MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

  • I like them.

  • I dislike them.

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When our District Sr. Director/DTL and their bosses came in, I was under the impression that anything under Pricing and Presentation is going away and eventually merged into GM/Hardlines whatever “workcenter” it’s supposed to be now.
We were told they still exist, but I think that was to appease TLs temporarily because I did not see anything about it. The org chart didn’t call for a Plano TL so that is my guess.
Im really starting to not like this modernization. I'm just curious as to if they're ever going to start palletising the truck.
On a side note do you take a b52 from home at the love shack to work?
Im really starting to not like this modernization. I'm just curious as to if they're ever going to start palletising the truck.
On a side note do you take a b52 from home at the love shack to work?
Every damn post that felt like it had any credibility about this says they'd need to remodel the distribution centers to be able to palletize. I don't know how true that is but I've seen it said a lot. I could just be part of the problem by parrot-ing what I hear through other posts but it is my sincere hope we never palletize trucks. It's gotta be cheaper for Target to just pay store level employees to sort it than change the whole DC process for a higher paid employee to do more work and need more hours in. And the Amazon Computer Robot Warehouse Overlord is not really within reach for Target when it comes to a full company overhaul. At least in my opinion. ..So yeah palletizing a truck would put a lot of store level employees' hours into huge why do we need these excellent sorters when it's already sorted? Shit maybe because we're excellent and not a damn idiot. lol
Every damn post that felt like it had any credibility about this says they'd need to remodel the distribution centers to be able to palletize. I don't know how true that is but I've seen it said a lot. I could just be part of the problem by parrot-ing what I hear through other posts but it is my sincere hope we never palletize trucks. It's gotta be cheaper for Target to just pay store level employees to sort it than change the whole DC process for a higher paid employee to do more work and need more hours in. And the Amazon Computer Robot Warehouse Overlord is not really within reach for Target when it comes to a full company overhaul. At least in my opinion. ..So yeah palletizing a truck would put a lot of store level employees' hours into huge why do we need these excellent sorters when it's already sorted? Shit maybe because we're excellent and not a damn idiot. lol
They don't need to remodel, they just need to cut down on number of repacks sent to the stores. Very possible as we get 16 each truck for just electronics when the amount of stuff they send will fit nicely into 2. The boxes don't even come half full. They do that, that would free up half of the truck. Atleast half. They send enough furniture to be palletised anyway.
There’s supposed to be coverage allocated to get all of this stuff done. It shouldn’t only be one person during peak hours in tech or beauty.

The general merchandise team owns price and pog. For most stores it’s probably gonna be former pricing and pog TMs under the GM banner, but they should also be completing other tasks.

I imagine, one of these tasks, doesn't include, cashing a bigger check?
We are being threatened with “consequences” if we won’t stay and work overtime and come in on days off. Love target

In all 50 states, this is illegal. This is my pet peeve and I make sure my store leadership knows this is a no-no. They can ask but they cannot threaten and/or penalize you in any way. I would create a log of when this is done noting who, date, time and what was stated, record the conversation if you can (some states permit only 1 person to be aware of the recording) and then screw the hotline, I would report it anonymously to your local news station. Most news stations love the little guy (employee) vs big guy (Target) complex. Also, know if it did ever become public and you were fired, even in an employee at will state, any attorney will take the case and settlement with Target is probable.
Three stores in my area were supposed to get the new concrete floor in their remodels, but it was scrapped for all three due to time constraints. So it's not a full modernization remodel. They also got some brand new shelving that's a clean white.. and mixed it together with the old shelving, which is just about yellow. They even did that in the new reading area for children -- half the shelving is that new stuff, the other half is the old white/yellow crap.
The yellow is gondola white, the white is pure white. They either didn't change all the gondola pieces or had the wrong ones ordered.
Basically Target circlejerking over how great Minnesota is.

Just because it sells well in Minnesota doesn't mean it'll sell well elsewhere.

This literally looks like a Distribution Center I recently applied at...... the reception area, looks like the nicest parts of that store. Imagine a truck line, that is automatic, and sends all product to its aisle, via conveyor's that run straight, from the truck, into the ceiling, and then come back down from the ceiling to the exact spot they are supposed to be.
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You just gave me a thought... strange but I was imagining stores with cubicles where shoppers orders on a machine, waits a minute and then will be told “your items are ready in station 6 for pick up.” No tms in the backgrounf at all. Everythings automated.
In all 50 states, this is illegal. This is my pet peeve and I make sure my store leadership knows this is a no-no. They can ask but they cannot threaten and/or penalize you in any way. I would create a log of when this is done noting who, date, time and what was stated, record the conversation if you can (some states permit only 1 person to be aware of the recording) and then screw the hotline, I would report it anonymously to your local news station. Most news stations love the little guy (employee) vs big guy (Target) complex. Also, know if it did ever become public and you were fired, even in an employee at will state, any attorney will take the case and settlement with Target is probable.
It's not illegal to force overtime, but it's completely illegal to not pay the overtime pay. It's also quite illegal to coerce people into working overtime or face consequences, if there are no consequences that's a basis of a hostile work environment. They can in many states change your schedule at will including making your work days you would have had off. Ultimately what makes the proposition a civil case is Targets own internal rules which all Targets have to follow and your employment contract which includes parts of but not all of those rules, which can't be easily skirted because it's essentially an agreement made by target to itself and it's employees. In other words places can be shit holes to work but they can't lie about being shit holes.
Pilot store experience. I could not find the cage comments but we swept all of ours back and then a month later ordered 1 for the A&A breakout. During breakout, they throw all trash and boxes in the cage, when completed, they rolled the cage to compactor/bailer. The breakout process is more efficient now. They removed extra steel space past the line and two aisles of market’s backroom space-gave the TL a heart attack. Great open space, A&A pallets are always staged, metros, z-racks, and the cage fit the their space.

We start A&A remodel 2.0 in two weeks while the store is open 🤦🏽‍♂️ Has any store completed this and how was it? It am prepared for the worst 🤷🏽‍♂️
Pilot store experience. I could not find the cage comments but we swept all of ours back and then a month later ordered 1 for the A&A breakout. During breakout, they throw all trash and boxes in the cage, when completed, they rolled the cage to compactor/bailer. The breakout process is more efficient now. They removed extra steel space past the line and two aisles of market’s backroom space-gave the TL a heart attack. Great open space, A&A pallets are always staged, metros, z-racks, and the cage fit the their space.

We start A&A remodel 2.0 in two weeks while the store is open 🤦🏽‍♂️ Has any store completed this and how was it? It am prepared for the worst 🤷🏽‍♂️
Advice...Get your most experienced AA Team members to help with remodel. Also find your execution guide/book and make copies. Read the execution guide book and get really familiar with the fixtures, etc... Organize your fixtures if your haven't done so already. It was a nightmare for us to not have it organized. Had to touch pallets more than 3 times to find what was needed. Visit another 2.0 store near you if that's possible and take pictures. It helped us. Don't expect it to be perfect, you'll be able to tweak it after the remodel. Just get everything moved and fixtures installed. Good luck and hope yours goes well.
So modernization here in south Texas has been going for 2 years almost and it’s finally good. It’s amazing actually and it’s the $12 now as well. As a good etl log I unload/sort with the team and everything and we manage to get autos/exf’s everything worked and backstocked.

The system I used 3 years ago worked the same but did lack Salesfloor coverage I will admit. The higher wage and higher accountability will be huge for us and has made a diffeeence already. My job is much easier, very few Etl’s who put in the STL work, can kill a store if modernization becomes “I’m just doing my area”
So modernization here in south Texas has been going for 2 years almost and it’s finally good. It’s amazing actually and it’s the $12 now as well. As a good etl log I unload/sort with the team and everything and we manage to get autos/exf’s everything worked and backstocked.

The system I used 3 years ago worked the same but did lack Salesfloor coverage I will admit. The higher wage and higher accountability will be huge for us and has made a diffeeence already. My job is much easier, very few Etl’s who put in the STL work, can kill a store if modernization becomes “I’m just doing my area”
But that's what is happening everywhere! I realize that ASANTS but a large majority of the stores are drowning with the new processes. It will eventually work but at what cost? The cost of team members who have been with Spot a long time suddenly quit? Everyone I talk to are trying to make this work but unless evryone gets on the same page and re-training takes place, it's going to be a really long road to travel to get this process successful. We have more team members on the salesfloor now, more than ever but more than half of them are not cashier trained so they don't go up to back up. There isn't enough walkies so a cashier trained team member can't respond because he/she doesn't have equipment. The other day I observed a former flow team member with earbuds in his ear during store open and watched him just push his 1 vehicle and not guest service any guest who happen to be in the area. He was questioned and he stated that no one trained him how to guest service so he did not know what he was supposed to do. This former flow team member comes in way after his Flow TL leaves so he didn't know who to ask since his TL wasn't there.

This is going to continue to happen if we don't start changing the culture of re-training everyone. Expectations have been set but the training is not going along with it. Not everyone gives a dam and they come to work because it's just a job and it pays their bills. Then you have those people who give a dam and it's not just a job, yes it pays their bills but they have put in the blood, sweat and tears to make their job worthwhile. Pretty soon it won't be worthwhile and pretty soon they too won't give a dam...Spot will have very high turnovers if they don't figure it out and quick.
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But that's what is happening everywhere! I realize that ASANTS but a large majority of the stores are drowning with the new processes. It will eventually work but at what cost? The cost of team members who have been with Spot a long time suddenly quit? Everyone I talk to are trying to make this work but unless evryone gets on the same page and re-training takes place, it's going to be a really long road to travel to get this process successful. We have more team members on the salesfloor now, more than ever but more than half of them are not cashier trained so they don't go up to back up. There isn't enough walkies so a cashier trained team member can't respond because he/she doesn't have equipment. The other day I observed a former flow team member with earbuds in his ear during store open and watched him just push his 1 vehicle and not guest service any guest who happen to be in the area. He was questioned and he stated that no one trained him how to guest service so he did not know what he was supposed to do. This former flow team member comes in way after his Flow TL leaves so he didn't know who to ask since his TL wasn't there.

This is going to continue to happen if we don't start changing the culture of re-training everyone. Expectations have been set but the training is not going along with it. Not everyone gives a dam and they come to work because it's just a job and it pays their bills. Then you have those people who give a dam and it's not just a job, yes it pays their bills but they have put in the blood, sweat and tears to make their job worthwhile. Pretty soon it won't be worthwhile and pretty soon they too won't give a dam...Spot will have very high turnovers if they don't figure it out and quick.
Turnover is happening now. Front-end coverage has been slashed due to "more" team members being on the floor. We still have flow team members, but they are not backing up and still pushing freight. Our backroom is drowning in freight and stuff is everywhere and not located. I can't imagine what 4Q will be like.

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