MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

  • I like them.

  • I dislike them.

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Ours do the same they come in to use the microwave and dont make eye contact. You try to talk to them and all they do is hiss and snarl.
Ours get take-out everyday to avoid that, but they’ve got that no eye contact thing down pat. Fast, Fun and Friendly has been genetically removed from their beings. Especially friendly...😂
A better run company would make sure all of its stores had the tools (uboats, flats, etc) to be able to do the new process as intended. Not force every store to be constantly harrassed by group leadership about being 100% when we only have the tools to do 50%. I want these jerks to come unload and see what it is like to be on the front lines of this bs.
We received a ton of uboats, and our stl ordered a dozen more. Is your stl not proactive/aggressive?
The idea behind breaking all of these custom blocks and sorting on the uboats has the bonus effect of being able to know exactly where an item is even if it did just arrive. We also still have access to the detailed dci report of exactly what items arrived on the truck. If you were at my store and gave that lazy answer to the guest I would coach you on the spot. I would need you to try to look yourself or ask for help. No excuses
So what if I know what u-boat a particular item is on? How long is it going to take me to look through a jam-packed u-boat to find one item? if it's in a case pack, unless it happens to be right on top, there's a lot of shuffling of boxes needed. Do you know how many of those small cases of liquid hand soap and deodorant and shampoo will fit on a u-boat shelf? If it's something that's likely arrived in a repack box, wow, that'll take approximately forever to find a certain item on the flat for domestics. Give me a break. And all that time I'm looking for that one item, and probably not finding it before the guest gets frustrated with my lack of success and leaves, I'm not getting product on shelves.
Life on flow was a whole lot easier when we bowled boxes and got the majority of stocking done before the doors opened. But oh well, those days are gone and it only takes one or two disappointments for a guest to start shopping elsewhere. And I can tell you from personal experience as a disappointed shopper at other stores, those guests don't come back once they're shopping at their new favorite store.
Our ETLs wouldn’t set foot in the break room to save their lives. They eat in the Executive Dining Room (better known as the training room) to avoid being contaminated by the presence of the masses...😏😂

Ours do the same they come in to use the microwave and dont make eye contact. You try to talk to them and all they do is hiss and snarl.

That's pretty sad. Our ETLs aren't snobby at all and they talk to us in the break room all the time. The snobbiness is more a district thing. The only district level person I've met who wasn't a soulless lizard person is our APBP.

I'm sure if I asked my ETL-log to look up a DPCI in the truck manifest or whatever it's called, he would do it if he happened to be near a computer at that moment. Problem is he's always at the opposite end of the store doing something else that he can't step away from, like getting chewed out by the STL for 5 minutes of overtime.
That's pretty sad. Our ETLs aren't snobby at all and they talk to us in the break room all the time. The snobbiness is more a district thing. The only district level person I've met who wasn't a soulless lizard person is our APBP.

I'm sure if I asked my ETL-log to look up a DPCI in the truck manifest or whatever it's called, he would do it if he happened to be near a computer at that moment. Problem is he's always at the opposite end of the store doing something else that he can't step away from, like getting chewed out by the STL for 5 minutes of overtime.

Our old STL and ETLs were, for the most part, really kind, wonderful people. They did things for the team, provided food, backed us up, and the store had a real family atmosphere. Our store was profitable, too, one of the best in the district. One by one we lost these folks, and their replacements, for the most part, are phony entitled clueless automatons lacking any human feelings for anyone “lesser” than themselves, “lesser” being everyone below ETL. It’s a shame the way store morale has tanked, veterans have left, and the store is basically a shitshow now. Oh, and Karma apparently flies over daily deflecting sales to other district stores, because we sure aren’t getting them...😂
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I'm fortunate to work at a store where probably more than half of the leadership are good folks. One of the ETLs is a condescending know-it-all who I try to avoid and one of the SrTLs is sort of dippy. But our STL seems to be a genuinely kind-hearted person and the Logistics ETL is a good guy. I'm not chummy with any of them just because that's not who I am, but they're not all smarmy idiots.
Having decent store leadership can definitely help morale to an extent, but even they are helpless when corporate gets bored and decides to drop some nukes on their own bases. I have no doubt that our STL thinks these changes are stupid and our ETL-log has said so himself, but there's nothing they can do at the end of the day. At least they have the consolation of making enough bread to pay the bills.
Ok we are an ULV store. 1 TL for all softlines, 1 for all hardliners. We are understaffed & the new people last a week. That means the electronics, beauty, & market sales floor TM that are supposed to "sell" are either pushing truck or auto's (for whole store) or backstocking. And the ones that are trained will have to do POG workload. I flat out told them they better not give me a sales goal because I'm doing work 2 people.
-The detail report actually does tell you exactly what repack the product is in.
Not entirely. I'm the person at the end of the line who sorts the toys - sporting goods - seasonal - kitchen - pets repacks. Throw in the occasional Mom & Baby item or a few boxes of saltines for Market. I get several marked "combo" or "RR" that could have something of everything in it. (Funny opposite is when I get a "combo" that has 1 product in it. How is that a combo?)
And seriously, have you checked out what the DC sends? I'll give them credit for the boxes that are properly labeled and packed fairly well. But they sure don't label all the boxes correctly, at least not the ones that come to my store. Way too many inconsistencies to make it a reliable resource for finding a particular item.
But then I don't even know how to access that "detail report," so what do I know. I'm just the schmuck who pushes the product to the shelves.
How are we supposed to handle bulk pallets? Black Friday the stores will start to open at 6am in the morning untill the end of December. With some of those gigantic pallets of water, pets, toilet paper, long/fat tables & others have to be taken out to the main floor by power jack. Are we just supposed to just start running over the army of guests all over the store? This new modernization process has never addressed this. With no more overnight & 98% of truck unloads starting at 6 or 8am across the country, how is this supposed to be handled?
Hope like mad we'll go to an earlier start time for most of 4th quarter. Probably futile, I know.
But but, I thought Target wanted to "compete" with Amazon by expanding SFS. lol
Most seasonal applicants will be flocking to Amazon because of the higher pay. I think Target will have a hard time with reaching the hiring goal.
at this point I think Amazon is allowing Target to compete with them. They need us like Microsoft needed Apple to survive back when Jobs first came back
My store had its first really busy Saturday with the new process. Oh my God. That was a disaster. Guests, guests, guests everywhere. Can't move vehicles around because guests are there and don't get out of the way. Can't stock the shelves because guests are there and won't get out of the way. Constant calls for extra cashiers, team lifts, find something in the back for a guest, help a guest out to their car because CA is already helping someone else. I think we got about half the truck pushed out in the alotted time. The backroom was one big gigantic OSHA violation when I left. Q4 is going to be epic.
Uh, we are not nearly that busy, and I can't stock an aisle due to guests. I was working in Health and Beauty, and kept having to switch up aisles to stay out of the way of guests.

very efficient.

hate to see Toys, or Market or electronics being stocked, soon....

Stocking toys in Q4 will be a cluster to say the least. It was bad enough last year when the majority of stocking was done overnight and pushing cafs during the day took forever, but pushing nearly everything while the store is open, zoning, doing re-shop and helping guests at the same time will be virtually impossible. Good luck getting a U-boat anywhere near a toy aisle, they will be packed full of guests, carts, strollers and the Target “free daycare babysitting service” kids.🙄

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