Archived AE 2012 - Team Leaders

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I've been holding back on visiting this sharepoint as I don't want it to be tracked back to me,

but how can Target justify removing TLs? What about GSTLs? Just having GSAs run the lanes all the time?

I am too scared to pull up share point too. Spot can track you down at the store.
I'll be honest, I have no clue what our "head count" is AFA ETL/TL/TM. What I DO know is that we are losing a pharmacist and the 2 that remain will be working approx 84 hrs/week :\ We will be gaining about 13 hours/week additional tech hours, though....
My HR says that my discovery of Sharepoint is just me using my tools. There is no login or password. It's free game as far as I'm concerned. Did you know there's a whole powerpoint about this site on there? 😉
My HR says that my discovery of Sharepoint is just me using my tools. There is no login or password. It's free game as far as I'm concerned. Did you know there's a whole powerpoint about this site on there? 😉

I don't work for Spot anymore so I definitely don't have access, but that doesn't surprise me.
I am thinking of doing it too. 2 other tl's did at my store, & kept most of their pay.

I am not surprised that the team lead position is being eliminated eventually. After all, I was nothing more than a team member my last few years as a team lead. Stepping down wasn't much of a change. I still work my butt off, but don't have to write reviews, leadership statuses, contribution reports, etc.

It is hard to believe that over the past three years all of the team leader modules, training, meetings were just a waste of time. Just think of all of the expenses the company could have saved if they would have eliminated team leads years ago.

My only question is...who are they going to blame now? Turnover at the ETL/STL/DTL levels is going to skyrocket.
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I am not surprised that the team lead position is being eliminated eventually. After all, I was nothing more than a team member my last few years as a team lead. Stepping down wasn't much of a change. I still work my butt off, but don't have to write reviews, leadership statuses, contribution reports, etc.

It is hard to believe that over the past three years all of the team leader modules, training, meetings were just a waste of time. Just think of all of the expenses the company could have saved if they would have eliminated team leads years ago.

My only question is...who are they going to blame now? Turnover at the ETL/STL/DTL levels is going to skyrocket.

Who are they going to blame?


Wait, so this getting rid of Team Leads is happening across all stores and not just the lower volume stores?

Is this rolling out this year?
if you look through ae12, it outlines things happening in march. but if you read it carefully, they are requiring all tl to input their "career history, educational background, languages, and preferred positions" into a program for a type of online resume that has to be updated. then there are two more phases to the plan to be rolled out over the next 2 years dealing with alignment and career succession planning.
so my guess...
Step 1. (2012) we enter the stuff into the "brain".
Step 2. (2013) we get termed based on the "brain".
Step 3. (2014) profit.
It makes sense as to why they're changing requirements for team leads to have a degree now. They're going after people they can promote to ETL, not promote then demote after a year or two.
It makes sense as to why they're changing requirements for team leads to have a degree now. They're going after people they can promote to ETL, not promote then demote after a year or two.

ETLs? That is also a dying bread. I would love to watch Target self destruct without Team Leads. I mean the company has pretty much been in a complete tail spin the last few years so this would just ad to it. If I wanted to save money I would get rid of all the worthless "buisiness partners" at all levels and get rid of 3/4 of the DTLs they are also pretty worthless anymore.
So this Sharepoint thing, is is or

It takes you to a search portal, and although some of the search results aren't particularly relevant anymore (3 years old, etc) if you dig long enough you can find anything you want.
Why in the world would you go and do such a ****ing stupid thing as going to your HR about sharepoint? That is the damn reason right there that most people do not need to know about it.
Why in the world would you go and do such a ****ing stupid thing as going to your HR about sharepoint? That is the damn reason right there that most people do not need to know about it.
Well, you caught me. Running to my HR with whom I have no rapport or mutual professional amnity. That's it, I've outed us all! Get ready for the fallout.

Get real. This was years ago, and nobody cares! Sharepoint is referenced on numerous training materials, it's not password protected, and the information is confidential at most. Take off the tinfoil hat.
FYI: while it is not password protected, it does log what computer you use. Don't do anything dumb, and you'll be fine.
ETLs? That is also a dying bread. I would love to watch Target self destruct without Team Leads. I mean the company has pretty much been in a complete tail spin the last few years so this would just ad to it. If I wanted to save money I would get rid of all the worthless "buisiness partners" at all levels and get rid of 3/4 of the DTLs they are also pretty worthless anymore.

Agreed. However, the company has to have some positions where they can attract college graduates & "outside" executives.

I know I can be really cynical at times, but I DO want the company to succeed. I just wish they had people in corporate management who had some ethics and integrity.
I guess I could see them cutting TL's (even though I think that's a horrible idea) but I don't see how they could run a business with no management but an STL.
Agreed. However, the company has to have some positions where they can attract college graduates & "outside" executives.

I know I can be really cynical at times, but I DO want the company to succeed. I just wish they had people in corporate management who had some ethics and integrity.

I wish they would get it together. It feels like we are on a sinking ship and the only ideas anyone at Corporate has is cut payroll and open stores. Remember when we used have service and cheap chic products that drove buisiness? Before we started down this path of becoming a more expensive version of Walmart. I wonder if this is what it was like at Kmart or Circuit City before things really went south.
its funny - i still have the Starck folding chair that Target sold maybe almost a decade ago. It was only $20 - totally affordable and awesome. Classically designed. That was what made Target awesome. They won't sell something that cool for that cheap again.
I think the focus is more on opening stores in Canada - I think it's a waste of resources. I really wonder if the strategy will be the same in those stores as far as executives, and team leaders and such. I wonder about the pricing strategy since the tax structure is different from the USA.
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