that void. And.... we also have a few TMs who are on the verge of their final CA because of their horrendous attendance issues. I'm not about to give them more hours because they've proved to be unreliable. We need to pad our Team w/ new TMs that we can count on.
And.... we also have a few TMs who are on the verge of their final CA because of their horrendous attendance issues

Yup we have some backfill as well. We have tms complain about how so and so is so awful not knowing we have already hired that person's replacement
Part of the issue too is that I might need to schedule a certain number of total bodies one morning each week, and I don’t have enough availability overall to make that happen.

For example, say I need 3 soft lines people on Thursday morning. I only have one that is available that day. Sally wants to cross train in soft lines, but she doesn’t have Thursday morning available. Or maybe she does, but I also need 3 cashiers and she is one of the two that are available. I need to hire 3 people just to fill Thursday morning for 4 hours. I don’t need Sally in softlines the other 6 days of the week. So she can’t help me with my problem.
I used to feel this way, too, but it seems like whenever they hired someone new someone else would leave not long after anyway. When I was hired I overheard some other TM's saying I "took all their hours" (which I knew wasn't true at all), but at the time I had a really good availability because I was only going to school part-time, which I know is a big reason I was hired.

During this time I just try to pick up as many shifts as possible because hours are always tight, luckily I have school to focus on.
Resurrecting old thread, this is an issue I'm now seeing: Why is Target hiring at this time? Yes, a few people have taken LOA or been absent, but sales activity is way down and I'm seeing hours cut once more at our store.

This is speculation, but do you think Target is taking advantage of the enormous jump in unemployment to hiring new part-time TMs in order to further cut wages and benefits? I think it's extremely likely that Target's previous plans to increase the company minimum wage will be quietly ditched due to the economy, and if the economy really tanks it's quite likely hourly pay rates for new hires will be cut below current rates. The US national minimum wage is $7.25 hourly although a few cities and states have higher minimum wage rates, and if there's a huge army of jobless, I would not mistake Target's approach to "human resources" for that of Costco. This is speculation only, but the "We're Hiring" signs have been put out in front of stores once again while TM hours are being cut in spite of what Brian said a month ago about increasing TM hours.
SFS is now to schedule 5x the hours it would normally use. At a guess, about 30% of our TMs are out right now. We need the people.
Perhaps different stores and workcenters are in different situations. Our store seems to be cutting hours. We're just not having quite that many TMs off duty, and our guest count and sales volume are significantly lower than year ago.
SFS is now to schedule 5x the hours it would normally use. At a guess, about 30% of our TMs are out right now. We need the people.
If we only scheduled 5x then we would be alright. On a normal week we have about 85-90 for Fulfillment (SFS and FF) but the schedule we just posted has over 850 hours. For a little more perspective before covid came to town we were only scheduling about 2000/week for the entire store. And that’s why my store is hiring.
I got cross trained for flex, there's always hours if i wanna work a extra 4 after my electronics shifts. That's what I've been using to augment my hours.

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