Archived "You don't ever tell me no."

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Ummm, no. Most places don't blow little insignificant things out of proportion. It wasn't like she was mocking him or anything. "NO! Oh BURRRRRRRRNNNN!" Um, I think not. Only at Target do stupid things get turned into great giant ordeals. At my job currently if I told my boss "no, i need you to come here." he'd probably tell me to hold on a minute, but then he would come and deal with the issue, and that would be it. period. end of it. Because we don't have complexes about who's above or below someone. we have customers. That's the mentality i'm glad I escaped. And you'll realize it to once you move on from this place.

How's the career change over to Walmart working out for you? Or is it back to McDonald's for the third time? Can't keep up with the ones who can't seem to cut it past that 90 day review.
Pretty sure if I did that at any of my other jobs I would probably be in trouble. Asking to switch channels is actually considered best practice and the tm was rude by blowing off their TL.
How's the career change over to Walmart working out for you? Or is it back to McDonald's for the third time? Can't keep up with the ones who can't seem to cut it past that 90 day review.

Nope. Doing just fine working as a PC technician & Contractor instead of throwing boxes in the trailers. I did Target for a long five years, and the culture of fear was finally lifted. No, seriously, incidents like these are what drove me to the edge. You'll be just fine, and then one day you'll slip up, say something off the cuff or out of frustration, and then the inquisition begins. It's always fine until you are finally the one under the microscope. Some folks are always quick to blame the person who made the mistakes, but you know what? We all do something wrong in this job everyday. They just chose not to focus on YOU that day. I watched countless friends walk out the door, all of them for random, stupid things, either unintentionally or just because management was in a piss poor mood that day. It's fine if you choose to deny it. But that's the culture of Target these days. Gossip and rumor rule, and the good talent is fleeing. I stand by my original statements. The incident is beyond ridiculous. And the fact that some of you are assigning blame or cannot see that it isn't just shows you've been at Target far too long to see it from the outside view.
Nope. Doing just fine working as a PC technician & Contractor instead of throwing boxes in the trailers. I did Target for a long five years, and the culture of fear was finally lifted. No, seriously, incidents like these are what drove me to the edge. You'll be just fine, and then one day you'll slip up, say something off the cuff or out of frustration, and then the inquisition begins. It's always fine until you are finally the one under the microscope. Some folks are always quick to blame the person who made the mistakes, but you know what? We all do something wrong in this job everyday. They just chose not to focus on YOU that day. I watched countless friends walk out the door, all of them for random, stupid things, either unintentionally or just because management was in a piss poor mood that day. It's fine if you choose to deny it. But that's the culture of Target these days. Gossip and rumor rule, and the good talent is fleeing. I stand by my original statements. The incident is beyond ridiculous. And the fact that some of you are assigning blame or cannot see that it isn't just shows you've been at Target far too long to see it from the outside view.

No, you're totally on the right track. 5 years is long enough to see the shift in the company. Since Gregg stepped up and rally kicked the company into a different direction. I find myself in a love-hate relationship with Target depending on the workday. I wrote that last post at the end of a workday where several people were hired on who I did not recommend for some vary obvious reasons and the second interview with the ETL resulted in everyone of them getting hired. I was frustrated at the high turnover recently and vented a little harder than I should have. Was on a transit train with a drunk bum yelling in one ear and an infant screaming in the other while the mother ignored it to talk to her friend on the phone.

Thing is, I am still undecided if the company changed because it had to to weather the recession storm and also because the pool of hard workers is drying up? Maybe Target is just another victim of the evolving crap hole that the American workforce is sinking into. Then again, I reflect on all the ways Target has trimmed the fat in the past 5 years and a lot of it hasn't been in long term investments in efficiency and opperations. It has been at the cost of the things that made Target uniquely great to work for. I can remember a few times back in 2009 when that 401K stock I bought a few years earlier at 63 was sitting at 23 and wondering if Target was going to make it. But now that Target is back to a stable growth percentage, the perks haven't come back. It's like Target is ok with a high turnover of ignorant Prols that they can hire and fire because it is cheaper in the short term than investing in long term employment. I guess they can do that right now because the unemployment is on their side but I believe it will come back when the pendulum of the economy swings back the other way. Target will not retain its talent and find itself hemorrhaging money because they earned a reputation equal to a Walmart in China.
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