MasterofLog it sounds like you have relevant experience and energy, do you prefer experienced employees that might want compensation or simply use new hires?
EXPERIENCED WORKERS, by and large. I have a very ELDER FLOW team. Most have been there for years. Years before I got there, and those who have been there a good while with me. Keeping them is an issue be it PAY, HOURS, and benefits. Those who need/want benefits have to come up with 30 hours per week or more to get them/keep them. Well that means you have to do more than just Flow. We get 4 trucks, so that is FOUR shifts of 4 hours each or 16 hours. So you need at least 14 more hours per week or more, at least right now, as nobody is staying past scheduled time without approval from two dead popes!
🙂 Some of my team do get more they will work ~ 20 hours as they work a fifth day for autofills. This is pretty much a set in stone group for the 3 off days. On SUN this group helps out the ad team to do ad put up, and then do the autofills. Others will do PC, CA, SF, some do HL, or POG depending on their needs. You need to be cut throat on that swap board! BUT you also have to be trained in other areas. A good deal of them can, but I have a few that just show no initiative to do anything more, so they get 12-16 hours and thats it.
Newbies on flow are well, just a slow down till they get trained. Training them PROPERLY is an added chess game to the chess game we already play, daily. Having GREAT TRAINERS is a MUST!! Trainers need to know the process inside, outside, upside down, and sideways! THere is a lot A LOT of info that newbies on flow get thrown, and to do it properly. It is also a HUGE PITA to hire them, train them, and keep them after you put in the time to train them. Most have NO CLUE what they are getting into when they get hired for FLOW. No matter how we explain it to them. Thye come for one shift and find out you are going to get dirty, sweaty, and have to work, actually work, and thats it! We never see them again. I guess they don't believe me when I tell them you will get dirty & sweaty. I've finally convinced our ETLHR to do some on the floor "eye opening" during unload in re FLOW newbies... So we will see next Q4 if it happens. We are unlikely to fill any vacancies that come up from now till then, and we didn't the past few years.
The other problem is: WORK ETHIC. This is a prominent issue storewide, company wide, and NATIONWIDE, in my opinion.I've posted in the past that those who may measure up to
TGT levels of work, are WAY BELOW MY personal levels of work. This is why I am in the position I am in versus others. I BUST MY BUTT! Always did when I started, still do! I BUST MY BUTT! Doesn't mater if the job has been TGT or other.. My JOB is #1, anything else is way down the list.
I would rather KEEP MY TM's!!!! This doesn't happen for other things beyond compensation.
I have serveral persons who are ROCK STARS! I wouldn't want to loose them, I would like to see them get more $$$. I also would like some of them to go to the next level in that they come a little closer to my level of work.Some I try to develop, even it is by dragging them kicking and screaming to that level. These TM's are crucial, and many can do a lot things on FLOW and other work centers. They have the potential to be TL's in the future if they wanted to.