Worst Management

Feb 7, 2021
The hourly wage is not bad but they cut your hours whenever they want. They promised 30-40 hrs but that only happened in November and December. Team leads work their way up to ETL. No management skills. Bully employees at all time. They don’t train properly but expect you to be able to do everything. Incompetent team leads try to tell you to do everything while they hardly work. They keep rushing you throughout the day. THEY DON’T WORK AROUND SCHOOL SCHEDULE. The one interviews you (ETL) may quit his/her job within a month and every thing you told that person is forgotten. Management didn’t communicate so they just yell at you if you upset them. Even a Human Resources leader tried to tell a GM team member what to do. It’s the General Merchandise leader’s job to manage the GM team, not the HR Leader. Give you a u-boat full of boxes and wanted you to complete in less than 20 min. They will not listen to your reasoning. Just keep telling you to finish the 8-hr workload in 4-hr. Team leads yelled at employees for no reason. Used to schedule me 3hrs and 45 min shifts and expected me to finish a 7 hrs shift’s workload. A LOT of employees quit. THEY JUST QUIT. Incompetent HR leader can’t handle employees who have strict school schedule. They will try to leave you alone until they hire new people then try to kick your butts out. Forced me to work 4am in the morning or kick my butts out. They hired me as a GM team member then wanted me to be a cashier too. GM team and Guest Service team are two different things. Majority of employees don’t last 1-2 months. Fellow employees are nice though. Within a year, they have 3-4 different GM leaders come and gone. So do leaders in Guest Services. Even the Store Director left too. This company doesn’t not care about employees. They just wanted a person who always say yes to them. They’re often failed to reach their goals so the managers will always scramble. If a team lead misunderstood you, she yelled at you first then say sorry. Who would like to get yelled at all the time. “Uneducated” Style team lead left for some times and came back to become a GM ETL assistant. As soon as the GM ETL left she took over the job and did horribly. She knows nothing about management and only yelling at employees. She has no respect for employees, I felt like she enjoyed humiliating them. I used to overhear she make fun of the previous GM ETL. Beware of the old blone team lead too. She gets upset out of nowhere and yell at you here and there.
Im not saying there isnt stores with bad leadership, but its also retail and every retail cuts hours rn. Workload is higher then its ever been this time of year because if pandemic. Hr leader might be in charge if gm leader is off. Obviously you dont have any idea the workload, expectations, and pressure from above tls and etls face. If you are a dbo it may be difficult to work around a school schedule which may also be why you are getting less hours. Seems like they were trying to get you into a different position that is more flexible schedule wise. You are a target employee they can put you anywhere for "needs of the business"
Hell of a rant, points for that. I wouldn't want to work in your store because it sounds like the communication is really bad.

What you're complaining about seems like a mix of stressed out management, lack of effective leadership from the top down, but also some things that you should suck it up and deal with (which would probably be easier to deal with if not for the other problems).

The school scheduling should go by your availability. You have to make sure your availability is correct, and to change it when necessary. And as soon as you get your new schedule each week, if something is outside of your availability, talk to your TL or somebody involved in scheduling.
I guess a lot of TMs don’t stick around long enough to realize, this is how Target is run. Like, most of the stores. Are there good stores with good cultures? 🤷🏽‍♀️
I guess a lot of TMs don’t stick around long enough to realize, this is how Target is run. Like, most of the stores. Are there good stores with good cultures? 🤷🏽‍♀️
My leaders are not near like this.
My store does a pretty good job and many of the etls have been in there position for multiple years at this point.
There are less hours in 1st quarter. Being gm tm, you have to cashier, take care of guests, push truck, do price change& push clearance, do reshop, set pogs & backstock.

When you were hired, did you tell spot that you are going to school?
The hourly wage is not bad but they cut your hours whenever they want. They promised 30-40 hrs but that only happened in November and December. Team leads work their way up to ETL. No management skills. Bully employees at all time. They don’t train properly but expect you to be able to do everything. Incompetent team leads try to tell you to do everything while they hardly work. They keep rushing you throughout the day. THEY DON’T WORK AROUND SCHOOL SCHEDULE. The one interviews you (ETL) may quit his/her job within a month and every thing you told that person is forgotten. Management didn’t communicate so they just yell at you if you upset them. Even a Human Resources leader tried to tell a GM team member what to do. It’s the General Merchandise leader’s job to manage the GM team, not the HR Leader. Give you a u-boat full of boxes and wanted you to complete in less than 20 min. They will not listen to your reasoning. Just keep telling you to finish the 8-hr workload in 4-hr. Team leads yelled at employees for no reason. Used to schedule me 3hrs and 45 min shifts and expected me to finish a 7 hrs shift’s workload. A LOT of employees quit. THEY JUST QUIT. Incompetent HR leader can’t handle employees who have strict school schedule. They will try to leave you alone until they hire new people then try to kick your butts out. Forced me to work 4am in the morning or kick my butts out. They hired me as a GM team member then wanted me to be a cashier too. GM team and Guest Service team are two different things. Majority of employees don’t last 1-2 months. Fellow employees are nice though. Within a year, they have 3-4 different GM leaders come and gone. So do leaders in Guest Services. Even the Store Director left too. This company doesn’t not care about employees. They just wanted a person who always say yes to them. They’re often failed to reach their goals so the managers will always scramble. If a team lead misunderstood you, she yelled at you first then say sorry. Who would like to get yelled at all the time. “Uneducated” Style team lead left for some times and came back to become a GM ETL assistant. As soon as the GM ETL left she took over the job and did horribly. She knows nothing about management and only yelling at employees. She has no respect for employees, I felt like she enjoyed humiliating them. I used to overhear she make fun of the previous GM ETL. Beware of the old blone team lead too. She gets upset out of nowhere and yell at you here and there.
That’s Target Management for you, Luckily not all are like that.
The hourly wage is not bad but they cut your hours whenever they want. They promised 30-40 hrs but that only happened in November and December. Team leads work their way up to ETL. No management skills. Bully employees at all time. They don’t train properly but expect you to be able to do everything. Incompetent team leads try to tell you to do everything while they hardly work. They keep rushing you throughout the day. THEY DON’T WORK AROUND SCHOOL SCHEDULE. The one interviews you (ETL) may quit his/her job within a month and every thing you told that person is forgotten. Management didn’t communicate so they just yell at you if you upset them. Even a Human Resources leader tried to tell a GM team member what to do. It’s the General Merchandise leader’s job to manage the GM team, not the HR Leader. Give you a u-boat full of boxes and wanted you to complete in less than 20 min. They will not listen to your reasoning. Just keep telling you to finish the 8-hr workload in 4-hr. Team leads yelled at employees for no reason. Used to schedule me 3hrs and 45 min shifts and expected me to finish a 7 hrs shift’s workload. A LOT of employees quit. THEY JUST QUIT. Incompetent HR leader can’t handle employees who have strict school schedule. They will try to leave you alone until they hire new people then try to kick your butts out. Forced me to work 4am in the morning or kick my butts out. They hired me as a GM team member then wanted me to be a cashier too. GM team and Guest Service team are two different things. Majority of employees don’t last 1-2 months. Fellow employees are nice though. Within a year, they have 3-4 different GM leaders come and gone. So do leaders in Guest Services. Even the Store Director left too. This company doesn’t not care about employees. They just wanted a person who always say yes to them. They’re often failed to reach their goals so the managers will always scramble. If a team lead misunderstood you, she yelled at you first then say sorry. Who would like to get yelled at all the time. “Uneducated” Style team lead left for some times and came back to become a GM ETL assistant. As soon as the GM ETL left she took over the job and did horribly. She knows nothing about management and only yelling at employees. She has no respect for employees, I felt like she enjoyed humiliating them. I used to overhear she make fun of the previous GM ETL. Beware of the old blone team lead too. She gets upset out of nowhere and yell at you here and there.
Agree with everything except not working around school schedules....this store bends over backwards for the kids in school and dumps all over daily regulars.

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