MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

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Has the main side of the backroom become a mess for anyone else? At my store the backroom team that did mainly backstocking and pulling autos now needs to push those autofills which means they dont have time to do the backstock. And the inbound team doesn't have time to push from the line and properly backstock. So now we have backstock piled up everywhere and its just one big mess.
I do it for my VM in my store because she’s terrified of the wave.... my STL Gabe up on trying to get her to learn and just accepted I’ll spend like an hour every other week helping her out.

Every other week, huh? My VM won't use the wave and when she does decide the lights need to be adjusted it's only before a high level VM visit and only in the areas that are called out (so about 2-3 time all year). And then she suckers the STL into "helping" her with them. Which really means she makes him do the work while she watches from the ground.
Every other week, huh? My VM won't use the wave and when she does decide the lights need to be adjusted it's only before a high level VM visit and only in the areas that are called out (so about 2-3 time all year). And then she suckers the STL into "helping" her with them. Which really means she makes him do the work while she watches from the ground.
Ours is constantly moving everything around. I don’t adjust them all but we have track lighting in every department so at least a couple lights every other week
Ours is constantly moving everything around. I don’t adjust them all but we have track lighting in every department so at least a couple lights every other week

Interesting. We have track lights all thru softlines and I don't think it ever occurs to her that she should move them after every new VMG is set. I see the need all the time when I walk through softlines and see shadowed mannequins.
All tls were told today that any tm who doesn’t fully zone and push and backstock in their 4-5 hour shift are to be coached daily until term with stl and Etl’s cc’d on each occurrence or we will be performanced out
What about pulls and scans and active selling and reshop and backing up the lanes and setting sales planners and answering calls and 15 minute break and setting transition and than and than and than....

For those stores already running E2E in beauty, I except my team to only own cosmetics backstock, but knowing my leadership and my team, I know that’s not going to happen.
Is there any stores that have the beauty backstocking anything else, say HBA/Pharm? My cosmetics and pharm are right near each other so I can see where that would be beneficial, but the inbound team just dumps shit even in my cosmetics backstock, so just want to be prepared.
Yep, my beauty team does all of their own truck/back stock plus HBA push/back stock then the repacks for HBA & OTC & back stock, it’s ridiculous
All tls were told today that any tm who doesn’t fully zone and push and backstock in their 4-5 hour shift are to be coached daily until term with stl and Etl’s cc’d on each occurrence or we will be performanced out
Do they have to do their pricing, sales planners, and revisions in this time frame too? Garbage? Back up cashiering? Guest assistance?
All tls were told today that any tm who doesn’t fully zone and push and backstock in their 4-5 hour shift are to be coached daily until term with stl and Etl’s cc’d on each occurrence or we will be performanced out

They would have to either have zones be, like, 3 aisles or face having no TMs after about a week.
Wait so if they are cutting the GSA/SEA role but adding another GSTL/SEL, what happens to current GSA’s/SEL’s? Do they just get told tough luck? Or will the highest performing GSA get that new SEL spot? We have a GSA who is higher performing than either of our GSTL’s (always getting redcards, doing 1-1 with cashiers as they come in, constantly talks to leadership about developing other tm’s) it would suck really bad to see this GSA be shoved back as a “cashier” or GS...
Those interested have to apply, interview, and be signed off by dtl.
Due to the fact the GSA position is being eliminated, how can GSTLs only be mids and not have open/close coverage? Who’s supposed to open the lanes and close the lanes and watch the front actively during those times?

Sounds like a recipe for disaster, tbh.

Rumor has it too that the override option is getting eliminated. Now all tms will be able to make any price change, return, etc a reality.. that’s just fucking mindblowing and doesn’t make any sense.

I guess let the team manage itself into failure when the GSTL is not present.

PS. I will always call myself and refer to other GSTLs as GSTLs. SEL (Service and Engagement TL) sounds kinda dumb to me.
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We have to do 7 aisles per person everyday push/zone/backstock / fill endcaps/if possible autofill push within 4 hours . Some days there are like ~200 boxes to push . I don’t think it’s reasonable. How long can one struggle like this?!
We have to do 7 aisles per person everyday push/zone/backstock / fill endcaps/if possible autofill push within 4 hours . Some days there are like ~200 boxes to push . I don’t think it’s reasonable. How long can one struggle like this?!
7 aisles would be a cake walk! My team for pp2 has an average of 25 each, and they get between 6.5-8 hours per shift.
I get called to electronics almost every GSA shift I have to explain price match policy or deal with some kind of scam/ angry guest over there.
That’s telling of your electronics TMs then. Mine deal with scammers and price change idiots on their own lol. Our store is so hectic it’s pretty much unthinkable that a gsa or gstl would physically go back there. If something is needed the closest leader of any area heads over
Think of it this way. How often do electronics TMs need GSA/GSTL assistance? At my store, they only call if they need change.
That's the only time I call as well. I'm smart enough that know when people are pulling a fast one and also I can do all GSTL functions on the register if needed.
That’s telling of your electronics TMs then. Mine deal with scammers and price change idiots on their own lol. Our store is so hectic it’s pretty much unthinkable that a gsa or gstl would physically go back there. If something is needed the closest leader of any area heads over
Ours just brings the item(s) up to Guest Services and sends the guest to front to deal with it there.
Team as in the people who report to me. Those areas of 20-30 aisles, that’s one person for 6.5-8 hours a day same person 4-5 days a week. A designated alternate on their days off.
You said team, as in more than one person.

It is impossible for someone to do absolutely everything in 4-5 hours, let alone 6-8 hours.
Ours just brings the item(s) up to Guest Services and sends the guest to front to deal with it there.
Ours only does that if it needs an override and it’s obvious the leaders are busy af. When I was an electronics TM my etl keyed me as supervisor lol so I not only never called, but I did exchanges back there too.
I feel the same way, but for the backroom. We have had 4-5 people back there for ages now. Their whole work lives are the backroom, basically. And now every Tom, Dick, Harry, and their entire extended family will be going through it. Can you imagine letting every newbie touch the backroom? When Christmas season starts coming, we're going to be so f*cked...

Yeah definitely. It's already happening at my store. We've had the dedicated stockers doing their own backstock for a while now, and without exception, every area I've helped set a pog in, I've had to go back through the backroom and pull literally dozens of cases/eaches that weren't scanned in.

If it weren't for me actually caring and being good at my job, those shelf spaces would have probably sat empty for weeks until maybe someone either audited it and we got more in, or stumbled across the items in the backroom and created the location error by accidentally scanning them.

Backroom is definitely an area where you want people who are accountable and good at what they do. Having it be an afterthought, or the "thing someone has to do before they go home" just doesn't make sense to me.

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