Archived A new Dawn

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Oct 16, 2017
Hey everyone, long time no see. Dying sun is no more (forgot the password lol) and Shining Nova is born. I apologize for being away for so long. I went down a very dark path but I am happy to report that things have finally stabilized and I'm doing much better. And while I no longer work for target I still stand ready to help my fellow team members in any way I can. Plus I have almost a decade (no joke) worth of stories that I never got to tell before going dark. So, if you all will have me, I am back and better than ever 🙂
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Glad to have you back and to hear that things have gotten better for you.

Jump on in, the water is fine.
Glad you are hanging in there. Don't let life dictate you being you.
"If you will have me"
Like you have to ask 😀
Get yourself in here while I fix you an ice caramel macchiatto.
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