I'm actually surprised at the amount of people that would stay. The reason most people are working here is because they cant go back to school or it's a after HS gig. Having a decent amount to where you could go back or to school to pursue a real job seems like a much better idea imo
And yes, I did use "real job" Unlike most people, I am unfortunately a BR grunt forced to clean up after flow,SF, Plano and deal with beating multiple goal times and metrics while only making 50 cents more than a cashier who just stands all day. Literally no praise because no one knows what we do other than "make pulls" lol. I also don't care about 99% of my coworkers. I'd would just bail the BR team out with some money, LOCU the backroom and never look back. I don't consider my job, or target in general a real job unless you're a SR TL or higher. Retail isnt' the type of work that matters enough to stick around in "just because" when you could probably be doing something more interesting. I'd rather use that money to try to get schooling to get into corporate instead of just picking up a few shifts as starbucks or SF