Where can I find some more feedback?
Scam Alert: You're not going to make a living at gambling. Or you can make a hard, stressful, living at poker if you are very good, have very deep pockets, and can absorb deep losses over the medium-term.
Most games, including slot machines, are totally random, with the odds slightly tilted in the house's favor. Even "high rollers" slowly lose money, sometimes a lot. Former Secretary of Education William Bennett spent over a million dollars a year gambling at Vegas casinos (of course, he made much more than that a year with speaking fees, book royalties, and such, but the point is it's not a profit center).
Even games where there is some element of skill involved (like card-counting at blackjack), if the house finds that you're winning long-term, they will find a way to ban you. Also, forget what you saw in the movie "21." The potential advantage at blackjack is so slight that you would essentially wind up being close to an itinerant minimum-wage worker, without benefits, moving from casino to casino, and city to city, developing a vast wardrobe of disguises and fake identities, as you try to stay one step ahead of casino management.
Experts who have found holes in games like badly designed state lotteries point out the irony that if you're smart enough with math and statistics to find such advantages, you can make a much better, and less stressful, living being a professional mathematician or statistician.