I don't know, but I can tell you this: cashiers don't get paid nearly enough to hawk, pitch, peddle and sling credit cards. And then to be written up for doing it "poorly". Double their pay and given them a commission on each one and then we'll revisit the issue.
Why should cashiers get any kind of extra pay or benefits? Do I get extra pay for beating a CAF pull goal or a truck unload? Do I get extra pay for beating a planogram set goal? We are all paid an hourly wage to perform our core roles whatever they might be. I dont like pushing red cards as much as the next guy but that is also why i am not a cashier because I hate that aspect of the job more than any aspect i hate of any work center.
Because a CAF pull goal or POG goal is within your control. The cashier's goals are subject to the guests. A cashier could be the best red card pusher in the store but if the guests say no, then there's not much they can do. I think it is ridiculous to have a cashier's job hinge on whether or not the guest wants to sign up for a red card, regardless of the benefits. In reality, they can't control the number anymore than the GSTL or LOD can.
This. THIS. A Thousand Times, THIS....
Honestly, even the most articulate, charismatic, persuasive, and persistent ( or even the most chatty, overbrearing, pushy, and intimidating ) among us can't do anything about it if the guest doesn't have proper ID ( this has happened to me-she had the checks, she was enthusiastic about signing up, until she realized she didn't know where her driver's license was, which totally changed the tone of her whole day, understandably ), doesn't have checks ( with them or at all, period )
, or is just not at all into the credit card option ( which I frankly don't blame 'em for ).
Very occasionally a guest will come back the same day to the same cashier with the necessary items to do their RC...
More often than not, the guest comes back when that cashier is off shift ( hours later, or the next day ) to be 'poached', so to speak, by another cashier ( I have had cashiers do this to me before my very eyes when we were far, far too busy for me to do anything about it ), or, rarely, the guest may come back much later and seek out the cashier that has been ringing them up ( thank you to all the guests who have done this for me- i don't get any kind of the bonus you think I do, but at least i don't get a coaching that month.. )..