MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

  • I like them.

  • I dislike them.

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I'm not sure what the best practice is, but at my store, we are only scheduled to do transitions and revisions.

Since I'm the last one on the team (former signing TM), I'm the unofficial backup for an area for when transitions are light and there aren't enough hours to go around. The next few weeks are pretty light apparently, so I'm going to be doing that area and flex fulfillment shifts. But the original pog team members I believe are 100% transition and haven't even been assigned as backups unofficially as far as I know.

But I think a decent chunk of those hours are coming from revisions, which I thought was originally supposed to fall on the DBOs. So if that's how a store is doing it, then they probably would need to have their Presentation Experts doing something else - especially during the lighter weeks.
You guys are lucky. Our store took the “let’s do it all at the same time and see what happens” approach. As you can imagine, it has not gone well.

Just like mine. Dove in the deep end not knowing how to swim. No lifeguard.
Maybe we're still rolling this thing out...but at my store, we still have GSAs, some ETLs close during the week, we aren't harping on name changes, etc. The biggest thing is they're pushing "style" instead of the "softlines" label, but everything else is sloooooooowly going. Anyone else running into this?
We have a Closing Lead, have for a while as we were part of the pilot. My old store was much bigger on the "new" titles; here, it varies depending on who you're with. Most of them don't care what you call people as long as stuff's getting done.

That said, here we are in the Mod Era and I'm still a GSA. Last one standing. The others are gone. Every week, when I get my schedule, I expect to not see "GSA" on it. Just got new schedule. Three GSA shifts when we are one over headcount on GSTLs.


I am sporadically training people on how to close/open, and maybe that's what this is about. Of course, no one is bothering to communicate this, nor is there any set training plan in place.

Last night we had so many callouts/so many Mother's Day shoppers, there was no time to train anyone. I did teach my SCO person my formula for calling for backup (checking basket size, speedweaving, trying to balance between areas of the floor so they could get their work done, too). Said this is how it'll be for you when you're scheduled for SCO, might as well start learning now while someone's here to help you.

Correction. I trained the cashier who filled in for the person who was supposed to be SCO, but called out 1.5 hours after they were supposed to be there. My fill-in could only stay until their original clock-out time, and I don't arm-twist. They can't, they can't. No one was coming in on a Friday night, particularly on Mother's Day weekend. So, after the cashier went home, the person scheduled to do flex covered SCO between picks, which meant I was able to cobble together coverage for most of the night.

I have no ego issues whatsoever with saying they'd better thank Bullseye's Paw someone who knew what they were doing was running the front, because I still needed every bit of support I could get. If we are going to move forward with this, we have to get on with training.
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We aren't DBOs yet but we have been responsible for pushing the same areas for the past 2 or 3 weeks. Finally got paper down to a T just about, knowing what has multiple locations, zoning as I go, where similar items are back stocked at (trying to keep all tissues together rather than spread all over the paper area) but then I got switched to stationary today. Time to relearn everything with more than twice as many items. Not trying to complain but it's just frustrating.
We aren't DBOs yet but we have been responsible for pushing the same areas for the past 2 or 3 weeks. Finally got paper down to a T just about, knowing what has multiple locations, zoning as I go, where similar items are back stocked at (trying to keep all tissues together rather than spread all over the paper area) but then I got switched to stationary today. Time to relearn everything with more than twice as many items. Not trying to complain but it's just frustrating.
As I see it you are making yourself more valuable which should lead to more hours scheduled. I thought DBOs were to work the same dept. consistently, so if you know 2 depts., well, more hours for you ! Great job getting paper under your belt. Get stationary too and you will get to work Both .
Yes! Training ! A bit nervous here. So many team members have gaps in knowledge. I love to train ..... but i’m So BUSY. Could someone get my work done while I train ?! Please. It will help us all in the long run. Willing to visit other stores to train others also.

Therein lies the real issue. I’m essentially going to be running around, for what is likely to be the next few months, trying to train team members and keep the multiple sections I own on track. I’ve trained a lot of people, and at this point it’s pretty obvious that 1-2 days of trying to train people to know how to set SPs, revisions, properly adjust clearance for space, separate transition in the right way, understand price workloads and how to manage them, along with the usual pull and push... is really tough. It took me a couple months to really feel comfortable running POG and Pricing. I feel for a lot of these guys and gals trying to retain this with almost no training.

Honestly, at times, a 70-80 percent revision can be just as bad or worse than a POG (I’m looking at you Hair Accessories, Cosmetics, and Phone Cases). Revision labels get screwed up all the time, missing locations due to clearance still being on the POG, weird shipper placements, etc. I also showed someone new an adjacency this week to plan SPs and they looked at me like I just showed them a plan to fly to Neptune😂 I’ll do what I can, but this whole process should have begun months ago, it’s just really unrealistic with how they approached it. I’m not surprised though, they still can’t even get the browser software fixed in the new workbench🤔😂
Therein lies the real issue. I’m essentially going to be running around, for what is likely to be the next few months, trying to train team members and keep the multiple sections I own on track. I’ve trained a lot of people, and at this point it’s pretty obvious that 1-2 days of trying to train people to know how to set SPs, revisions, properly adjust clearance for space, separate transition in the right way, understand price workloads and how to manage them, along with the usual pull and push... is really tough. It took me a couple months to really feel comfortable running POG and Pricing. I feel for a lot of these guys and gals trying to retain this with almost no training.

Honestly, at times, a 70-80 percent revision can be just as bad or worse than a POG (I’m looking at you Hair Accessories, Cosmetics, and Phone Cases). Revision labels get screwed up all the time, missing locations due to clearance still being on the POG, weird shipper placements, etc. I also showed someone new an adjacency this week to plan SPs and they looked at me like I just showed them a plan to fly to Neptune😂 I’ll do what I can, but this whole process should have begun months ago, it’s just really unrealistic with how they approached it. I’m not surprised though, they still can’t even get the browser software fixed in the new workbench🤔😂

Thank you for corroborating my opinion of large revisions. In the 12 years I did revisions, most exclusively handled by myself most weeks, I heard countless times .... It's just a revision. Always from people who had never done one. Of course there are some you just retie. Then there are those that are real beasts.
I’m trying to imagine how y’all some of y’all a doors are.. I’ve stopped TMs from trying to pull a super tall U boat out because they didn’t realize the door would knock them off.

Out doors are very tall. My store is HUGE lol not to sound crazy but we have one of the biggest targets size and volume wise. It’s just hard to mange with such little time frame and lack of vehicles.
I know there’s an ADA section but has anyone noticed what they are doing with people in electric wheelchairs? The city which I see things happen has 2 stores with a few people who are really rockstars at SCO only. What will happen to them.
I know there’s an ADA section but has anyone noticed what they are doing with people in electric wheelchairs? The city which I see things happen has 2 stores with a few people who are really rockstars at SCO only. What will happen to them.

Allowing them to continuing doing SCO only would be a reasonable accommodation under the ADA. Target doesn't actually need people who can do everything at the front. Everything just needs to be covered at all times. The TMs in electric wheelchairs should legally be allowed to stay at SCO during their shifts. If they must be, things can be done differently when those TMs aren't working.
I know there’s an ADA section but has anyone noticed what they are doing with people in electric wheelchairs? The city which I see things happen has 2 stores with a few people who are really rockstars at SCO only. What will happen to them.
Sco should have open to close coverage, and they could technically do overrides with a speed ID, right? So being up front should be fine
With modernization model …. how is one scheduled? what about breaks? especially for the front end
Front end watches themselves. GSTLs aren’t babysitters anymore. Until everyone reaches the same level, we have the cashiers who are already at that point take care of it. It works fine. Weird bonus: faster responses when the team is caught off guard by their favorite veteran cashier being the one desperately calling for backup
I love how at our store they are telling team leads to coach, write people up, "get on your people", get them to work faster or their getting fired, basically because they are not getting their work completed in that whopping 4 hrs they give them. The best is when they all of a sudden don't care about pog, or truck or whatever they are working on and get pulled to do something else but still expect it to somehow magically get done.
We have a Closing Lead, have for a while as we were part of the pilot. My old store was much bigger on the "new" titles; here, it varies depending on who you're with. Most of them don't care what you call people as long as stuff's getting done.

We also have a closing lead and a closing expert. Except I think our expert might be leaving because I saw "closing expert" on the positions needing to be filled (unless there's more than one?) They're trying SO hard not use the LOD term, but most people still do anyway.

This is us too. Store director is making one minor change per week. First title changes, then filling in some open positions, then very slowly training in areas lacking, some very minor tasks changes (electronics starting to do their own endcaps, grocery learning some revisions, style starting to pitch in for price change, trying to get inbound tm to backup cashier-this one not successful). We are repeatedly told “BY SEPTEMBER”. I appreciate that we are given the opportunity to digest each change before another is thrust upon us. I feel sorry for the stores that havn’t yet begun if they also need to be complete by September. If tm don’t like what is coming down the pike we will lose them a few at a time but for the store that will change everything under crunch time they may lose too many tm’s all at once!

I feel like they just constantly throw dates at us and expect things to happen by then. April 1, May 1, "by September"...okay. I think I'm just glad my store is holding off on a remodel until all this gets figured out.

I'm also laughing at how they kept pushing the "no backups at the lanes" thing for a couple weeks and that has obviously stopped now.
With new modernization are there less hours?
As a whole payroll shouldn’t go down. Just allocated differently. The problem is, being a new process, and people learning it, stuff takes longer to do at first until people become proficient. Also, time is spent training and teaching the process. So at least initially, it does feel like there’s less hours. Also, it will take some time for stores to figure out how to allocate everything so the most gets done.
As a whole payroll shouldn’t go down. Just allocated differently. The problem is, being a new process, and people learning it, stuff takes longer to do at first until people become proficient. Also, time is spent training and teaching the process. So at least initially, it does feel like there’s less hours. Also, it will take some time for stores to figure out how to allocate everything so the most gets done.
Modernization = LESS HOURS
Store does not spend a minute training. They want everyone to learn from somebody else. They throw everybody in the jungle. Only the strongest survive, rest are left behind-fired, everybody got their section for enough time now, but we get an average of 20 hours, some inbound only 16 and some even just 4 hours. Even we get 2500 PC's in the truck, but we get same amount of hours. You can't question anything, just try harder and next day do the same, and repeat, and at the end of the week you realized it's not worth it for the amount of hours given but you are so tired that you feel like you worked overtime, but have a thin paycheck.
The morale in the store are horrible, you don't see anyone smiling, everybody try to steal empty tubs or 3 tiers for themselves etc or leaving full with reshop at someone else's section, etc. Backroom are always full with pallets, full flats, z racks softlines pallets etc and it's barely impossible to do pulls when everything is blocking the shelf.
Welcome to Modernization guys.
Last night they were replacing the steel on the line. They were almost done by the time we left at close, but it made a big hassle trying to get to receiving or the baler. I had an entire uboat of cardboard that I had to wait to toss because I couldn't get in there. The new steel is now higher, which makes me nervous for the stacking of the uboats. We already had issues at Christmas with vehicles being stacked too high, which causes product to fall. (Safety issues, anyone?)

That being said, we are a truck behind. We get doubles once a week now and we can never catch up. The second one usually sits there for days not being unloaded. I don't know if we will ever catch up.

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