4th quarter nation wide modernization

Is modernization working for your store?

  • Yes

    Votes: 27 23.3%
  • No

    Votes: 36 31.0%
  • Heck no

    Votes: 53 45.7%

  • Total voters
Aug 18, 2018
Well here we are folks. Those of you that were a pilot store last year know what a scrambled mess this idea is. Eliminating overnight and back room/POG teams has proven to fail ESPECIALLY during 4th quarter where the freight and pulls are unforgiving. Let’s share how everyone’s experiences are now that modernization is in full effect and let us document Cornell’s ignorance and eventual collapse of the company we use to love. (Feel free to post pictures, do calculations of sales loses and bring up any other flaws with this process) the other form was getting redundant. Let’s start fresh now that we are all apparently “on board”
*I* will be ok. I just need the hours.

Rest of the store? Probably not, but will muddle through.

Most of the people are so new to the store and/or to the role, they have no idea what's coming. or they just don't give a fuck, and will ride it out.

I think I feel the *most* sorry for SFS. They have to deal with all the mess - everywhere (except my area) - everyday.

: knocks wood :
Well here we are folks. Those of you that were a pilot store last year know what a scrambled mess this idea is. Eliminating overnight and back room/POG teams has proven to fail ESPECIALLY during 4th quarter where the freight and pulls are unforgiving. Let’s share how everyone’s experiences are now that modernization is in full effect and let us document Cornell’s ignorance and eventual collapse of the company we use to love. (Feel free to post pictures, do calculations of sales loses and bring up any other flaws with this process) the other form was getting redundant. Let’s start fresh now that we are all apparently “on board”
The pog team is NOT eliminated.
I am a "style consultant" gag me. I own shoes and I have no problem, other than, for me, I work more hours than I want to. We recently fired another consultant, and another decided to go back to school. Myself and 1 other consultant does everything in their area. No one else does. None of them work with any urgency and they won't be given hours until they do. Consequently, the 2 style tls try to do it. It's not working. A couple of the seasonals seem to have their shit together but are new and don't really own an area. Softlines has been modernized a lot longer than hardlines, in my store. We don't have our shit together and hardlines is worse. They have been activating pricing for weeks. I feel the gm tls are not holding their tms accountable. It is getting better as a few slugs saw the writing on the wall and left. I know my SD is on it and won't let our store fail so I have hope. Personally I want less hours but I do what I have to do to get it done and get the hours to do it. I am not a slug, lol.
Most of ours quit. Down to one person.
You can have a pog team it just wont be labeled as such. We did something of that nature when good and gather was being set the same week as home. We had over 500 hours worth of pog for the month.
*I* will be ok. I just need the hours.

Rest of the store? Probably not, but will muddle through.

Most of the people are so new to the store and/or to the role, they have no idea what's coming. or they just don't give a fuck, and will ride it out.

I think I feel the *most* sorry for SFS. They have to deal with all the mess - everywhere (except my area) - everyday.

: knocks wood :
Flex worker here... I'm already exhausted and I'm about to lose it. Softlines is a hot mess. Boxes stacked 8ft high, 3 boxes deep.....the bottom, back boxes delivered 7 days ago. I have to dig through this shit every freaking day. Nothing is on the floor. I have to check 3 different stock rooms with an RFID if not on the floor. I have no energy left for my family when I get home. And this is just the beginning..... I'm so worried about when it gets busier.
Flex worker here... I'm already exhausted and I'm about to lose it. Softlines is a hot mess. Boxes stacked 8ft high, 3 boxes deep.....the bottom, back boxes delivered 7 days ago. I have to dig through this shit every freaking day. Nothing is on the floor. I have to check 3 different stock rooms with an RFID if not on the floor. I have no energy left for my family when I get home. And this is just the beginning..... I'm so worried about when it gets busier.

Ditto.. And they don't give a fuck.. Just don't INF it.. Style will help you find it." Style team, "We don't have time to help you or that isn't my area and so and so will be in three hours, you will have to wait until then." Me? Smash INF button..
Honestly modernization helped our store, some people were fired because it showed how much they were slacking and not doing their jobs, and alot of people quit because they didnt like the new way of things and/or because they knew they were about to be fired. It took alittle time for people adjust to the changes but they have and everything has run smoother and more efficiently.
Ditto.. And they don't give a fuck.. Just don't INF it.. Style will help you find it." Style team, "We don't have time to help you or that isn't my area and so and so will be in three hours, you will have to wait until then." Me? Smash INF button..
My ETL actually made me dig some pants out of salvage the other day. And they want me to pick 65 an hour. WTF?!!!! Lately, the bosses have been picking occasionally - I hope they see how miserable our job is. I bet they just hit that INF without putting much effort because they're the boss.
In bound and 4 to 6 food & beverage team members are all going overnight.

We are allowed to start at 10 pm or midnight or 4 am or 6 am. It starts November 10th thru the end of the year. Only 1 other store in my district is allowed to go over nights.

Trying to get the FDC truck to come in 3 hours earlier at 4 am if that happens I’ll start at 4am.
We're doing OK. We have an ETL-GM who has been here for over a decade. She knows her shit. Our PP1 GMTL has worked at Target for over 25 years. Our PP2 GMTL has been here for 5 years. Our Style TL has also been here for a decade.

We're just lucky in that we have experienced leadership who know how to get things done. Modernization has been a struggle, but they've got it mostly working now. My INF% for OPU this week is under 2%. That doesn't happen without the rest of the store being in good shape. There's still a lot of work to do, but we've managed to find good DBOs for almost every area of the store.

That said, I'm nervous as fuck for Q4. My fulfillment work center is a mess. I might be under 2% for the week, but the store as a whole is over 5%. How does that even fucking happen? I don't know.
We're doing OK. We have an ETL-GM who has been here for over a decade. She knows her shit. Our PP1 GMTL has worked at Target for over 25 years. Our PP2 GMTL has been here for 5 years. Our Style TL has also been here for a decade.

We're just lucky in that we have experienced leadership who know how to get things done. Modernization has been a struggle, but they've got it mostly working now. My INF% for OPU this week is under 2%. That doesn't happen without the rest of the store being in good shape. There's still a lot of work to do, but we've managed to find good DBOs for almost every area of the store.

That said, I'm nervous as fuck for Q4. My fulfillment work center is a mess. I might be under 2% for the week, but the store as a whole is over 5%. How does that even fucking happen? I don't know.

I would kill for those numbers. %15 as a whole we jump for joy.. I think my personal best is hovering around %9.. It has dropped to that when we got the hour OPU times back. I can actually look for things now.. But even then that isn't a great number.
We're doing pretty good but would love extra support in the backroom during 4th quarter. Maybe a seasonal person in charge of multiple fill groups who pulls all the one for ones.
The pog team is NOT eliminated.

It is at my store. Planograms are set by DBO’s or “department heads” or whoever randomly is assigned the task. We have pogs from September that we’re never set or set improperly. If you still have a POG team consider your store lucky. Question is just for how long.
We're doing OK. We have an ETL-GM who has been here for over a decade. She knows her shit. Our PP1 GMTL has worked at Target for over 25 years. Our PP2 GMTL has been here for 5 years. Our Style TL has also been here for a decade.

We're just lucky in that we have experienced leadership who know how to get things done. Modernization has been a struggle, but they've got it mostly working now. My INF% for OPU this week is under 2%. That doesn't happen without the rest of the store being in good shape. There's still a lot of work to do, but we've managed to find good DBOs for almost every area of the store.

That said, I'm nervous as fuck for Q4. My fulfillment work center is a mess. I might be under 2% for the week, but the store as a whole is over 5%. How does that even fucking happen? I don't know.
I remember the days when we had low INFs. But as it stands now we won’t be able to sustain them for long. Doubles will start soon, we’re missing leadership in our store, they’ve started threatening coachings and write ups for missed pick on times and high INFs...this Q4 is going to be interesting.
265k for today Saturday October 26 that’s how busy we are.
Weekdays around 150 to 180 k
Saturday & Sunday around 220 to 290 k

We are very close to if not the same as those numbers and still didn’t get approved...

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