MEGATHREAD 2018-2019 Store Modernization Megathread

[OPINION] How do you feel about these changes?

  • I like them.

  • I dislike them.

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Maybe a tm is working really hard doing what doesn’t need to be done, the list will help focus energies.
This. I’ve performanced out people who bust ass and get a ton done, but can’t respect that my priorities are what I make them for a reason. No, I don’t need you to push all the leftover frozen truck that they rolled over. I don’t give a shit about that at all. I care that produce is filled and zones. You don’t think your fellow TMs aren’t telling me that you say know better than me and that you know what needs to be done in market? Guess what, I don’t run market, I run closing and I’m held accountable for your zone and milk and produce fill. In terms of you, that’s what I expect. And if you finish early, you can help other areas.
Exactly this. I have discussed utilizing a version of these sheets for the team, tweaking the one that I saw another store using. It has nothing to do with the TL as another suggested. These sheets are an aid for the tm to KNOW what they need to KNOW. Our team is just NOT changing. The am people push truck, the closing people do re-shop. No one thinks they have time to audit, fill, pull, set SPL, work price change etc. the team is struggling with the new expectations. The
‘Sheet’ to fill out, is simply a listed reminder of priorities. We will have the tm use it until they CAN work correctly without it. If you had an unexpected visit today, are you ready to answer questions about sales ? Your dept.? The sheet has all your answers on it.
Please stop being negative (not yetitive, the other posts b4 that one) and seeing every change as a new chore benefiting someone ELSE, when in reality it is simply to HELP YOU deliver what is expected.

Please re-read the experiences of the sales floor TMs when it comes to expectations. I'm pretty sure that's why such a checklist, with the promise of negative consequences if all are not marked off, is being viewed as a negative thing. When facing the below (and there's far, far more similar posted experiences), how can you really expect the entire checklist will be done every day? And can you honestly say that the list won't make it a lot more convenient for you to do the planned corrective actions for not finishing daily?

Tell that to the ETLS at my store. Fast service is not an excuse to not complete your task. People have been consistently coached on not completing their task and they don’t care if you’ve been providing fast service.
Right or wrong, the reality is the company says one thing but it isn’t the reality of the salesfloor.
I’ve first hand seen people who got stuck in a lane for fast service and got told they can’t get off by whoever’s running the front end because it’s too many guests but that same salesfloor TM gets coached for not finishing their truck and when he told the ETL he was on a lane for 40 mins that to the ETL was a crutch TM uses and doesn’t care.

Some, not all, of my store's dbos have to help unload the truck. Guess where those hours come from?

Then there are fill to depth fills and manuals. Those are bottomless pits of fills. One of our stationery fill to depth fills was over 500 dpcis and 3,600 items. So yeah, good luck with that. Had that DBO crying in the breakroom.

GM is difficult now due to amount of work required in such a short time on an everyday basis. Zoning, reshop, autos, one for one batches, truck, backstock, pricing, revisions, SP’s,.... it’s a little like trying to empty an ocean.... with a bucket. There are steps you can take to make it easier ( making sure SFQ quantities match capacities and on hands are accurate), but it takes time and even if you own a section... more than one set of hands is involved there and you usually can’t trust that set of hands to be as efficient as the DBO’s might be.

We were told today we would be written up for not finishing our workloads now. I haven't been in my department for ages, and I'm in seasonal right now because the regular DBO is gone. Today my truck push was 5.5 hours (5 uboats) and I had 5 tubs full of autofills. I was scheduled for 8 hours, so take out lunch and breaks that leaves me with 6.75 hours to get it all done. School starts on Thursday so you can imagine how many guests I had in my area. They schedule me 8-4 so I'm constantly trying to work around guests. Add in that I need to head over to stationary to push after filling BTS and then backstock. Needless to say I got my autos and 1.5 uboats done. I'm probably getting written up tomorrow.

How many people do you generally have working in BTS right now? It's just me and a closer and we are drowning. The office autos are insane and our backroom is such a mess it took me 5 hours to pull them today. Then I could barely push anything because guests kept asking me for stuff that was empty so I needed to hunt through my 4 tubs of autos or the truck. I asked them to call a blitz but they said they would see if they could get anybody else to come in early. Oh well, I tried. I had to leave at 2, today was the first official day of school and we got hit hard last night. I'm so glad I'm not there after 4pm today when they get hit again.
At the store I saw do this:

A. Hard working tm’s loved this - proved how much they do hate it - don't like to be micro-managed - fuck having forms to fill out on top of pushing/zoning/pulling/backstocking/helping guests/PTM'ing/cashiering/doing reshop/planning - executing endcaps and Rev/12 steps (low and pro)/pricing/monitoring sales & goals... etc.

B. Slackers hated it - showed how little they did
So....if you want to see it as your rope - it can be short OR long enough to reach the ground, all in your hands. Will not be short if you work hard.
Also, the list specifies what is important. Maybe a tm is working really hard doing what doesn’t need to be done, the list will help focus energies.

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So, it has been a few years since I have been here. Recently however my wife has been complaining that the Targets we go to are all disasters with tons of stuff on the floor in the middle of the day, empty shelves and stressed out workers. She even left a store the other day and went to Wal Mart which she hates but at least she could walk around without pallets of stuff in the way. So last week I went with her. And it was crazy. Pallets of stuff on the floor a 2pm. tons of outs and store was a mess. This is store that seemed pretty well ran before. Not up to my standards but, I am old school Target and those standards are long dead. Still over all it seemed pretty good. Now a disaster. And my wife is like the other stores are like this as well. So I stopped someone and asked what kind of disaster was causing this chaos in these stores. He looked at me and its not a disaster its modernization. So I had to come back and see what is going on. And I see nothing has changed. Target roles out a new plan, that in a perfect world sounds good. Then drops the ball on part of it and then never gives the proper payroll for the new system to work and everything crashes. Nice to see somethings never change.
So, it has been a few years since I have been here. Recently however my wife has been complaining that the Targets we go to are all disasters with tons of stuff on the floor in the middle of the day, empty shelves and stressed out workers. She even left a store the other day and went to Wal Mart which she hates but at least she could walk around without pallets of stuff in the way. So last week I went with her. And it was crazy. Pallets of stuff on the floor a 2pm. tons of outs and store was a mess. This is store that seemed pretty well ran before. Not up to my standards but, I am old school Target and those standards are long dead. Still over all it seemed pretty good. Now a disaster. And my wife is like the other stores are like this as well. So I stopped someone and asked what kind of disaster was causing this chaos in these stores. He looked at me and its not a disaster its modernization. So I had to come back and see what is going on. And I see nothing has changed. Target roles out a new plan, that in a perfect world sounds good. Then drops the ball on part of it and then never gives the proper payroll for the new system to work and everything crashes. Nice to see somethings never change.

It's a mess everywhere at my store. The backroom is a nightmare. Trash everywhere. Dirt from busted bags of potting soil all over. No one has time to sweep. We are 30 repacks behind on Rx. They are hell bent on backsrocking "like" items in 4 foot sections. Great! But it was never initially set up for success. So it never happened. But I'll be damned if we don't have to have papers put up for it. Yeah, let's worry about that while we have pallets and pallets of push. Dumb. Someone many levels above me really is stupid.

A store near me approved overtime last week since it got so awful. Isn't that smart? Cut regular hours to pay ot later? Smart. Really smart.
A store near me approved overtime last week since it got so awful. Isn't that smart? Cut regular hours to pay ot later? Smart. Really smart.
Oooo. OT !!! I want me some. We are NOT allowed a minute.
And I see nothing has changed. Target roles out a new plan, that in a perfect world sounds good. Then drops the ball on part of it and then never gives the proper payroll for the new system to work and everything crashes. Nice to see somethings never change.
Does that mean that Target has done something this stupid before and eventually backed off when it failed spectacularly? That'd be a nice bit of hope, that Target has reversed course before (and may do so again).
My store has been finally coming clean on truck for the last 7 weeks every single day. Would anyone care to know the secret on the big change?

A) Cracking the whip and making these lazy TMs push truck faster in their 4.5hour shifts that they also need to be doing zoning, reshop, manuals, fast service, cart party and a myriad of other duties.
B) Getting additional payroll so we can actually have DBOs in every department every day and understand that certain areas require longer shifts because 4 hours or 5 hours does not cut it?

Yea, took a lot of back and forth with DTL but they finally gave the store a bit more payroll so now we can get truck done for once 🙄
My store has been finally coming clean on truck for the last 7 weeks every single day. Would anyone care to know the secret on the big change?

A) Cracking the whip and making these lazy TMs push truck faster in their 4.5hour shifts that they also need to be doing zoning, reshop, manuals, fast service, cart party and a myriad of other duties.
B) Getting additional payroll so we can actually have DBOs in every department every day and understand that certain areas require longer shifts because 4 hours or 5 hours does not cut it?

Yea, took a lot of back and forth with DTL but they finally gave the store a bit more payroll so now we can get truck done for once 🙄
Most targets SD would say C cut hours. Slow down to go faster lol.
Does that mean that Target has done something this stupid before and eventually backed off when it failed spectacularly? That'd be a nice bit of hope, that Target has reversed course before (and may do so again).

Oh yes on a few occasion. One was disastrous new logistics roll out that sent the stores into chaos for most of an entire summer, it took them a couple months to admit it was a disaster and then a couple months to reverse all the changes. In my years I saw many crazy changes and the reversals or changes that would then changed back a few years later like it was new idea. Their was a time they tried to locate all the fixtures with backroom locations and they would be pulled by the POG team. that one lasted a week, or the time they made everybody wear head phones connected to walkies that lasted a couple months. and for at least 15 years they have made changes based on the freight coming in next day only and pre-sorted by aisles which of course never happened. Mostly they role out things and then cut hours and the thing crashes and burns. Seems like this is just another example.
We're getting to that state, only just barely above that 1k mark.

Are you running through newbies a lot too? I don't think I've seen more than about 6-7 faces lately that aren't new, among the floor TMs

On inbound, they can't find anyone to replace the ones who have left. As for the floor, a few from time to time pop in and seem to leave as fast as they showed up. I couldn't begin to tell you the numbers I've seen. It isn't good at all.
Reading through these threads and from my own observations in my store, I see a lot of Team Members and Leadership who have taken it upon themselves to set time standards and work results they think are achievable.

If you do not have the written corporate approved time standards along with the corresponding work instructions on how to achieve such, don't apply what you think it should be or how it should be done, and how long it should take.

Do not do someone's job for a couple of shifts and then hold them accountable to the time schedule you managed to keep.

Unless your an engineer working for Target Corp. who is licensed to do such things, don't do it. Most important, don't get caught up in leadership's inability to manage it's own affairs.

It is unethical, unfair, and can be considered a form of discriminatory practice against your team members. You can get yourself into a lot of trouble and I will guarantee you that no one in Target Leadership will stand by you if a complaint is filed outside the company or a civil action is filed.

Don't believe me, find a labor relations attorney in you area and present them with this post and ask for an opinion. I did.
I was told we were going to be super selective when hiring to make sure that anyone new would be the type of high-performer that could achieve the desired results. I'm not really sure how that's working. No one hired since April has lasted longer than a month before they just stop showing up.

Wow, that's bad.
Wow, that's bad.

It's actually amusing to watch. Low hours in Q1 and Q2 caused about half of the people who were supposed to be the DBOs to quit. They've been trying to hire to replace them. But, the new hires are all basically kids who had no idea what they were signing up for, so they nope out quickly. That means that the store is now having to give crazy hours to the B team (those TMs who were previously not considered DBO material and were lucky to get 10 hours a week because they're slow and suck). I mean, they refused to give the chosen vets over 30 hours for months so now they have to give the B team more than that. Shit obviously isn't getting done. It's so bad we recently had a completely surprise visit from the DTL and all our BPs at 8am on a Saturday. It did not go well at all. It looked like the DTL could shoot lightning bolts out of her eyes at any second she was so pissed off at the state of the backroom.

So, it's bad. Really bad. But, the remaining vets and I have fun joking/bitching about it. There may or may not be a secret betting pool for when our SD (who I actually really like) gets fired.
So, it's bad. Really bad. But, the remaining vets and I have fun joking/bitching about it. There may or may not be a secret betting pool for when our SD (who I actually really like) gets fired.

We already lost our SD, though whether they were fired or just left, I have no idea.

I hope you're making it through this relatively unscathed

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