Archived $12 Min soon?

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They are going to give us our review raise right before they bump up to the new minimum. Why bother busting my ass anymore if I dont get any benefit from working hard. Thanks Target, hold on just a minute while i bend over for you.
And this is why I find it very hard to care most days. I still enjoy helping guests, but the rest of it? Why bother anymore trying to do a really great job? There's no reward in it, monetary or otherwise.
Bill, Brian, and Brad got a pay raise and they're complaining about it? Sound like a bunch of petty people to me. They should be mad at the TL for not performancing Bob out. Who cares if he makes the same as you if he's not gonna be around much longer? They should be allowed to give more hours to top performers IMO. So Bob's paycheck would be quite small compared to Bill, Brian, and Brad's. Work would get done more efficiently with fewer mistakes/rework.
Except this is not how it works in the real world - at least not in the real world at my store. Especially if Bob is a suck-up favorite of certain TLs. My hours get cut even though I show up on time, don't swan around the sales floor having extended conversations with other TMs, and oh, actually do my job. But I refuse to play the suck-up game.
So if that makes me petty, that's fine with me.
I wonder what people hope to gain by sucking up to the boss, seeing as how they can't really do all that much? TLs and ETLs are just glorified peons. They hold keys and get paid more than you or me, but that's about it.

It's not like if you kiss ass enough they'll give you a bump to $30/hr or something. Even if your lead likes you enough to have sex with you and wants to make it rain on you in theory, they don't physically have the ability to bump your pay up by some huge arbitrary %. Nor can they give you free reign to do whatever the fuck you want and cover for you so nobody else notices, like setting you up with a "no-show" position or paying you extra out of the cash office.

I guess a lot of peeps have a concept of management from TV where the boss can wave his hand and adjust your destiny at will like Caesar, idk it's stupid
Well, if you suck up to the right people you might get a chance to get more than the 4 or 5.5 hours!
Truth. I regularly get an extra shift if I just ask my TL if I can come in early/extra. And they don't even like me that much.
From what I've seen, the suck-ups don't do much work - lots of standing around chit-chatting, but never too much with the same TM. Slow to take care of trash, lots of restroom breaks, texting while on the floor. They seem to like to play a game where they see how much they can get away with, but it's never anything major enough to get fired or even coached - just stuff that says to other "non-special" TMs, "I can do this and not get coached about it."
I don't think they're expecting to get paid more than other TMs, just not to have to work as much as other TMs and still have a job they get paid for. And other TMs come along after them and do what they should have done and didn't.
My hr is kinda ditzy so idk if she read it right or not but according to her, current tms get the bump and then new tms don't get bumped until a later date (maybe fall so we feel less shafted vs last year's way). Idk what "new" means though. She made the raise thing sound crazy because she tried to make the announcement diplomatically but I assume we're still getting raises on top of the 12/12.50/whatever your workcenter pays like when they did 9 and 10 bumps.

Well, if you suck up to the right people you might get a chance to get more than the 4 or 5.5 hours!

Truue. I'm getting 8s in my secondary workcenters. I complained about 8hr cashier shifts though so when I cashier it's only 4 and 5 now. I've been asked to crosstrain in other depts as well. I'm trying to be gloabal af. But to be clear, I don't think it's only about being well-liked. I think if I was likeable but lazy, it wouldn't work out the same way
From what my HR filled me in on today, not 100% positive this is all correct but it's what I was told:
1. Current team members and any new hires who start by 5/5/18 will have a $12 minimum.
2. New hires after 5/6/18 will start at $11 with a bump scheduled sometime this fall.
3. Logistics and GSA no longer have any shift differential bumps.

Merit examples

Current TM makes 11.50 right now and earns a .25 raise---they will be bumped to $12 on 4/29.

Current TM makes 11.50 right now and earns a .75 raise---they will only increase to $12.25 on 4/29

Dates may vary by region/group based on pay schedule and I can't guarantee this is correct but thought I'd share.
If GSAs no longer get the pay bump my guess it the position will just go away and all GSTMs will get supervisor access to the registers.
They are going to give us our review raise right before they bump up to the new minimum. Why bother busting my ass anymore if I dont get any benefit from working hard. Thanks Target, hold on just a minute while i bend over for you.

This explains why they have been making breakfast for us every Friday... I know, the morning is my Frisky time too, but at least, they make us breakfast before we get fucked?
if GSA really doesnt have a pay bump ima just leave there and then, We all work way too hard to be paid the same amount as a slow as fuck cashier
I'm not going to leave without something else lined up, but I will ask to step back to being a Service Desk TM and follow up with HR (again) on that promised CO training. GSA is far too stressful to not get something more out of it.
I'm not going to leave without something else lined up, but I will ask to step back to being a Service Desk TM and follow up with HR (again) on that promised CO training. GSA is far too stressful to not get something more out of it.
It was more of an emotional post that a logical one which I didn’t fully mean... but to summaries..
at my store we have 4 GSAs and one GSTL, most of us go above and beyond when working getting more than expected done, constantly having stuff to do and being able to knock as much as possible out. The problem is being in such a high stress high speed position and being paid the same amount as someone who just sits there and glides pass would not sit easy with any of us. I’m one of only 3 CO trained TMs like and 2 of them are close to retirement age, seasoned flow and signing tms. Just we do all TL things for a tl that gets paid 16-18 bucks for the same amount as a cashier which just doesn’t sit right...
Just we do all TL things for a tl that gets paid 16-18 bucks for the same amount as a cashier which just doesn’t sit right...

Are you having conversations, documented discussions and CCA conversations with team members? Did you write cashier, service desk and food service team member reviews this week? Are you interviewing potential new hires?

If you really are doing those team lead type duties, you should 100% be getting paid as a GSTL not GSA
Are you having conversations, documented discussions and CCA conversations with team members? Did you write cashier, service desk and food service team member reviews this week? Are you interviewing potential new hires?

If you really are doing those team lead type duties, you should 100% be getting paid as a GSTL not GSA
I don’t think any GSA expects to get GSTL pay. They just expect to make more than the cashiers and cart attendants they are supervising. The previous 50¢ bump in pay to be a GSA was already a joke for the additional stress. (Just one of the reasons I’m no longer a GSA.) GSA’s may not do reviews, have conversations, etc but they have access to all the keys used in the store as well as the cash drawer. You can’t trust just anyone with that and not offer some sort of additional pay incentive.
I was replying to Hazza43 that if they actually do those team lead tasks as stated, they deserve team lead pay not just GSA pay.

I totally agree that removing their shift differential is a terrible idea, both for GSA and logistics.
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