Archived 2 family members working under same ETL?

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We gots lots of 'pairings'. The only time it gets sticky is if one is in a sensitive area (ie: HR, AP, Rx, etc).
My sister and I used to have the same ETL. They frown upon family members having the same team lead though (though it has happened at least once).
we've had sibling pairs a number of times. once we had a hl tl whose neice worked in the store - i believe in the same workcenter (hardlines) but they reported to a different TL. although there may or may not be an hr tm and another tm who have dated who both work in the store (they have a kid) not sure if that is a conflict of interest since one is hr (just a tm, not a TL or ETL) but at the same time its not a known "pair" either - i wonder if that is technically allowed?
we have one TL and a backroom TM who report to the same ETL , they are married and are having a child together ..
My sister and I work at a SuperT. Up until she moved to Price Change couple months ago, she was the Deli TL and I was a Cake Decorator in the Bakery. We both had the same ETL, but I know that they said she couldn't be my TL ( the Bakery didn't have one at the time) because we are related.
I know of a family of one father and three sons (or is it one nephew and two sons, I forget). They are all in different work centers. One is in the backroom, one is on plano, one with p-fresh and the other is a cashier. They might even be comparing ETL's. 😀
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