I think it’s a kool-aid overdose, super strong and super sized...😂
'Tis the Kool-aid flavor called "I'll get my section done faster if you stop having morons try to help me." I actually caught a TM jumping so they could double-stack something on top of what was already on the top shelf today. Here's how that conversation went:
Me: Hey, don't overfill that.
TM: Huh? What's that?
Me: *Walks over with zebra and scans the shelf* This shelf fits 4. There are 4 there. When you put more than 4 there it messes the entire inventory system up.
TM: [Trainer] told me to put as much of the stuff on the shelves as will fit.
Me: As will fit. That won't fit. Check the capacity. There's a second location for that. Check it. It's probably full, but check it. If it's full backstock that. Just don't overfill the shelf.
TM: Second location? The box only says one location.
Me: That's what the distribution center does on the boxes, but at the store level I have an end cap that goes too. That's why you need to be scanning things and not just looking at the label on the box.
TM: [Trainer] told me that I don't need the device and to just use the label.
Me: That's not going to work in toys. We have multiple locations for everything that corporate wants to sell the most. If you are going to grab a toy push, you need to have a zebra so that you can make sure everything is done right. Don't just fill the shelves as you see fit and send everything to backstock that won't fit.
TM: But they get mad if I put a bunch of stuff in the back.
Me: Yeah, they're pissed off because the inventory is screwed up because people keep overfilling the shelves. It makes more work. Do it right.
Of course, I saw the same TM obviously overfilling something else about 10 minutes later and died inside. And, of course, I'll be held responsible if a lead walks by and notices it screwed up on the shelf. *sigh*