Just wanted to say hi!!! Only been with Target for 3 months but, so far I love it. Of course, as with any job, it has it days but, nothing crazy or horrible. Except a 4800 piece style truck the day before inventory lol
Is it possible and if so: how can I get hired on to work on the new store set up in Denton and continue to work at that store after the opening.
I have experience with both store set ups and many areas of retail.
hi friends! c: just joined been googling a bunch of stuff ever since i got my offer (i totally thought i BOMBED after the first interview question, felt so ashamed cus i tried soo hard and prepped for hours i wanted this job so bad😭 pays 5 more hrly than my last god im so happy they still wanted...
So my username is basically a statement about how Beauty needs more hours and such.
I am 31 years old and I have worked at Target for a little less than a year. I work in Beauty mainly but I sometimes help out in Fulfillment and on the Front Lanes. I am also in Style sometimes.
I deal with...
Hi everyone, new TM, hired as warehouse worker. I've been on the job a little over two weeks. They have me in Carton Air. I just started my 2nd day of 50% expectancy. I didn't make the percentage yesterday and I didn't let it get to me as it was my first day at 50%. But today seemed very...
hey y'all, started working during the seasonal period and they kept me as a team member in tech. currently going to university to finally get my bachelor's after several years of struggling with knowing what to do with my life. target pays me pretty well and it's much better than previous jobs...
Former seasonal team member here!! I worked from October 2023 to Jan 2024 and hoping to be joining again in April. A new store is opening up so I’ll be applying there! Before target I worked at amazon for 3 years and before that I worked at Taco Bell for 3 years. Made some cool friends over the...
Hey, I'm Lexi, and I'll start my first day tomorrow. I have never worked for Target but have always been a fan and hope to gain that insider access by working here, as it is also my first job. I also knew two fellow team members, but they were back from another state I lived in when I attended...
Dear Target TM's in Maine,
I am a fairly recent hire (about 2 1/2 months now), I'm looking to connect with some team members from the other locations in Maine. I am interested in learning about anything to do with the working conditions in these other locations, please reach out!!
Inbound guy from small format store(recently upgraded to large format) . Though we haven't gotten bigger on the inside. Always kinda leary of any establishment that would have me as a member- (paraphrasing/embellishing) groucho marx
Hi all! I just so happened to stumble upon this forum while doing a random Google Search, nice to meet all of you, I'm a relatively new seasonal employee (fingers crossed for a more permanent position :D) and figured I'd make an account just to connect with some fellow Team Members, glad to be here!
I just stumbled across the site and decided to come on in. I've worked for Target for more years than I care to think about and frankly, I'm surprised no one has ever put me on to this.
Hello, fellow team members! I just wanted to introduce myself. I’ve been with Target for almost a year now. Found this forum when just searching for a question I had one day. Finally decided to join.
I joined The Break Room because I’m having a rough time at work, and I need to say what I truly feel when I can’t say it at work. I’ve been working at Target for 8.5 years as a cart attendant, and I’ve come to a point that we need a cart pusher, but only one problem: we can’t afford it.
Hi, I'm just a trans person looking for information about coverage through the new BCBS program. Almost everything I've found was exclusive to health care united which seemed amazing according to testimonials of trans target-eers. Targets? TM? lol
This seems like a pretty cool place though I'll...
Hello all just wanted to Introduce myself!
I have worked at Target for 6 years (7 in June) starting out as a Inbound/Flow/Backroom and Electronics Team Member. From there I have been a DBO(DPO) of sporting goods, chemicals, pets/paper and plastics at one point or the other. Moved to POG about 2...
I have been working at Target since 2005 started in NY now in SC. Any other stores having inbound issues. Never seen it so bad u can barely move in the backroom... and sometimes they don't even get to finish unload to the point they are pulling DBO's to unload once the truck team leaves for the day.
I can't remember where I heard about this forum but I'm happy it exists, so looks like I'm here now. Obviously I wouldn't want to put too much about myself out there other than that I'm a "seasonal" (I was told that I'd likely be kept after Christmas is over) at a new small format store. I...