Archived Your weekly hours and position?

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You can make a pretty tasty "vegetarian cheese steak" sandwich with portobello mushrooms. Why would you do that instead of using meat? I dunno. I guess it's healthier supposedly. I ate that a lot when I tried to be vegetarian once.
You can make a pretty tasty "vegetarian cheese steak" sandwich with portobello mushrooms. Why would you do that instead of using meat? I dunno. I guess it's healthier supposedly. I ate that a lot when I tried to be vegetarian once.
My brother tried to be vegetarian a year ago. Then he had sushi during his lunch break. His excuse was that no one was eating it and it would've gone to waste, but he insisted he's still a vegetarian.

Then I walked in on him eating Boars' Head chicken breast. His excuse was that he wanted to remember what meat tasted like. Yeah, whatever.

Now he misses sushi so much, he only eats fish now so I guess he's a pescatarian. I expect him to fully break soon.
You can make a pretty tasty "vegetarian cheese steak" sandwich with portobello mushrooms. Why would you do that instead of using meat? I dunno. I guess it's healthier supposedly. I ate that a lot when I tried to be vegetarian once.
Portobello mushrooms are "meatier" so to speak and they are bigger than most mushrooms so people use them in place of meat. It's really good.
Cart Attendant Cashier Guest Server Pfresh Salesfloor
24 hours +10 to 15 depending on they want me to overextend or call me on my day off.
I used to have open availability and was always scheduled 39.5 hrs a week as a GSA. (Worked that amount before I was GSA also.) Then I got another job and asked for my hours to be cut back. Stepped down to doing mostly cashier shifts and work 15-20 hrs a week.
Soft lines, almost exclusively FR and I maintain generally 34-36 when I had open avail. Some weeks would be closer to 30-32 but that was rare. My lowest scheduled was 25 during a dead period && I picked up 2 shifts to get almost 40... I will say when I bumped down to part time I asked to try and maintain 20-25 & they can't seem to get me above 16 or 17 hours, but it's ok because I've slowly transitioned my second job to hire part time (30hrs) && I'm leaving Spot at the end of the month to go ft salary w/ benefits at my other job. At this point I'd be willing to give up any and all of my target shifts - but no one wants any of them. I actually have tms who are "mad" that I'm leaving because they have had to start rotating others into FR to cover the gaps. Lol.
Am I the only one here who has hours that go completely bonkers?
I have open availability, open to close, except for one day a week. Some weeks I'll have 32 hours, other weeks I have 16. It's the same for all of us in Starbucks until literally the holiday season, when we know we'll get around 38. As of right now, it's a guessing game as to how many hours we'll get.
Am I the only one here who has hours that go completely bonkers?
I have open availability, open to close, except for one day a week. Some weeks I'll have 32 hours, other weeks I have 16. It's the same for all of us in Starbucks until literally the holiday season, when we know we'll get around 38. As of right now, it's a guessing game as to how many hours we'll get.
Do you know if your Sbux gets the same number of hours every week? I literally write down each barista's name and keep a tally by each one to make sure everyone gets the number of shifts they need. Some only want a few and some want as many as possible. Some of us work more than one area too, so that adds some flexibility. Really, unless someone is on vacation, it doesn't change much. We re not a super busy Sbux though, so maybe that makes a difference.
Running with about 16 hours currently in the Backroom. But once my summer availability kicks in, I'm sure i'll be getting 38-40 with our skeleton crew.
What is up with these topics lately? Your hours, review status, take home pay, position at store...? Seriously, these topics are prying and personal. I know I don't have to answer, but I also feel a need to voice my opinion about how these are unacceptable topics to be talking about on open forums.
I will second the fact that most retail companies use the same tactics to squash unionization and your ability to know you've gotten fucked on pay/ hr/etc.

If we don't talk about our experiences people may wrongly assume they aren't getting any more/less than the tm next to them. The reality is they may be making up to a couple dollars an hour less-without taking favoritism into account.
TPS - 40 hours.

I also agree business don't like team members posting pay and hours, it hurts their bottom line, because now they cannot offer you as little as possible. Well they can, but now you have info to use toward negotiation
22-27 hours. Overnight flow.

The ****ing cart attendants are getting more hours that me!
Only got in the mid 20s for hours the past two weeks since POG hours were a bit dried up, but have gotten 40 hours consistently since the beginning of the year.
34 hours a week. 30 hours receiving, 4 hours helping on flow twice a week. Though I'm getting ready to give up the truck hours because I need sleep more than I need a few extra dollars on my paycheck.
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