9 days in a row w/ no day off?

Nov 28, 2015
Is there any sort of policy on how many days in a row a TM can work without getting a day off? I'm working Sun-Sat this week, then my new schedule says I work the following Sun and Mon as well. I got the 7 days this week because I'm covering all the shifts of my TL, but next week is "back to normal." Just wondering if that breaks any sort of rules?
I don't believe there is an official policy on it but you can talk to HR or your etl about it
I'm not too sure about the dayside rules but, overnights actually have a 7 day law where your days off must be consecutive and that you must have 2 days off a week.
Two different payrolls how that happens, been done to me many times until I put my foot down and said "Oh Hell No!".

They never look at the old schedule when writing the new one.
Only if your state has such laws.

I myself have worked 10 straight days. Sun/Mon off, work Tues-next Thurs., then off Fri/Sat. I have also worked 6 days a week of 4-6 shifts. As long as you are not working 40 hours they can schedule you 7 days a week.
How did you get scheduled Sunday through Saturday with no day off? If they didn't ask your permission to do that, whoever does your schedule and does the final check through really doesn't do a good job.
There may be laws in your state, but it happened to me several times. In fact, my last *week* had me working 9 straight days, with one 12 hour day in the middle, and two clopens. It made me not miss Target as much as I thought I might.
I frequently work as many as 10 days in a row. I've done 12 days in a row as well, but that was voluntarily picking up a 6th day two weeks in a row.
How did you get scheduled Sunday through Saturday with no day off? If they didn't ask your permission to do that, whoever does your schedule and does the final check through really doesn't do a good job.

I did volunteer to cover the shifts of my TL this week, so this week wasn't a surprise, I just thought maybe someone would go "oh, hey, she's working 7 days this week, maybe she should get a day off after that." LOL, nope! It's all good, I'll take the money, I just didn't want to arrange the childcare and whatnot and have them say later "oh, sorry, can't do that, you have the days off." Thanks everyone!
It's not just Target. Home Depot did it to me more than once. 8hours a day, 8 days in a row. It should be illegal.
i think the law in my state is you cant be scheduled 7 days in a week , sun-sat . but i have ha 11 days in a row monday- sat +sunday-thursday .
Spot has done that to me too, just once so far though, I am still under my 90 days. Loong time ago I worked at a Fast food restaurant and I didn't have a day off for 3 weeks! I was young, out of school and didn't have kids so that was ok for me.
My understanding was that you could not work seven days straight from Sunday to Saturday in the same week but that if the amount of days was stretched across two weeks it was ok. So I could work Dec 7 (Monday) through to Dec 18 (Friday) for a total of 12 straight days but because it's broken by two work weeks it's ok. Sounds pretty weird but anyway... It is possible because the person scheduling is looking at each week individually that they do not realize they have made you work such a long stretch. Let them know if it bothers you.
I won't tell you how many days straight I worked, but I've yet to hear anything come back about it. Which leads me to believe it's not a state thing for us, nor a target thing. And it happens all the time with the two week spreads.
You'll get a nice big paycheck. That is, assuming you're working other days next week besides Sunday and Monday
I don't know why y'all are complaining. Pretty sure when you were hired you signed a contract in blood stating you are the property of Target Corp. and . . .

Wait, that didn't happen, you say? Could've fooled me! 😀
I'm pretty sure the contract they gave me said that I have to give them my first born son in the future. They didn't let me finish the paragraph. They just said, "Don't worry about that, it's just a joke we put in for Halloween."
Last year between 11/17 and 12/31....I worked 44 of 45 days. My only day off was Christmas Day...and that was ONLY because we were closed. I didn't complain because there were more than a few days that I willingly came in on days off to help teams get caught up...and a great many days that were 10-12+ hours.
Last year between 11/17 and 12/31....I worked 44 of 45 days. My only day off was Christmas Day...and that was ONLY because we were closed. I didn't complain because there were more than a few days that I willingly came in on days off to help teams get caught up...and a great many days that were 10-12+ hours.

Wow, that's commendable. I don't know how you did it. I would have been suffering some serious burnout from that.

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