COVID-19 Will Target stores be required to refuse service to non-face-covering guests?

Apr 30, 2019
I don't know about other states, but Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee issued a face-covering edict effective as of Tuesday, July 8th,
Under this proclamation, businesses may not serve any customer, services or goods, if they do not comply with the state-wide face covering order.
In my store, I'd guess well over 95% of our guests are complying with face-covering rules. But with this new emergency rule, will we literally have to escort violators out of the store and refuse service? Draconian and over-reaching as the face-covering edict is, this mandate could be coming to a state near you.
No. Saw it in an email last week that we will not be enforcing it. They want the team member at the front to mention the mask mandate. And when the guest refuses there's some rambling bs speech about how we trust that the guest is doing what's best for their families and others blah blah blah.
I doubt it. Emergency orders do not override federal laws like the ADA.

ADA does not cover face masks.
If people can't wear a a mask in the store then you can offer them a viable alternative, like curb pickup.
They can't force you to let them in the store bases on the ADA.

And fuck anybody who tries to do that very much.
I had a guest few days back , so angry to see the notice at the store front that all guests are required to wear a face covering according to law . He was keep on telling it’s not a law , it’s just mandatory!! Then he just takes off his mask in front of me and says .. see nobody can arrest me for doing this , because it’s not a law. Then he walks away like that and I saw after few minutes he has his mask on again!!
Most of my guests tend to wear masks however I avoid going near those that don't as much a possible.

I find it interesting when I see a family and one of the parents isn't wearing a mask which makes no sense.

The craziest thing I see is elderly people not wearing a mask at all.
I'm sure as hell not going to do it. I don't feel like arguing with people all day, nor risk getting shot if someone feels I "disrespected" them

We have a sign on the door that MOST people obey that says you must wear one. Doesn't stop some
At this point, anyone who doesn't wear a mask is basically a garbage human being IMO. Unless they truly can't for medical reasons and have no other way of getting supplies.

There's just no excuse. I'm already tired of dodging guests and TMs alike. I've had several incidents that have almost caused me to bolt and take another leave. Hoping I won't come across the straw that breaks the camel's back, but I already warned my family that it may be coming!
By Washington State's order, you are *required* to enforce requiring face masks July 7th and forward. Otherwise the place of business will be issued fines or closed. So're gonna have to enforce it as soon as one store gets fined at the very least.
ADA doesn't apply as Target already offers reasonable accommodation alternatives to entering the store in curbside and Shipt same-day deliveries.

They may have said it won't be enforced but there is a VERY good chance that's about to change as it would actually be Target violating the rules not (just) the customers (are they guests if they don't care about anyone else's safety?)
target doesn't care about fines and won't be closed, so they won't be requiring mask enforcement. even in other areas where businesses get fined target is not enforcing mask mandates.

also doubling back to OP: "draconian and over-reaching" sure, so draconian and over-reaching we have the highest rate of covid in the world. maybe americans are just too stupid to live
I guess the only way to change a companies mind is to start fining them.
But even those will have to be pretty steep in order to get their attention.
Spot would only sit up and take notice if Washington fined them a few hundred million dollars a day, every day that they didn't enforce the rule.
My state we can refuse service to guests not wearing masks. However, Target wants guests to keep coming back so it will be " we warned you" mentality.
We have a sign at the front saying it’s New York State law. And thankfully we haven’t had any issues, people are complying.

I don’t know if we can kick people out, but I’ll definitely socially distance the shit out of them to send a message.
I don't know about other states, but Washington State Gov. Jay Inslee issued a face-covering edict effective as of Tuesday, July 8th, In my store, I'd guess well over 95% of our guests are complying with face-covering rules. But with this new emergency rule, will we literally have to escort violators out of the store and refuse service? Draconian and over-reaching as the face-covering edict is, this mandate could be coming to a state near you.

How is it more draconian and over-reaching than seat belt laws or DUI laws or public indecency/obscenity laws? Lots of laws directly tell people what they can and cannot do, and many of those laws are about things that don't directly hurt others. Mask laws do directly prevent harm to others.

target doesn't care about fines and won't be closed,

How are you so sure that local or state authorities won't shut them down for a few days as a punishment for breaking the law in public view?
We've had mandatory masks in my state for many weeks now, maybe even a a few months, but it's not enforced. Some small businesses are enforcing it more strongly, but not Target. I'm glad that most people in my area are compliant, but that's not true statewide. For my part, I just avoid going near guests and TMs who aren't masked or are wearing one improperly. Unmasked guests have various reactions, but I don't really care what they think. I do care about my health.
ADA does not cover face masks.
If people can't wear a a mask in the store then you can offer them a viable alternative, like curb pickup.
They can't force you to let them in the store bases on the ADA.

And fuck anybody who tries to do that very much.

Thank you.. People are fucking idiots when they try this shit.. I am not sorry you go bare faced right now I think you are fucking moron. Science is not the enemy, stupid is.
We do at our store. Since July 1. Security is right at the entrance and you will be turned away. White, black, young, old etc. All of us have to wear a mask all the time everywhere. Even if we are working by ourselves. It is making work life very hard. I unload trucks and my glasses fog up constantly. I tripped twice because of not being able to see. It is so hot! Why can’t they turn the air down? I know it’s suppose to end in November. What if this is forever? Imagine being a child and everyone having a mask. I always wonder what they are thinking.

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