Why good morning!


Food and Beverage "Expert"
Nov 19, 2019
Hello. I've just been starting a job at Target in the Food and Beverage Market area. It's a seasonal position, so I'm not sure how long I'll be here. After the orientation and some computer training, it seems like most of what the actual job responsibilities haven't been explained. I've met my TL for about 3 minutes and haven't seen him since. I've also been training under a team member, but I'm wondering when I get a walkie talkie, how to use it, how to use a zebra, and who am I supposed to report to. Hopefully I'll find out today, my last "training day."It looks like I'm going to be having questions from time to time. Thanks for reading my rambling!

Welcome to the food team the week before Thanksgiving. Its crazy and will get worse til next Wednesday. After that you might get some decent training but I doubt it. You kinda jumped in the deep end of the pool here.
You have to get your walkie and zebra yourself after you clock in. But this time of the year unless you come in early morning it’s unlikely to find any left .

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