Archived AE 2016? Rumors and Predictions.

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I have heard there are almost no changes to headcount/org charts. I have heard there is a complete restructure of TONS of other things rolling out though. The entire review system is going away (scoring breakdowns, AE etc). There will be a new store scoring system in place that uses actual metrics instead of survey scores (so cashier speed is on your review, not checkout is fast survey).
I have heard there are almost no changes to headcount/org charts. I have heard there is a complete restructure of TONS of other things rolling out though. The entire review system is going away (scoring breakdowns, AE etc). There will be a new store scoring system in place that uses actual metrics instead of survey scores (so cashier speed is on your review, not checkout is fast survey).
Any specifics on the restructures you mention?
I've also been told by tls that there's no point in writing their reviews because the score is already determined for them by metrics and there's nothing they can do to improve the score if the store sucks (like mine).
My tl is pretty sure she's not getting a raise this year...but the max she can make went up...yay.
All my stl said was that there were a lot of changes, but that things would be more streamlined. A meeting to review hasn't been set yet.
I am curious to see what they will be doing with redcards. I haven't been able to see the new goals in workbench yet.
My store hasn't spoken to us about the new changes. Anyone know any specific ones?
The official AE guide will be available for viewing on in February 3rd.
I heard there is really no major changes coming the structure of the org charts, just a few minor ones. I don't know how "minor" that minor entails.
Also, there is big changes coming on the review portion, instead of generic statements, there will be a real metric, such as "speed score or caf timeliness". There is an attempt to streamline the work centers, by rating them on overall store performance instead of just departmental.
Also, there is big changes coming on the review portion, instead of generic statements, there will be a real metric, such as "speed score or caf timeliness". There is an attempt to streamline the work centers, by rating them on overall store performance instead of just departmental.
Well fuck, I hope they've figured out how to break down SFS metrics by TM. Because I'm screwed if my review is based on our store-wide Flexible Fulfillment scores. I can't help it if the other TMs don't give a crap about anything and our TL is disinterested in coaching them.
It may not be that they don't care. It's that they have no control over it. No way to impact it. No involvement in the decision to screw over the long timers. They can't do anything for us. We will make close to the new hires and that's that. It has happened to me for 20 years with target. As early as 1995 when starting pay went from 3.35 an hour to 4.25. Yep that's right folks, I'm old. Lol

They can give an across the board increase if they really wanted to. So in essence, they can, but choose not to.
Whelp. I am screwed.

TL scores are determined in October. Your self review has almost no impact on what score you get. The only time I ever heard of a TL getting their score changed was when a new STL came into the building after the scores had been determined and a specific TL made a case for himself with lots and lots of scores to back it up. Then the STL had to goto bat for that TL to get the score changed. TL scores are also based on how the TL's around you are doing. The store is given a budget on how much they can spend on raises. All the ETL's get together and "vote" on the TL's making a best to worst list. Then if the store has the budget to give out 2 EX's the top two will get an EX and the next person falls into the E category no matter what accomplishments they may have done in the prior year. Again this all happens around October. The self reviews are essentially pointless. The part that really sucks is for example if all front end metrics suck but Logistics metrics are green across the board your store can still get a low enough AE score that you aren't budgeted the ability to give any EX scores to TL's. Essentially you can be a logistics TL number 1 in your district but because other parts of the store are terrible you don't get a raise. Makes a lot of sense right.
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TL scores are determined in October. Your self review has almost no impact on what score you get. The only time I ever heard of a TL getting their score changed was when a new STL came into the building after the scores had been determined and a specific TL made a case for himself with lots and lots of scores to back it up. Then the STL had to goto bat for that TL to get the score changed. TL scores are also based on how the TL's around you are doing. The store is given a budget on how much they can spend on raises. All the ETL's get together and "vote" on the TL's making a best to worst list. Then if the store has the budget to give out 2 EX's the top two will get an EX and the next person falls into the E category no matter what accomplishments they may have done in the prior year. Again this all happens around October. The self reviews are essentially pointless. The part that really sucks is for example if all front end metrics suck but Logistics metrics are green across the board your store can still get a low enough AE score that you are budgeted the ability to give any EX scores to TL's. Essentially you can be a logistics TL number 1 in your district but because other parts of the store are terrible you don't get a raise. Makes a lot of sense right.

Yes and no. When ETLs get together in that manner it is to discuss PCCI scores. This is done so nobody is caught off guard by their score in their final review session. However, most of a TL's score is based on the AE scoring, so depending on how your store did determines the maximum review score someone may receive. If your store gets 78 points then the maximum is an 88 as an example. None of this will matter soon though 🙂
Yes and no. When ETLs get together in that manner it is to discuss PCCI scores. This is done so nobody is caught off guard by their score in their final review session. However, most of a TL's score is based on the AE scoring, so depending on how your store did determines the maximum review score someone may receive. If your store gets 78 points then the maximum is an 88 as an example. None of this will matter soon though 🙂

Is that in a good way or a bad way?
They can give an across the board increase if they really wanted to. So in essence, they can, but choose not to.

Sure, hq could do that. But not your store. My answer was specific about the leadership in the building. My answer was to a comment that ANATHEMA made that no one in their store cares. I wasn't talking to you RhettB.
It would have to be approved by higher up.
Don't be pissed at your store about pay. Your store has no control over those decisions. Direct your frustration to hq where it belongs.
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No the store cannot do that. It would have to be approved by higher up. And my statement was about our stores leadership.
Don't be pissed at your store about pay. Your store has no control over those decisions.

Not pissed at all. So lose that observation.

I never said it was a store level decision either. Increases above minimum wage, like competitive wages ones, come from district level.
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Yes and no. When ETLs get together in that manner it is to discuss PCCI scores. This is done so nobody is caught off guard by their score in their final review session. However, most of a TL's score is based on the AE scoring, so depending on how your store did determines the maximum review score someone may receive. If your store gets 78 points then the maximum is an 88 as an example. None of this will matter soon though 🙂
Hopefully they are moving in a positive direction with regards to this. I can't tell you how many hard working TL's I saw leave the company because of this messed up way of grading performance. In 2014 I got EX(82-84) on all of my PCCI check ins then was give a 79 ultimately making the hard work the entire year pointless. HR told me they didn't have the money to put me at an EX, one of the many reasons I'm no longer with the company.
TL scores are determined in October. Your self review has almost no impact on what score you get. The only time I ever heard of a TL getting their score changed was when a new STL came into the building after the scores had been determined and a specific TL made a case for himself with lots and lots of scores to back it up. Then the STL had to goto bat for that TL to get the score changed. TL scores are also based on how the TL's around you are doing. The store is given a budget on how much they can spend on raises. All the ETL's get together and "vote" on the TL's making a best to worst list. Then if the store has the budget to give out 2 EX's the top two will get an EX and the next person falls into the E category no matter what accomplishments they may have done in the prior year. Again this all happens around October. The self reviews are essentially pointless. The part that really sucks is for example if all front end metrics suck but Logistics metrics are green across the board your store can still get a low enough AE score that you aren't budgeted the ability to give any EX scores to TL's. Essentially you can be a logistics TL number 1 in your district but because other parts of the store are terrible you don't get a raise. Makes a lot of sense right.

And by list, there is an actual list (ASANTS). My ETL accidentally left it lying around in our office last fall. Had every TL's name written down the left column, and the ETL's names written across the top row. Every column had the numbers 1-14 written down (we have 14 TLs), and then the last column was an "average" column.
Not pissed at all. So lose that observation.

I never said it was a store level decision either. Increases above minimum wage, like competitive wages ones, come from district level.
Go back and Reread. I was not talking to you. In fact I quoted the person I was responding to.
Had my AE meeting! Going down to a B volume, going to a 6am process vs 4am, losing my GE and two sales floor team leaders! Glad to be moving to CTL in three weeks!
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