Archived AE 2017

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Tangent kinda related to AE2017.. Do ETLs have the authority to remove FA to expand and remodel Starbucks? Or would that have to come from Corp/DTL?
I'm not sure there's such a thing as a "simple" remodel.
True, they're always so complicated, at least in my experience.
They call it a "refresh" instead of a remodel. My Starbucks was down for about 5 days when we got it.
Do you know if your "refresh" came from HQ orders or STL, DTL, *basically anywhere besides HQ*? Edit: just read SrTLAll's post 😀
Every Starbuck's gets one every 10 years I believe, it might be part of contract or whatever. My PMT told me about it, (We are getting one, hopefully it has Bagels or fuck it).
We're not getting bagels and we had the Starbucks remodel recently, so I suspect that none of the Target Starbucks are getting bagels. 🙁
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