MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

  • I like them.

  • I dislike them.

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I'm so sick of this modernization crap. I keep getting coached for not doing GS in my area. I have already 16 coachings, (Yes 16 coachings!) and all in this year (never had any prior to this shit) because of the same crap. Even though I do it, they say I'm not doing correctly because I'm supposed to make a retarded long ass interaction with them. So "Are you finding everything OK? And "is there something I can help you with?" don't matter and they take it as you weren't doing customer service. I'm not quitting because probably that's what they want me to do so. If they do fire me, I'll file for unemployment, and of course i have everything documented in audio records. Thank God in my state this is legal to do even without permission. They have said to me some real shit, like bad so I'm just saving all these bullets till the end.

The other day I heard two guests saying how they love Target, but no longer feel like shopping in store as "we annoy the fuck out of them", so that's why they moved to online shopping on their phone without being followed by someone. I think she told me that because I simply asked if she was finding everything OK.

It's incredibly insane the ridiculous direction they're moving on. You're doing good, I wish I could have done something similar, but yeah document everything you can, it might help you a lot potentially.
I'm in the "I was already helping guests find shit and didn't need to be told to do so" camp. I just think the added emphasis on doing so is pointless if the things they're looking for are in a pile of push in the backroom and/or I can't engage guests at all because I'm scheduled off at home for the 4th day in a row.
Lol remember they want you to get to know the guest on a personal level now, build trust, build the basket, thank them and invite them back to let you know how the product worked out for them . Even if they are looking at condoms and lube.
There is a difference between "people don't want to be bothered" and "people don't want to be helped."

When people ask a question, yes, they expect an answer. But most people do not want you to walk up to them and bother them -- if they want help, they will walk up to you. That's how it works in the adult world -- and it's why we wear red, khaki, and name tags. If people have questions, they will ask them. They do not need you to harass them first.

It stops being guest service and starts being harassment when the same guest is approached by multiple TMs, all asking the same question. That isn't why people go to Target. They go to Target to save money. They're not there to be wined and dined. It isn't what they want. They want to go in, get what they need, and leave.

It's a discount retailer, for crying out loud. The average basket size in value in less than $50.

This the way I also see it. I don't know what the heck is Brian Cornell thinking.
I'm so sick of this modernization crap. I keep getting coached for not doing GS in my area. I have already 16 coachings, (Yes 16 coachings!) and all in this year (never had any prior to this shit) because of the same crap. Even though I do it, they say I'm not doing correctly because I'm supposed to make a retarded long ass interaction with them. So "Are you finding everything OK? And "is there something I can help you with?" don't matter and they take it as you weren't doing customer service. I'm not quitting because probably that's what they want me to do so. If they do fire me, I'll file for unemployment, and of course i have everything documented in audio records. Thank God in my state this is legal to do even without permission. They have said to me some real shit, like bad so I'm just saving all these bullets till the end.

The other day I heard two guests saying how they love Target, but no longer feel like shopping in store as "we annoy the fuck out of them", so that's why they moved to online shopping on their phone without being followed by someone. I think she told me that because I simply asked if she was finding everything OK.

How do you still have a job with that many coachings?

For every guest that says it’s too much interaction, you’ll have another that is sending in a survey saying how great and customer service oriented the team is.

Target is trying to get their hands on every kind of shopper. And they should. They need to stay relevant to the masses, not just one group of people. Want outstanding service? Go to the store. Want it quick? Try in store pick up (and hopefully shop for the other things you may need). Don’t want to go in the store at all? Do Shipt or straight to your home. Too busy to get out of your car? Just drive up. Don’t want to remember you have to buy things like toilet paper? Use a subscription service.

I like the ideas for the most part that are coming out and trying to be implemented. I just think there’s a LOT at once and it’s difficult for team members to change everything at once. They’re not letting team members get good at something before another layer is thrown on.
Honestly I don't know how I'm still here. A lot of other TM tell me until I don't get CCAs I'm still good, so far I haven't had any. So I'm still good I think....
2) long lines at the checkout because there are no cashiers scheduled due to no payroll

So I just got home from dealing with hours and hours of this shit.

IT'S FUCKING SATURDAY. WE KNOW SATURDAYS ARE BUSY AS FUCK. THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN BUSY AS FUCK. So why in the name of almighty thundering Jove do I walk to the front to see 5,000 people crowded so thick you can't even tell where the lines are, only 3 cashiers on a lane (one of them a softlines chick) and one extremely frazzled GSTL trying to stay on top of the constant HONK HONK??? Oh what's this, there aren't any fucking carts because they don't have a CA scheduled until 5pm. I can't get my fucking furniture carryout through the huge crowds and I can forget about trying to finish those tubs of push from the truck because another 500 guests will stop me on the way back. I should stay later to finish that, oops I can't because I'm 13 minutes away from hitting OT.

WE HAVE THE PAYROLL TO FULLY STAFF THE FRONT END, AND YET. Whoever made this "schedule" is a total moron. Yes I'm mad.
So I just got home from dealing with hours and hours of this shit.

IT'S FUCKING SATURDAY. WE KNOW SATURDAYS ARE BUSY AS FUCK. THEY HAVE ALWAYS BEEN BUSY AS FUCK. So why in the name of almighty thundering Jove do I walk to the front to see 5,000 people crowded so thick you can't even tell where the lines are, only 3 cashiers on a lane (one of them a softlines chick) and one extremely frazzled GSTL trying to stay on top of the constant HONK HONK??? Oh what's this, there aren't any fucking carts because they don't have a CA scheduled until 5pm. I can't get my fucking furniture carryout through the huge crowds and I can forget about trying to finish those tubs of push from the truck because another 500 guests will stop me on the way back. I should stay later to finish that, oops I can't because I'm 13 minutes away from hitting OT.

WE HAVE THE PAYROLL TO FULLY STAFF THE FRONT END, AND YET. Whoever made this "schedule" is a total moron. Yes I'm mad.
The top person with dollar sales and top person with number of items each month gets a prize and recognition instore, from the dtl, etc.
that would never fly at my store. perfect example, i have an electronics tm that doesnt do a thing, but we sell alot of electronics to through the checklanes, as well as high dollar sales at guest services when people do exchanges that count towards that elecrtronics bucket. Till spot can show you total sales per individual tm, this will be useless.
The point of the gocard is to get everyone thinking about growing sales. So those that have ignored guests in the past will start helping guests. It’s to put guest service in every employees thoughts as they work. No more project focused tms ignoring guests. A signing tm helping 2 or 3 guests a day with a coffee pot, a toy, a bike, etc will be a step better than what they did for sales before.

I don't see how that makes sense. It will only get it in the greedy tm's heads that they can get free stuff by faking an interaction, or falsifying numbers (who will validate their sales?) and tms who for example that signing tm, will just be upset. How about we spend this arts and crafts time, on actually hirring people capable of showing some empathy? these little games and cards are just some etl or tl's cheap shot at trying to get a promotion and it sadly usually works lol
that would never fly at my store. perfect example, i have an electronics tm that doesnt do a thing, but we sell alot of electronics to through the checklanes, as well as high dollar sales at guest services when people do exchanges that count towards that elecrtronics bucket. Till spot can show you total sales per individual tm, this will be useless.
They can’t? They can track aar, so I’m sure they can track sales to the individual.
There is a very real dark side to all of this that nobody is talking about. The stress level of the team is at an all time high. They are worried about hours, they are wading though piles and piles of clearance, they can't walk through backroom areas due to truck freight and a trip to the baler includes climbing over pallets of furniture. People are snapping. In 2 days I have watched 5 team members dissolve into tears out of simple frustration and another 2 just flipping loose their mind (screaming and yelling) at leaders. Someone is going to go postal. Target can do whatever the hell they want as far as their business is concerned. But they need to remember they are dealing with real live human beings. Be honest with them about hours, schedules, their future and the expectations as totally unreasonable as they are. The leaders I am working with are laughing at how many people will be terminated and how they are doing it by cutting hours. They are giddy with excitement when they get hotline calls because it shows they are pushing the team. They see it as a badge of honor. If they don't think someone is going to fit into the new modern Target,tell them, Be an adult with a spine. Bottom line are these are real people they are screwing over. And if they can do it, their bosses can do it to them. Karma is a bitch and I want a front row seat when she visits some of the smug ETLS I work for.
They can’t? They can track aar, so I’m sure they can track sales to the individual.
well of course they can but they lack the system to do so or the willing less to make it. they are too busy splitting apart the move app they stuck autofills onto and taking sfs out of it which it was designed for so we have 1 more app to stuck "my" infront of. Have you seen myperformace? that thing is coded horribly, and greenfield looks like its going to be a hodgepodge of a system.
Do you have a source?
Do you?
People don't like to know how things really work and that most important is hearsay unless a specific name is tied to it.
Businesswire is in the business of selling things just like Target, only they are selling info. It doesn't matter is if the info equivalent of a Dollar spot candle with a broken wick.

What’s the average survey response rate? [2018 benchmark] - Survey Anyplace - Remember the larger the rate of people you include the longer the time it takes to compile. average rate is 1000.

How do I know this crap? I went to high school in the 80s Got shoved into LD classes for a year because Oklahoma is backwards af, fought to get out and had a decent senior year. I spend the year around people who actually deficient, so I read everything.
I'm so sick of this modernization crap. I keep getting coached for not doing GS in my area. I have already 16 coachings, (Yes 16 coachings!) and all in this year (never had any prior to this shit) because of the same crap. Even though I do it, they say I'm not doing correctly because I'm supposed to make a retarded long ass interaction with them. So "Are you finding everything OK? And "is there something I can help you with?" don't matter and they take it as you weren't doing customer service. I'm not quitting because probably that's what they want me to do so. If they do fire me, I'll file for unemployment, and of course i have everything documented in audio records. Thank God in my state this is legal to do even without permission. They have said to me some real shit, like bad so I'm just saving all these bullets till the end.

The other day I heard two guests saying how they love Target, but no longer feel like shopping in store as "we annoy the fuck out of them", so that's why they moved to online shopping on their phone without being followed by someone. I think she told me that because I simply asked if she was finding everything OK.
There is a way to do this correct;y, and then there is a way to screw it up. Target figured out how to screw it up. This is why I said the bergdorfs style will kill them.
There is a difference between "people don't want to be bothered" and "people don't want to be helped."

When people ask a question, yes, they expect an answer. But most people do not want you to walk up to them and bother them -- if they want help, they will walk up to you. That's how it works in the adult world -- and it's why we wear red, khaki, and name tags. If people have questions, they will ask them. They do not need you to harass them first.

It stops being guest service and starts being harassment when the same guest is approached by multiple TMs, all asking the same question. That isn't why people go to Target. They go to Target to save money. They're not there to be wined and dined. It isn't what they want. They want to go in, get what they need, and leave.

It's a discount retailer, for crying out loud. The average basket size in value in less than $50.

All the things here, I agree with. As I said the Bergdorfs style of customer service (and the bs Hotel Lobby) are not possible and will kill Target. The problem is:
You can't tell between "people don't want to be bothered" and "people don't want to be helped." unless you were trained.
I was one of five people in my store that knew all the subtile cues. Why? Because I worked with a company that taught their team this aggressive form of CS. You are taught to notcie their motions, their speech and where they are looking. You are supposed to address this immediately. This is a company thats bottom is $1000 objects so of course they are to tend to people.
(they broke their system and needed help back when I did that. I fixed it in 3 days and I expressed interest in what they were teaching. They showed because because I was simply a contractor that to them might set foot in the store one day as computers were money makers back then. That and she was hot, if stuck up.)

So again most people want to be helped. You don't harass them if you know what you are doing. 99% don't. This is targets fault not your. It doesn't change the fact.

People don't go to Target to save money. They go to Dollar general or Wal-mart for that. Poeple Go to Target because they want to or they find something there they like. Its not a discount retailer, never has been. Its not upscale, either. It was the same as Sears and JCPenny and Montgomery Ward were.

If you don't feel comfortable bothering people, promote yourself to guest and geta job at another retail establiment that doesnt give a f. Or go make yourself happy.
The guests that are sending in surveys, saying how much they love it, are part of a very vocal minority. They do not represent the bulk of Target's sales, but a small fraction of it. Completely reorganizing the store to cater specifically to them is utter insanity.

They were shopping at Target before all this nonsense. Why would they suddenly have left without it? It's a non-issue. If they wanted to shop at WalMart, they would have doing so long before these changes.
I would disagree with you. I think its the other way around. But Like I said you do you.
that would never fly at my store. perfect example, i have an electronics tm that doesnt do a thing, but we sell alot of electronics to through the checklanes, as well as high dollar sales at guest services when people do exchanges that count towards that elecrtronics bucket. Till spot can show you total sales per individual tm, this will be useless.

You log in with your employee number. Restrict all electronics sales to electronics (unlocks only) and you have your metric.
Do you?
People don't like to know how things really work and that most important is hearsay unless a specific name is tied to it.
Businesswire is in the business of selling things just like Target, only they are selling info. It doesn't matter is if the info equivalent of a Dollar spot candle with a broken wick.

What’s the average survey response rate? [2018 benchmark] - Survey Anyplace - Remember the larger the rate of people you include the longer the time it takes to compile. average rate is 1000.

How do I know this crap? I went to high school in the 80s Got shoved into LD classes for a year because Oklahoma is backwards af, fought to get out and had a decent senior year. I spend the year around people who actually deficient, so I read everything.

I was not the person you were originally responding to, so no, I do not. The burden of proof is on you. You made the claim, therefore you have to prove it.

Thankfully you did provide evidence.
'Most people don't want to be bothered. This is an actual misnomer. I have worked with some many people I know this. Most people want solutions to their problems. When they ask where something is, thats what they want. I always answered that whether it was A14, walked to sporting goods, showed them on the app and got it for them or simply informed them that target didnt carry it but Wal-mart, lowes, Michaels, Or Cindi's toy shop carried it.

The people who don't want to be bothered aren't coming in unless they are poor. Sorry there isn't a good word other than that. Instacart etc exists for those people. Target is migrating to a selling like Bergdorfs culture. IT WILL KILL THEM because they are not nor will ever anywhere near that. However, we need to be able to cordial, polite and guest service everyone. I will brutally blunt, If I walked over and greeted you five feet from you and you dont even look up and me, I will say it until you do.

Why? Because either you are so distracted you could be endangering yourself, me and the store or you are trying to steal or damage something. 90% are distracted. They will go, 'Oh, were you talking to be and be polite.' The other 10% I had AP follow on camera when LOD so they didnt do anything. I was right more often than not. Our AP always met their quotas. (Which I always felt was a disgusting term but eh)

Get the 'People don't want to be Helped' BULLSHIT out of your head it will get you pushed out. Walk over, say something. Unless you are busy (and I mean busy) you can say hello to 8 people. Most people will make eye contract with you if you make it with them. You are wearing a uniform with a badge on. They expect it. Its when you give the Wal-mart I dont give an F attitude that they blow you off.

We have alot of people who still 'want the shove box on shelf dont deal with people' role. and The first thing I ask is 'Why are you here?' Because usually want they want in a warehouse job or overnight stocker job. Target in its foolishness, decided that was too expensive. No one else did.

Sorry about ranting, but that BS just pisses me off. Two days before I left I had to Coach an electronics TM because he stood there and ignored a guest staring at the TV. No the guest wouldnt make eye contact with tm. I did. I walked over, had a short convo asked why he was staring at the wall and sold him a 70 curved Samsung, a chromecast and a soundbar. He thought the other guy didnt work there and was unsure whether he should bother him because he seemed busy.
TM has been there 9 yrs and knew better. Of course Electronics has audits to do and price changes and dvds to put out. But he could have let $1500 walk out because TM didnt walk over and say hey, I see your watching the commericals? Looking for a new TV?

Finally, while I do apologize because I don't know you and aren't a spot man any more, anywhere I worked that I have been manager (thats 3) 'Most people don't want to be bothered' or suggesting you are harrasing them by suggestive selling is a verbal coaching.
At Sonic and the Hotel it was step one of the 3 step exit plan. I'm that serious about it.

Nevertheless, you be you.
The purpose in any business, especially in retail, in interacting with customers has always been to be helpful, upsell to a certain extent but to also to give notice to potential thieves that they were seen and being watched. If every worker ignores customers it sends a bad sign that the business establishment does not care about the customers' needs or the thieves' wants.
' I will brutally blunt, If I walked over and greeted you five feet from you and you dont even look up and me, I will say it until you do.
Doesn't that give you the clue they do not want to be bothered though. It is one thing if they have their back to you or you are interacting from their side but if you are face to face and you keep repeating intros until they respond, you are asking for a reaming. Some people just have a bad day and do not want to be talked too, period. I understand people want to be acknowledged but don't take it personal and let it be.

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