Archived Yelp Reviews for your Store.

Give your "Yelp Review" of this website, The Break Room.

  • Worst sandwich I ever had

  • The book was better

  • Made my cat sick

  • I come here everyday! 5 stars!

  • Broke out in a rash

  • meh

  • Employees are all drunks

  • I've become addicted and have since lost my home and family

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No one really reviews my store they have lots of tips on there ( nothing negative) we only have one bad review and it was someone mad that the trash was overflowing all over the place out front. Our cart attendants are very attentive but of course there will be those times when it is extra busy and they can't empty it right away..
I like the complaints that name TM's and ETL's. Some of the team, though, are complimented, by name, on Yelp. If only Target would realize the importance of something like Yelp -- I've never visited a Target closer to my home because of its reviews.
The worse review at my store was more about Target in general. About how our clothing sizes run small and don't got super large and how stuff is too expensive.
I am mentioned by name by a few times by this clearly unstable woman who needs meds and a life.
The most recent has her trying to return something she bought a year ago, and it was used.
She called me names and demanded I be fired.
Just checked again and our target mobile girl got a great review. She's the biggest sweetheart so I'm glad she's getting noticed by guests.

Ngl tho I was secretly hoping the review was gonna be for me because it started off by mentioning electronics
Never thought having a positive review bad, im glad you said how you feel about that as I'm good at posting names of people I appreciate services from..and rarely post names of negative experiences. I did read my location and almost all the last reviews are 5 stars. I agree with what they say from my experience of watching etl/tl honor guest with exceptional services.
Yelp is such a joke. Even terrible companies can get positive reviews. Its a terrible metric to base quality off of since they are astoundingly corrupt and scam business worse than the Pakistanis. Yelp is known for having crowds of fake reviewers from all over the country reviewing places they have never set foot in. Yelp just doesn't care and they are only out for pumping and dumping.

Aside from that being a bowler I can firmly say that
1. If product is not bowled it will take much longer to get done if the truck is even done in the allotted time.
2. Expecting bowlers to place product anything more than semi neatly or even in the vicinity of the location is alot to ask. Fast or neat, pick one.
3. Everyone hates the bowlers/blames them for shit especially if the bowlers didn't do it. No, I didn't destroy the light bulbs, they were smashed in the box when I picked them up myself.
4. Constantly being given new "ideas" that are illogical and actually multiply the labor needed. Thankful that no stupid ideas have come up lately.
5. Some customers you cannot help, you simply have to ease their passing.
6. Im tired and my back hurts, this is close enough for me. Whoever keeps buying these ironing boards is a dickhead.
7. Backroom/Team Members/Customers/Team Leaders are going to bitch anyway so fuck it.
8. I'm possibly the best bowler a store could dream of and I still can't don't and won't put boxes into isles perfectly because its not viable. Your lucky if everything isn't in a pile in the front of an aisle like it would be when I started. I never bitched about it. I did my job just like I do now.

If you think an unattended pallet jack and a stack of pallets is a safety hazard than you are an absolute idiot. The pallets won't fall on you like the furniture in blue will. And that furniture is brand!
Yelp is such a joke. Even terrible companies can get positive reviews. Its a terrible metric to base quality off of since they are astoundingly corrupt and scam business worse than the Pakistanis. Yelp is known for having crowds of fake reviewers from all over the country reviewing places they have never set foot in. Yelp just doesn't care and they are only out for pumping and dumping.

Aside from that being a bowler I can firmly say that
1. If product is not bowled it will take much longer to get done if the truck is even done in the allotted time.
2. Expecting bowlers to place product anything more than semi neatly or even in the vicinity of the location is alot to ask. Fast or neat, pick one.
3. Everyone hates the bowlers/blames them for shit especially if the bowlers didn't do it. No, I didn't destroy the light bulbs, they were smashed in the box when I picked them up myself.
4. Constantly being given new "ideas" that are illogical and actually multiply the labor needed. Thankful that no stupid ideas have come up lately.
5. Some customers you cannot help, you simply have to ease their passing.
6. Im tired and my back hurts, this is close enough for me. Whoever keeps buying these ironing boards is a dickhead.
7. Backroom/Team Members/Customers/Team Leaders are going to bitch anyway so fuck it.
8. I'm possibly the best bowler a store could dream of and I still can't don't and won't put boxes into isles perfectly because its not viable. Your lucky if everything isn't in a pile in the front of an aisle like it would be when I started. I never bitched about it. I did my job just like I do now.

If you think an unattended pallet jack and a stack of pallets is a safety hazard than you are an absolute idiot. The pallets won't fall on you like the furniture in blue will. And that furniture is brand!

Why did you bowl out the smashed light bulbs? That seems stupid.. But as you said.. Close enough,.., Now you have an example of why people hate the flow teams..
I usually set them at the end of an aisle and worry about them later. If I worry about every single item thats broken inside of a box as I'm working then all I would be doing is wasting time. That and alot of times there is only one bulb or so smashed in a box. Let the pushers deal with that just like I did when I pushed only. They put the damaged in a normal spot and we bowlers deal with it when we clean up.

Majority of the time products are in the wrong places on the shelves its not even flow at my store. Its the afternoon/evening people and has been for years. Close enough is good enough as long as its not on the shelf yet. The team I'm on has fairly low turnover/high retention. Majority of the people there have been there for years. The daytime people are always new faces and obviously never stay long, I don't even bother learning their names because you might see one of them once or twice and never again for one reason or another. For years now the plastics have been continually stocked so high that you can't even reach the top ones without pulling the whole stack off the 2nd shelf. I know for a fact its the "new" people shoving product out without supervision because they either don't know better or just don't care.

I used to get annoyed how regardless of reality, flow will always be the scapegoat whether things are messed up on the floor or not. Suffice to say, you treat someone like an asshole who shoves things into random locations long enough and they eventually become said asshole. Anytime afternoon has left the back room in a clusterfuck and pallet jacks are hidden all over the place its "flow is hogging all the pallet jacks again!" even when we literally dindu nuffins. At this point I'm to old to care.
I took a look at the reviews for my store, and it got a 3.5 out of 5. The worst complaints were about a rude Starbucks employee, a cashier who accused a 3 year old of stealing something off the register belt, and an ex employee upset about a STL wanting to create a health hazard.

Makes me laugh that people still give negative reviews and make comments like this:
Oh yeah, this Target has grocery food I guess. If you're one of those people that don't mind buying your meats and vegetables at the same place you buy your underwear I guess this might be ok for you.

My store got 1 star 2 weeks ago with the person ranting about transgenders and bathrooms.
I wasn't aware my store was in charge of the decision.....
It brings my blood to a boil that people are ranting about this. Most of them are too thick headed, close minded, or blind to reality to understand what the actual situation is. I've stopped talking to a friend of the family because he's been posting anti transgender stuff on his Facebook page.
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Let's read my favorite.

Okay, Target is a great brand and most of their stores are great. There are exceptions to this, including the [redacted] Target. This Target is awful, do not expect the customer service or stocked shelves you are used too. The lines are always long and the cashiers either dont't speak English, are incompatant, or both. When walking around the store you will notice serveal employees who also work there that look homeless or just paroled. Between the employees and the high crime in the area, I would not come here alone. I just can't recommend this location.

I made the parts I enjoy the most larger.

I love how he can't spell "incompetent". There's a beautiful irony there.
I haven't read my store's reviews since the bathroom policy change. I think I'm going to avoid it.
I'm getting racist vibes from you.
Congrats, you saw racism where there was none. Speaks alot about the kinda person you are. Bonus points if you call Mexicans and Muslims races and Trump a racist.

Even worse, a Pakistani who may at some point have to deal with you. 🙂

Are you denying the reality that Pakistan has a widely known scam industry and is constantly calling me telling me I have a virus? You would have to be wildly out of touch with reality to think it didn't.
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My store has two reviews on Yelp. One very nice one, and one from a guest who called the STL and the GSTL a few choice words for not being very nice to her when she asked for help.
My store sits at a cushy 1.5. I live in a high theft area, so our No Reciept return policy differs (as it does from store to store, as I have been told) So, basically if your hands are black from using, you have obvious pock marks on your arms, you reek like sweat and shame, and you hand me your ID before I even know you are trying to return the giant a$$ bag of batteries, you are getting denied. I guess people have a problem with that, because most of our reveiws are about people making returns w/out a receipt and being denied. Also about a frmr igs tm who yelled at a guest after the guest poked her in the chest and spit at her. But, of course the tm was in the wrong. *eyeroll*
I confess I often read my store's Yelp reviews; even when I was on LOA. It's obvious that most of the reviewers' complaints come from hour cuts over time (long lines on registers, lack of cashiers, lack of available TMs in general, store is getting messier).
Most of the reviews for my store seem to be from people who had a negative experience once and then felt mad enough to go to Yelp and rate one star.
I'm genuinely curious to see if the lady who bitched about me for not giving her a discount for having to wait in electronics is on there O:
Yess this makes me think of that South Park episode with the yelpers
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