Archived Your weekly hours and position?

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Signing TM, and I average 37-38 hours.... Whatever isn't "Signing Hours" I am usually Plano, help Flow or Backroom.
I'm technically scheduled under consumables, but I'm mainly hardlines I guess. I'm on the bench and do a lot. P-fresh, backroom, SFS, signing, and I just heard that I'm the new go-to shift taker for instocks because like no one else is trained besides actual instocks TMs.
I don't know my actual average but I usually get between like 32-38+ hours.
Softlines/cashier, mostly softlines. I get 34 up to as many as 40+ if there's a special project going on.
What is up with these topics lately? Your hours, review status, take home pay, position at store...? Seriously, these topics are prying and personal. I know I don't have to answer, but I also feel a need to voice my opinion about how these are unacceptable topics to be talking about on open forums.
To me, its great to know all of this. It lets us know where we stand and if its really far off from the majority, we can start questioning how we can fix it. In person it'll be much more personal and prying to find out, but on the forums, its anonymous, makes everything much smoother to progress and work with.

Plano TM/ On Bench 32-36 hr/wk
To me, its great to know all of this. It lets us know where we stand and if its really far off from the majority, we can start questioning how we can fix it. In person it'll be much more personal and prying to find out, but on the forums, its anonymous, makes everything much smoother to progress and work with.

Plano TM/ On Bench 32-36 hr/wk
I don't follow the reasoning. How does this information help?
Because if you're getting 20 hours, but you find that most people in your position get 35-40, then you can figure out why you're not getting more hours, and then ask for more.

If I'm not getting the same hours as someone in the same position, that isn't an indication that I should have more or less hours. ASANTS. Store volume and sales, experience, cross-training… there are a lot of reasons hours fluctuate.

I'm sure people will continue to share, I just find the whole process boastful and counter productive.
If I'm not getting the same hours as someone in the same position, that isn't an indication that I should have more or less hours. ASANTS. Store volume and sales, experience, cross-training… there are a lot of reasons hours fluctuate.

I'm sure people will continue to share, I just find the whole process boastful and counter productive.

Those are all things to take into consideration, but that doesn't mean the topic is a waste. If you notice you are getting less hours than most, but you know your store does well, than that starts a discussion for that person.
What is up with these topics lately? Your hours, review status, take home pay, position at store...? Seriously, these topics are prying and personal. I know I don't have to answer, but I also feel a need to voice my opinion about how these are unacceptable topics to be talking about on open forums.
Some people are just curious about how many hours others can get in different positions. I'd expect anyone who thinks it might give away too much info would not post it. Others, including myself, have posted this info before and have no problem doing it again.

I know for a fact that I'm not the only SFS TM who gets 40 hours, and if anyone really wanted to go through my hundreds of posts to try any piece together who I am, they would look like a crazy person trying to explain it to anyone.
I understand the feeling that some of this might be a bit invasive and you certainly don't have to respond.
But I would counter that Spot prefers to keep TMs like mushrooms, in the dark and covered with shit.
The more you talk about what you make and the hours you're getting (or not getting) the better you can fight back.
I understand the feeling that some of this might be a bit invasive and you certainly don't have to respond.
But I would counter that Spot prefers to keep TMs like mushrooms, in the dark and covered with shit.
The more you talk about what you make and the hours you're getting (or not getting) the better you can fight back.

In the dark...covered in shit....and DELICIOUS!
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